We're Not Alone

Katrina Part 1

Four days. Four days since I moved to Wyckoff, new jersey. Four days since I met Julianne (I'm still not sure if I can consider her my friend yet, I don't want to get too attached just yet) Four days since I met the Jonas' and since I've felt this freakishly strong force with Nick...like I said before, I don want to get too attached yet...but I never said it was going to be easy.

Today is my first day of school. It's a Wednesday. I'm kind of nervous yet excited. I've always loved to try new things and new places...after a while I just got used to change.

I felt so much better when I found out I had most of my classes with Julianne...all except for chemistry and biology. It was still morning and Julianne and I had passes so we were aloud to b a couple minutes late to each class so at he moment we were at my new locker...which was right next to hers. Other kids were crowded in he hallways talking with friends...and I didn't feel like the "new kid" because I was talking to someone too. But it is just the beginning of the day....thank God for Julianne though. We were both talking and laughing as she told me about a few friends of hers...then I heard a laugh that couldn't be mistaken. I turned my head and saw Nick laughing with a few guys. He was here because the whole Jonas clan was just taking a small break and Nick wanted to see some friends while going to school just for a bit. During the four days of me being here, I've had my fair share of hanging out with the Jonas'. I feel welcomed when I'm with them. Joe, Kevin and Frankie are hilarious, sweet boys who r so much fun to be around. I can't help but feel like I’ve known them forever...

Nick looked over at me and as soon as he did, he smiled and seemed like he was no longer into the conversation that he was having with his friends...and it caused all of them to look over at us. Which then caused me to turn toward my locker again and blushed as Julianne was giggling uncontrollably.

"He fits in so well with them. They're all so gorgeous...especially Jonathan," she said in a weird way and I smirked as I felt her emotion.

She had a crush on him. Lucky for me, I've learned to not act on the emotion I'm feeling and I learned to act he way I would and not the way she would...if that makes sense. I remember Nick mentioning someone named Jonathan...I think they were best friends...possibly...I was kind of distracted...and it wasn't because of ghosts. I smirked at her and then looked back at the guys but my smirk dropped when I saw Nick said something to his friends, they all nodded and smiled with approval and he started walking over to us.

"Oh my gosh he's coming over here," Julianne squealed quietly. "Deep breath Julianne," I ordered quickly and she obeyed.

Then I felt the emotion of crushing on Jonathan go away and when I shut my locker Nick standing there with hisbeautiful smirk.

"Hello Julianne," he said polite I continued to stare at him in awe...but I realized she didn't respond.

So I looked at her and saw she was still holding in the breath I told her to inhale. "Julianne breath!" I exclaimed and she let it all out in a big sigh. Then she smiled. "Hi Nick," she said in her perky tone and I starred at her in disbelief and then laughed and Nick smiled a warm smiled showing some teeth.

Then he looked at me. "Hey there...ready for your first day?" he questioned. "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose," I said and he just continue to smile at me.

"You'll be fine...let me see your schedule," he said and I handed it to me.

As he looked it over, I took the time to look up and see a few kids (mostly girls) starring and whispering. None of them came up to him though...Julianne told me that the day before the teachers and principal told everyone that Nick doesn't want anyone treating him differently...I couldn't help but laugh.

He smiled. "Interesting," was all he said before handing it back to me. "What does that mean?" I asked with a laugh. "Nothing...can I walk you both to class?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to say a smart remark but Julianne was quicker. "Sure," she said happily.

I shut my mouth and just nodded. So we all started walking with Nick in the middle of us. As we walked, Nick received many "what's ups" flirty "heys" and a few "hey bros" that followed with some guy hand shakes that r only mastered if your a guy.

We got outside our first class and as Julianne walked in I spun around to say good bye to Nick. "Aren’t we going in?" he questioned with a smirk.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was at a loss for words as he walked right by me, taking my book bag with him so I would of course follow. I felt people starring and I felt a little light headed from all of the new peoples emotions that I stumbled slightly when I tried to rush to Nicks side. Before I made a huge fool of myself, Nick quickly helped me get my balance back and sat me down in a chair toward the back. He sat down in the chair right next to mine. The chairs were set up so it went two-by-twos. As soon as he was at my side, I felt the light headed-ness go down slightly.

"Are you alright?" he asked with all seriousness. I nodded with a smile.

I turned my head to my right and the next two desks in the other aisle over is where Julianne and Hailey sat down. Julianne looked at me and gave me a look. I wasn't sure what to say, I opened my mouth to speak as I shrugged but nothing came out. Then Mr. Lewis walked in, making a grand entrance  and a smart remark causing laughter from the class. I've herd Julianne talk about Mr. Lewis before. All the girls love him, all the guys get along with him and all parents adore and envy him...I have to admit...he was gorgeous.

"Look what we have here...mister Jonas..." he started and then looked at me. "And our new student...Melissa is it?" he questioned.

"Yes sir," I replied as I noticed Nick smiled at me.

"Well it's good to have you," he said warmly...I had a feeling I would like this class. "Now let's begin and inform miss Heart of what she's been missing," he said and class started.

