We're Not Alone

Emma Part 2

“How about some of that ice cream I promised? Sound good?” I asked him and he nodded his head with excitement.

I smiled and walked into the kitchen as he turned the tv on to watch Spongebob. I got two bowls of ice cream, walked back to him and joined him on the couch. About an hour and a half went by and the door bell rang and I walked back to him, handing him his ice cream and then walking to the door.

I opened it to reveal a worried Julianne and Johnathan. “We heard what happened and we saw none o the Jonas’ were home so we thought we would come and see what you new…” Jules said really fast with concern.

“Julianne! Calm down” I ordered. “How’s Nick?” John asked.

“He’s…holding up…” I started to say as I let them inside and shut the door.

“Hey Frankie,” Julianne cooed.

“Hey Julianne,” he smiled.

“I’m watching Frankie for all of them so they can Emma’s mom get all the arrangements out of the way…she’s wants it done sooner than later…then she wants to leave with Emma’s sister and start new, somewhere else…” I explained.

“Before…it happened…did you…see her?” John asked, hesitantly.

“I did…and she’s not very happy”

“Did you tell Nick? Does he know?” Julianne asked with a lot of curiosity.

“I was in the process of telling him last night, after our date when we were hanging out here but…” I stopped as I saw Frankie was now listening. “Lets just say I got side tracked” I added and they both smiled and Julianne started giggling in excitement as Johnathan started to laugh.

“My man’s got it going on,” he cheered and I just rolled my eyes.

“But…then this happened and…”

I’ve been telling her she should tell Nick sooner and not later…but she’s not listening” Frankie said.

“Hey I have other things on my mind…like how you can see ghosts…”

“You can?!” they both exclaimed.

“Well not all…just kid ghosts…and sometimes I just hear them”

“Yea…and the whole thing with Joe and Kevin…”

“What whole thing with Joe and Kevin?” Joe’s voice rang out into the air as both Joe and Kevin walked in and I saw Kevin’s car parked outside.

“The whole thing about how neither of you told me about your ghost related moments!” I yelled at them and put my hands on my hips.

They seemed to have turned red and a felt a small tint of timidness coming from them. “It never came up,” Kevin said innocently.

“Don’t you think you should’ve told me?” I snapped.

“Hey, hey, hey…it’s done and over with…you said Emma isn’t very happy…can you tell us anything about that?” Johnathan intervened.

“I don’t know yet…when I saw her, I felt a little anger…she was also scared and confused…worried…where’s Nick right now?” I asked them.

“He’s at the park right now, he wanted us to let you know he would come by in a few minutes…Nick likes to have time to be alone sometimes…we were sent to check on you and Frankie,” Joe answered.

“I have to go see him…I think all Emma wants is to talk to her best friend before she leaves…and she wont leave his side until it’s done," I told them and I raced out.

I was getting nervous as I got closer to the park. I was going to tell him…I had to…how else would Emma cross over? He was now in view. I started walking quietly toward him as I saw him leaning on his knees with his elbows, his eyes were shut and his hands were clasped together…he was praying. I stood, frozen, in the distance, not wanting to interrupt. I saw Emma standing in front of him…she was smiling though and it almost seemed like she was about to cry. She turned to look at me…she vanished from in front of him and appeared to my side.

“I wasn’t angry with you…I was just angry…at Nick…we were supposed to hang out last night…but when I heard him talking about how much he liked you and he started to mention your date…that was when he remembered we were supposed to hang out…but I told him to go…to have a good time…you’re different…and he really likes that about you…”

“That’s why hes been blaming himself though…because if he hadn’t gone out with me last night…you both would have been safe at home…it’s really my fault…this would have never happened…”

“No it’s no one’s fault…I would’ve gotten Nick to go out with me yesterday, to go driving in the same area I was in yesterday…we both would’ve been in that accident in the high way…he may have been shot then, not me…and it would just be even worse…for everyone…I need you to tell him I don’t blame him…hes always been my big brother and I love him…and he really, really likes you…don’t mess it up” she joked lightly.

“I’ll let him know”

“And you’ll tell him…because Frankie’s right…Nick will be pretty mad and upset…but he’ll get over it…give it time”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” I sighed.

“I see it…it’s beautiful…I see my dad,” tears formed in her eyes.

“Go on,” I urged. She smiled at me and began walking away.

“Tell all the Jonas’ that I love them…and tell my mom and my sister we’ll see each other again,” she asked and I nodded. She disappeared and a small wind…I smiled as I felt relief wash over me.

