Status: Hiatus

Shadow Dreams

Twelve Years Later...


"Hey, Dani! Earth to Dani! Girlie, I'm trying to talk to you!"

Carmen's lightly accented voice finally broke through my conscience. "Oh. Sorry," I stated lamely, blinking her pretty Mexican face into view.

"Sure you are, chica," she stated with a teasing grin. "But its cool. I could tell you were absolutely enthralled with my story about Zack and Denny."

I rolled my eyes at her obvious sarcasm, letting out a deep sigh.

"But you still haven't answered my question."

"What question?"

It was Carmen's turn to roll her eyes. "You're so hopeless!" she stated, throwing her hands up in mock exasperation.

"Just repeat the question," I grumbled.

Carmen smirked but repeated it, despite my moody disposition. "I said, who are you going to the dance with?"

I scowled. She knew I hated even the thought of dances. Or she should know. I'd been friends with Carmen Martinez since kindergarten. And even though I'd ended up moving after my mom died, we'd both wound up in St. Andrew's. I'd wound up living with my grandma shortly after the accident; my dad never bothered to come home. A few years later, when grandma had passed away due to a heart-attack, I moved in with aunt Kathie. "You know I hate dances, Carma. Especially when they have these boys there." I loathed my school. The uniforms, I could live with. But people were always so nasty to one another, even if they didn't know each other.

Carmen's rich laughter showered over me. I couldn't help but smile. "Ohh, chica, you crack me up. A little bit of teasing and you get all defensive. Maybe you really do like someone here and you're wishing he would ask you."

I couldn't stop the red stain that was filling up my cheeks.

She faked a gasp and I rolled my eyes. "This is a real Breaking News story. Danielle Sanchez actually likes a boy! She is human after all!"

"Car, stop it!" I muttered through clenched teeth, turning redder by the second. We were in the middle of campus, eating our lunch on stone benches, next to a statue of Mary. "People are staring!" I hissed.

"Then I guess I should claim it to the world." My crazy, psychotic, dork of a best friend jumped up on the bench and actually started a proclamation. "Hear ye! Hear ye! Dani Sanchez actually likes a boy! That's right! A living, breathing boy!" I flushed as people laughed softly, shaking their heads at the beautiful, dorky, popular girl. Did I mention weird? I don't think so.

It was then that I tugged on her shirt. "Okay. You've had enough fun at my expense. You can get down now."

Carmen laughed, shook back her black hair, and stayed standing. "I don't think so," she stated, her dark brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Carmen, I think she's embarrassed enough."

My honey eyes flickered upward at the voice. I was staring at the most astonishingly attractive boy on campus, Zander Brookes. When my eyes glanced back at Carmen, I knew that she knew.

Carmen climbed down from her perch and flashed him a flirty smile. It wasn't to make me jealous. It was just Carmen and how she acted with guys. Most times, one look from her sends most guys stumbling. Her black hair falls around her waist in these perfect layers, skin the color of caramel, killer legs, and a curvaceous body I'm a bit jealous of. I don't like girls! So don't start assuming things. I'm just a good observer.

Carmen flipped her hair over her shoulder. I knew she was up to something. I closed my eyes briefly and then forced them open as she settled beside me and crossed her legs. "So, Zander, you going to the dance?"

My mind started screaming in protest. She was going to tell him I was free. She was going to have him ask me. My stomach coiled tightly in an uncomfortable way. This was why I kept crushes to myself. Carmen meant well, but I was too shy, and nothing compared to her. Don't take me wrong, I like my figure, and I think I look cute, but that's all I am. Carma gets called things like breath-taking and gorgeous. I've never even been called beautiful. I clued back into the conversation, just as Zander asked me a question.

"Are you going, Dani?"

I assumed he'd already given his answer. I scrambled around in my head and was glad when I formed a coherent thought. "Uhm, I don't know. Haven't decided for sure yet."

He flashed me that heart-stopping grin of his. "Well, I sure hope you decide soon, cause I'd love to see you there."

I watched in a dazed silence as he walked off. I nearly swooned. And then Carmen tackled me, squealing.

"Did you hear that? 'I hope you decide soon, cause I'd love to see you there,'" she mimicked giddily.

