Status: Hiatus

Shadow Dreams

The Dance; Reality Check


A few days later, I stood in front of Carmen’s mirror, a small smile on my face. My brown hair was up in a high ponytail, the spiral curls Carma had done for me hung down to the middle of my back. Three-inch black heels with a strap up the back of my heel, and a strap wrapped high around my ankle graced my feet. The make-up was light; eyeliner and some lavender eye shadow. The necklace I always wore, a heart pendant with a Cupid’s arrow through it, rested in the hollow of my neck. I couldn’t stop staring.

“See, Chickie, I told you you’d look hot.” Carmen flashed me a smile. “I don’t know how anyone will resist you.”

I gave her a hesitant smile and glanced back at the mirror. I couldn’t believe my aunt was letting me go. “Do I really look okay?” I knew my voice shook as I smoothed my hands down the dress; one of my nervous habits.

Carmen sighed and walked over to me in her own killer heels; stilettos, she had to be crazy. She was wearing the dress she’d first shown me when we’d been shopping, and she looked spectacular. “Dani, sweetie, you really need to get over this self-conscious thing. You are one hot mama!” That made me smile. “Now. We’re going to go downstairs, mom will take her pictures, then we’ll be at the dance, and we’ll make the boys go WOW.”

Well, Carmen definitely made the boys go wow. We laughed as several of them tripped over themselves with their eyes glued to her. We sipped on some punch as we watched the dance floor. I got a lot of compliments.

When I saw Zander, I nearly fell over. He looked really good. Black slacks and a button-up shirt made him look sharp. The blue stripes on the shirt brought out the blue in his ocean-colored eyes. But the thing that made my heart crawl into my throat was the gorgeous girl on his arm. I swallowed around the lump in my throat and quickly looked away. Carmen had gone off to dance with someone, so I was on my own. When I heard him say my name, I nearly died. I turned and looked at the two of them with a smile pasted on my face.

“Dani! Hi! You came.”

I could feel myself nod, but it felt surreal, like I was watching this happen from the outside. “Yeah, my aunt decided I could come.” Although I’m regretting it now, my mind whispered.

The girl cleared her throat awkwardly, nudging Zander.

He laughed, sounding embarrassed. “Oh! Sorry. Dani, this is my girlfriend Gabbi. Gab, this is Dani.”

I felt myself smile. I was an ace at faking them by now. “So nice to meet you.”

“You too!”

It sounded sincere enough. And now I just felt weird. My friend Denny rescued me. I could have kissed him, but I refrained.

“Hey Dani! Come dance with me. I’m lonely.” He said as he pouted and batted his eyes at me.

I rolled my eyes but laughed and nodded. “Nice meeting you, Gabbi.” I threw over my shoulder as Denny grabbed my hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor. When we were away from them, I sort of hunched my shoulders. “Thanks.” I said softly.

“For what?” He teased. When I shot him a look, he laughed a little and smiled. “No prob. You looked like you’d rather die than stay there.”

My eyes widened. “Was it that obvious?”

He shook his head. “No. Only to someone who’s known you forever.”

I relaxed and let out a sigh. “I should have expected this.” When he raised his eyebrows, I explained. “I should have known he had a girlfriend.” When he looked even more confused, I sighed. “I thought he liked me, Den. I should have known he didn’t. I mean, of course a gorgeous guy like him would be taken. And by a gorgeous girl like that.”

Denny rolled his eyes. “Girls are so hopeless.”

I blinked at him, confused. “Excuse me?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.

I frowned. “Oh no you don’t. Tell me.”

“Its just, you’re all the same. Even popular girls. Beautiful girls are the worst.”


“Dani!” He said sharply. I’d never seen him this serious before. “Girls like you, gorgeous girls-” When I shook my head in protest, he glared at me and I quit shaking my head. “Gorgeous girls, like you and Carmen, fall apart when the guy you dig doesn’t like you back. But who cares? There’s plenty of guys who would give you the time of day. So what if Zander has a girl? He’s playing you and you don’t even realize it.”

When he finally fell silent, all I could do was stare at him. When I could talk, I wasn’t sure what to say. “Oh. I wasn’t aware you felt that way.” Was what finally came out.

Denny laughed, falling back into his regular, laid-back self. “Sorry I went all serious on you. I just wanted you to know that.” He stated, gray eyes sparkling softly.

“Its fine. I just wasn’t expecting it is all.”

Denny frowned slightly. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

My eyes widened as I realized he’d taken offense to what I’d said. “Nothing.” When he looked skeptical, I shook my head and sighed. “I just never figured you were the serious type.”

He snorted, laughing. “Most people don’t expect that. Don’t you just love surprises?”

I laughed. “Ones like that? Definitely.”

The song ended and we broke apart. I was feeling much better now. I decided, then and there, that I wouldn’t let it bother me. My victory was short lived. My mind was suddenly thrown into an empty, endless, black abyss.

