Just Wanted To Be Loved

At The Park

"Mark, your my little brother. Do you love him?" She pulled me into a hug and no matter how much I tried she wouldn't let go.

"Yes. I'm in love with him and now he hates me. Kelly make him love me like I love him." I hugged her back and began to cry.

"I wish I could but I can try. Are you sure you love him, because you don't have to?"

I looked at her and stop crying just a little. "You hated Justin. And know you hate me because I'm gay. Please say that's not true."

"I never hated Justin and I will never hate you." I dropped the note and when I went to pick it up there was something writen on the back.

"M337 m3 47 7h3 p4rk n0w." Only me and him know what that said.

"What does that mean?"

"Can you keep a secret?" She nodded yes. "I have to go to the park. OK?" She nodded again. It was about noon so before I ran out the door I drank Kelly tea. I ran all the way there. I never nodiced how boring it is with out Max by my side. When I got there Max was sitting on one of the high slides. "Max, what do you want?" I yell useing the rest of the breathe I had. He looked over at me then slid down the slide. Before he was at the bottom he jump out and ran over to me. "What do you want Max?" I said as kindly as I could.

He smile. "I love you." He was so close to me has he said that his lips brushed mine. I lean a little closer and he kissed me. I pushed him away (not in the mean way).

"Can we go to your house please?"

"Yeah sure."