“Melissa?” I looked up and saw Nick walking toward me. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Oh umm Joe and Kevin told me you were going to be here so I thought I’d see if you were okay…but I was going to leave because I saw you were busy so I’ll just…”

“No…please stay…I’d like the company,” he requested as he grabbed my hand.

I nodded and he led me to the swings. He gestured to the seat so I sat down. He got behind me, gripped onto the chains above my hands and began to push me.

“How are you?” I asked.

“I’m better…you know…I think I felt her with me…like right next to me…and I was talking to her…it was weird…”

“Yea…weird…hey Nick…umm I have something I need to tell you”

“What is it?” he asked.

“Umm there’s no delicate way to really say it I guess…I can…see ghosts…I talked to Emma seconds after you prayed to her…”

“I know you can talk to ghosts,” he said.

“You know?” I asked with so much shock in my voice, I stopped the swing immediately, got off and faced him.

“Yes I know…and I don’t care…” he whispered as he came closer so now only the swing was separating us. He kissed me hard and passionately…


“Melissa!” I heard a hiss in my ear and I shot my eyes open, seeing Joe and Kevin standing above me.

“What are you guys doing? Go away,” I mumbled, snuggling my head deeper into my pillow…which strangely smelt like an extremely good smell….

I opened my eyes and saw it wasn’t a pillow…it was Nick’s chest…and we were on the floor of my living room…with empty pizza boxes and the lights were dim. I looked at the clock and saw it was midnight…exactly. It…never happened…it was just a dream…all of it. I sat up slowly and blushed slightly.

“How was the date?” Kevin asked as they followed me into the kitchen.

“Crazy…but what are you guys doing here…?”

“We both…had a dream…about Emma dying…and you were trying to get her to cross over” Joe answered.

“We came over to see if you were okay,” Kevin added.

“Umm yea…yea I’m fine…I just…I had the same dream…you called Emma right? To make sure she was alright,” I asked them in a panic.

“Yea we called her…she’s not dead but she is moving with her mom and her sister…” Kevin said. “Wait…you look like you’re in a daze…what happened last night?” Joe asked.


“Nick…I have to tell you something…” I choked my words out. I felt the walls around me closing in and it was just me and him. “Right now?” he chuckled lightly and it made me smile…he didn’t move away from my face though.

“I think it would be best…” I started to say.

“Five more seconds…” he requested.

Then...his lips were on mine. It was…truly the most amazing kiss…I’ve never dreamt of a more perfect kiss.

We pulled away…but kept close. “So what was it that you wanted to say?” he questioned. I began to stutter and my mind became a total blank. “Umm…I…” I started to say but was interrupted by his cell phone. I sighed. “I’m sorry…” he apologized and I just forced a smile and nodded as I answered it.

“What is it Kevin?” he asked with an annoyed tone. I heard a mumbled response… “Okay…just tell mom I’ll be home soon,” he said and then hung up. “Everything okay?” I asked.

“Yea, everything’s fine. Mom was just curious about when I’d be back home”

“Oh. Well if you have to go then…”

“I don’t have to go this minute…it’s only 9:00, we still have time to watch a movie,” he said with a smile. “Sounds good,” I smiled back.

“What do you wanna watch?” he asked.

“What do you think I want to watch? And don’t be wrong,” I said as I stood up and walked over to my movie rack.

“You got that from John Tucker Must Die,” he laughed.

“I did! I love that movie…but you’re lucky,” I said as I pulled out a movie.

“Why’s that?”

“I love Transformers more,” I told him and put the DVD in.

“Keeping tabs on me?” he asked.

“No…I just did my homework,” I winked at him and hit play.

End Flashback

I remembered now. We started watching the movie…he pulled me closer to him…and I fell asleep. “How…did we all have the same dream?” I asked. But before they could even think of a response…

“Emma!” Nick yelled. We all raced to the living room and we saw shooting up in his spot, breathing heavily. “Nick, it’s okay! Calm down!” I instructed as I got to his side.

“Dude…you alright?” Joe asked.

“Nick?” Kevin added…but Nick just kept looking at me.

“I just…I don’t know…I’m sorry…I need some air…tell mom I’ll be home soon and I wont be long” he said and rushed out of the house. It was silent as we all starred at the door.

“What’s with him?” Joe asked and I spun around to face them.

“This cant be good,” I muttered.
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