I felt like I was going to throw up. The real reason why I "hated" dances, was because aunt Kathie has always hated them and never allowed me to attend one. I was seventeen and had never been to a school dance. How in the world did I think Kathie would let me go? Two words: Secret Weapon.

Later, at my house, I was sitting in my room, waiting for the time when Carmen would be free from babysitting duty. She has a huge family. She complains about it a lot, but she's lucky. All I have is my aunt.

I was dressed in clothes that my aunt barely approved of. A pair of jeans and a tank-top. None of this Catholic stuff was my idea. Kathie was obsessed with it. As a matter of fact, I cringe every time I step into the gates of my school, and my entire body quakes when I'm in the church. My aunt makes me go. I have no choice but to follow.

My dad's family is originally from Mexico. My mother's family is English. You can imagine the fit they threw when my parents got married. My mom's mom, Grammie, was the only person to accept their love. Sad, but true. As a matter of fact, I was surprised when my aunt took me in, because she despises my dad so much.

At last, my bedroom door was pushed open. Carmen skipped into my room, wearing a smile and a red dress, carrying a duffel bag. Meet my secret weapon.

"Kathie said she doesn't mind if I spend the night," she stated as she tossed the bag onto the plush carpet that is my floor.

I grinned, nodding my head.

"What are you so happy about?" she asked as she threw her hair up into a ponytail.

I gave a light shrug. "Oh, just on the fact that someone owes me a favor because of what they did today."

Carmen looked puzzled. I could tell it took her a minute before she realized the "someone" I was referring to was her. She could act like such a blond sometimes. "Well, what can I do?" she asked.

That was the best thing about her. She never threw a fit when she knew the other person was right. "Do you think you could get Kathie to let me go?"

She didn't even ask to what. She sat down next to me with a shrug. "I don't know. But I can try." I appreciated her honesty.

I take lying as a very serious matter. "Great, thanks. She usually listens to you. I don't know why. I guess she doesn't like me all that much."

Carmen rolled her eyes. "You've got to be kidding. Why would you think something like that?"

I gave her a pathetic shrug.

" this because of your dad?"

I tried not to look at her. I didn't like talking about my dad. He'd abandoned me when I needed him the most. He had other kids now, a better life, a better wife. But I knew, without a doubt, that if anything happened to my aunt, I'd be shipped off to live with him. There was no one else. As much as Kathie and I argued, I'd rather stay here.

"Dani, your dad is none of your concern. What he did to your mom was bad. But now that's in the past and you no longer have to worry about it. Your only concern should be Zander and the here and now. Like what sort of dress you're going to wear to impress him.

"There is no way you'll get me into a dress like that!" I exclaimed skeptically. The dress Carmen was holding up was bright red with a halter-styled top that had a plunging neckline. The slit was so far up the side, you'd be able to see my thigh. It had jewels on the torso part and ruffles lined the slit. Aunt Kathie would have a cow if she saw that dress. I said this to Carmen.

Carmen snorted. "Are you serious? As if I'd let your aunt see you in this." She rolled her eyes, but hung the dress back up. I was relieved, not that I'd say that to her. She continued to shove through racks, looking for dresses for the both of us.

I meandered to the front of the store, looking around myself. I found the dress. It was definitely for me. It was a strapless, black, velvety dress with a purple sash and bow around the waist. The purple lined the top of the dress. It had a ruffle around the bottom as well, and fell just past my knees.

As I went to reach for the dress, I heard screaming in my head. I jumped, blinked, and then I was suddenly looking through someone else's eyes. I slapped a hand across my mouth as a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. Carmen nearly made me jerk away.

"Chill! Chica, nothing happened."

My heart thudded in my chest. I let out the breath I'd been holding and ran a hand through my hair. "Sorry. I found a dress." I stated and grabbed my size. It was the last five on the rack.

Carmen's eyes raked over my face and I knew I was pale. "Alright. Its way cute! Now I just need to convince Kathie and she doesn't need to see the dress. We'll get ready at my house. Then you can wow Zander."

I rolled my eyes. "As if. He was just being nice. Why would someone like him be interested in a girl like me?" I watched as Carmen opened and closed her mouth a few times. "Exactly.
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