Just Wanted To Be Loved

My M O T H E R

When I came down stairs I trip over my mother. Max caught me before I hit the ground.

"Are you OK?" He said as he was lifting me up.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said looking at him.

"Maybe we should do some about her." He said looking at my mother and then at me.

"We could, we should. but we wont." I started to walk. He put his around me to stop me.

"We can't just leave her here like this. What if some one walks in and sees her here drunk? You will be taken away." He said with his arm still around me.

I looked at her then at Max. "I hope I get taken away."

He turned to face me he put his hands a my waist and said "I don't..........I mean I won't be able to hang out with you and I won't be able to get you a girlfriend," he doesn't know I'm gay yet I have wanted to tell him but every time I try to it doesn't come out, "and people will miss you and-"


"Thank you now lets move here to the couch."

We picked her up and put her on the couch."Well are you happy now?"

He smiled. "Very much."We walked down the street and he push me a little and said "Can thank you for doing this."

"Your welcome." I said with a smile.