Status: This is the edited version. I made many changes to this story.

A Summer Fling Turned Upside Down..


The story of high school is always one constant soap opera. It’s filled with never-ending drama, hate, deceit, regret, and love.
Little did I know, that my summer would be quite the same. Well, that particular summer didn’t have ALL those things, but love had something to do with it.
I met a boy.
I, Isabel Lucas, would have never thought I would say those four little words: I met a boy…
Well, I did.
His name was Jack and he was absolutely perfect in every way, shape and form.
We met at a bonfire. Just a simple bonfire; plus the booze and the entertainment.
He smiled and said hello. I melted and said hi. It took off from there.
I was so enthralled with his effortless beauty. His tousled brown hair would always get caught in the wind like it had no care in the world. Even when he laughed, it rang into the air like bells on Christmas. His smile was one of those smiles that could win an award all on its own. He was perfect.
Oh, god. Listen to me. I sound like a love-struck puppy..!
To cut matters short, Jack and I had a mutual liking to each other. After the bonfire, we continued to talk and see each other. I took him to a few of my favorite places, considering he was new to the California area. Of course, bliss can never last.
I should have known, really. The school year was about to begin and Jack had to go home. Wherever home was..
The pain didn’t hit hard; we had only just met. No big deal, right?
My senior year in high school started, and I had a sudden feeling of detachment. My friends thought I was going absolutely mental. He was still practically a complete stranger. He wasn’t my boyfriend. He wasn’t even really my friend. He was only my summer fling.
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I very much like this story, but it's not always as perfect as I would have it be. Who knows? I'm probably just over-thinking it all. Please tell me what you all think of the Prologue. Thanks.