I was standing outside of a mirrored window. I was looking in on a man and woman. Somehow, I knew they wouldn’t be able to see me. When I glanced down at myself, I was wearing something that was unfamiliar. I was wearing a white shift that fell around my ankles, and covered the tops of my feet, which were bare.

The woman was wearing an elegant emerald gown with an endless amount of lace and ruffles. Her blond hair was piled on top of her head in a mass of complicated curls. Her blue eyes were wide with a child-like innocence. Her lips were painted ruby, and she clutched a green-and-gold fan in one ivory-colored hand.

When my eyes shifted to the man, I noticed he clutched a black bowl cap in both of his hands. His skin was the color of mocha, hair black as night, and eyes like two round pools of chocolate. His pants and vest were the color of ash done in a miniature checkerboard fashion, the shirt was stark white, the jacket black, and his tie was a navy blue. He had to be at least six feet tall. That made him a full head taller than the young woman.

I stopped staring at their clothes when I heard their conversation. Her voice was a high bell-like soprano; his a deep bass.

“Leland, you mustn’t stay here,” the young woman said hesitantly, “they’ll find you.”

The man leaned forward and held his hat in one hand. He reached for her pale hand and raised it to his mouth, laying a sweet kiss against her knuckles. “But Ade, you know I can’t stay away.” His words were accented, but they rose and fell in perfect harmony with his voice.

She watched him for a moment before her eyes dropped, long lashes laying against her cheeks as they filled with a soft pink.

That was when the large oak door, with golden handle (I just noticed it), flung open and a piercing scream filled the room. Two large white men had stomped into the room and were clutching the black man by his arms. The girl was crying now, beating at the men. When they started dragging him from the room, she chased after them, yelling, “What did he ever do to you?!”

One of the men turned around and gave her a cold glare. “He touched a white woman.” He stated flatly, like it should have been obvious.

The tears had left tracks down her sweet face as she held her head high and met his cold glare with one of her own. “And I allowed him to.”

A vein twitched in the side of the man’s neck. “They’ll be back for you. You’ve betrayed your people.”

A few moments later, she was in their clutches. She didn’t struggle. Time seemed to fly by, and then she was standing there with a noose around her neck, looking out across the townspeople. Her mother was sobbing loudly, clutched in her husband’s protective embrace. “My baby, my poor baby, she’s only seventeen. Only seventeen!” She screamed.

“Adelaide Renee Ballard, you stand tried on an account of treacherous acts and your sentence is death.” Her mother continued sobbing loudly. “Do you have any last words?”

Adelaide stood there for a long moment with her head held high. “One of these days, I will return and ill seek revenge. You will all be sorry.” Her voice had gone cold, no longer musical.

The floor dropped out form beneath her. The body of the woman swung back and forth, eyes wide and bulging. People left, and slowly, the scene faded.

When I came to, I was being shaken roughly by Denny. “Dani! Dani, hey, are you alright?”

I blinked up at him blankly and slowly sat up. My head spun and my vision swam for a moment, and then cleared. It was then that I realized people were staring. I licked my lips and then opened my mouth to talk. At first, nothing came out and I had to try again. “I’m fine.” I said at last.

“Alright, guys. You heard her!” I was relieved when I heard Carmen’s voice. She clapped sharply and people scattered. “Stop gawking!” When every other person except Denny, Carmen, Zander, and Gabbi remained, Carmen stared at Zander. “Well?” She asked sharply, her protective streak coming through.

“You’re sure you’re alright?” Zander asked me. At my nod he sighed. “Okay.” Carmen glared and he held up a hand. “I’m going now. Just checking up.” Then he was gone.

Carmen knelt next to me and hesitated before touching her fingers to my forehead. “You’re burning up! Denny, carry her to my car. I’m taking her home.”

Denny scooped me up and I didn’t protest like I normally would. That told Carma and Den how shaky I was. Most students were silent as I was being carried out. A few teachers asked about me and Carmen assured them that I would be alright. Denny eased me into the passenger seat at last, and buckled me in. He gave my hand a squeeze and then glanced up at Carmen. “Call me later and let me know if she’s really okay.”

Carmen nodded and started up the car. Everything was silent for a while. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Carmen questioned, concern radiating through her voice.

I nodded, then opened my mouth. “Yes, but Car, Kathie can’t see me like this.” I said hoarsely. She shot me a glare, not even bothering to hide her astonishment. “Carmen, you know how she’ll react. I’ll never be allowed out of the house again. No amount of pleading will change that. It will drive me crazy!” She shot me a look and I let out a sigh. “Look, Carma, if I promise to tell you, will you still let me crash at your house?” She hesitated but then nodded. I gave her a relieved grin.

“But you tell me everything.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Just so you know, when you see the italics, that means that she's seeing something in a different perspective. You can probably figure that out for yourself, I just thought I'd let you know. ^^

Hope you liked the update. <3

PS. I couldn't think of the real name of the offense when a black and white got together way back in the day. So I know that scene sounds a little lame. Sorry!!