I loved English, it was always my favorite subject. Learning about Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare and the way he wrote...and I’ve always loved writing...so I fit in just fine. Now it was even better with Mr. Lewis. He made he classroom more alive, making smart remarks, sarcastic comebacks, always having laughter fill the air...plus he gave all the girls a reason to pay attention for 50 minutes. Class was almost over and I laughed lightly as Mr. Lewis and another student were debating on something but my smile disappeared when I saw a woman standing outside the classroom starring in at Mr. Lewis. Think that's not weird?...well she's standing outside the window....and we're up on the second floor which is pretty high. Yea that's what I thought. She looked over at me so I saw what she looked like. She was a pretty gorgeous blond who was around her late twenties, early thirties and she had a few scratches on her face. As soon as she realized I could see her, she vanished from her spot. Why couldn't I sense her presence though? She was close enough for me to be able to sense her...but I didn't. Nick slid a piece of paper onto my desk, getting me to forget about the woman

Do u want to come to a concert on Friday?

I smiled.

Depends who the concert is for ;)

Well...u know I'm in a band

I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes at him.

I'd love to go

I passed it back over to him and he smiled at me so I smiled back. Then he bell rang and everyone stood. "Ill give u more details later but for now...can I walk you to global?" he asked. He already knew my schedule, I squealed internally.

"If u want to," I said and smirked. He smiled, showing some teeth as he grabbed my books before I could and we walked out of the classroom smiling.

We walked through the hallways as I he was telling me about  one of their YouTube videos that I never saw and I was laughing so hard that my stomach started hurting. I felt stares on us he whole time but I ignored them. Soon enough we got in front of my global classroom.

"I can take it from here, thanks," I smiled and took my books as I leaned up against the wall. "Aren't you going to be late?" I inquired.

"They give us six minutes to get to each class, so I figured two minutes to walk here, two minutes to enjoy each other company and then two minutes to get to class," he explained and I laughed.

Then I thought about his song 'six minutes' and I resisted myself from blushing. Then I looked behind him and saw the woman again as she starred at me with strong eyes. I couldn't feel her emotion but it was like I could see, through her eyes, that she didn't want to hurt anyone...but her eyes were still intense.

"He’s not safe...no one is," was all she said before vanishing again.

"You okay?" he asked, looking over his shoulder as well.

"Oh umm yea. I'm fine...people just keep starring," I said in a hushed tone and looked away.

"It's okay...don't mind them...I'll see you soon," he said and pulled me into a hug before walking away and I walked into class, seeing Julianne saving a seat next to her.

I smiled and walked over and sat beside her. She giggled...again...then asked what happened. Before I could respond, the teacher walked in and I quickly whispered, "I'll tell u later". Class began and I took the best notes as I possibly could and Julianne promised I could cop down her notes after school.

After global, Julianne and I walked to a dancing/singing class that we both had signed up for and I have to admit it was kind of fun being a normal teenager. After that class, we went to gym...once we changed, we got out into the gym...it was a co-Ed class...guess who was in it.

"You just can't keep away, can you," I joked as I walked over to Nick when Julianne found some friends.

"Hey I'm just a simple boy trying to live life," he shrugged.

"There's nothing simple about you rock star," I said and poked my finger at his chest and he laughed as I spun around and walked back to the girls.

All the gym teachers (there were four of them) got everyone to quiet down and then announced the fact that we were playing dodge ball. We were split up so we had two separate teams of boys and girls...Nick was on my team. He was walking over to me as the other girls were about to speak up but glared at me.

"Should I be expecting you to get out early in the game? Or do you want me to save you?" he questioned with a smirk.

"I can take care of myself thank you very much"

"Begin!" a coaches voice yelled and balls began to fly all of the place.

It was a piece of cake though, I listened to the voices. They told me which way to move, at what time, which direction a ball was going to come at me next...it may have been cheating but it was probably the only perk of seeing the dead.

Eventually, it was just me, Nick and Jonathan against five or six guys on the other team. The three of us kicked butt together and we won in the end. Jonathan and I high-fives each other and started to do a small victory dance and Nick joined in. We all laughed and then went out separate ways into the locker rooms. After gym, I walked to my journalism class. This one I didn't have anyone else, it was just me. It wasn't that bad though I guess. I already have my first assignment to do. Then finally it was lunch. I walked into one of the cafeterias, once I caught up with Julianne, and immediately my name was being called. We both turned and saw Nick waving me over as Jonathan was standing up with him, smiling in our direction.

"Come on," I said and I could tell she was resistant at first but then she followed me over to all of them. "Hey," Nick smiled at me and I smiled back.

"That was some kick ass playing in gym today," Jonathan commented as we bumped fists and I laughed lightly.

Then a few other guys gave their input and opinions. Nick introduced me, I introduced Julianne...they all invited us to sit down and we gladly accepted. I sat down next to Nick in the middle of the table as Jonathan gestured toward a seat next to him so Julianne could sit down in the seat right across from me ....and she did with a bright smile.

Nick and I began to talk to each other as Jonathan and Julianne had a conversation of their own. I noticed we were sitting kind of close and our talking was actually kind of intimate. But then I look up and I see this Barbie-like girl with blond hair and a skinny figure…and whole Barbie style. She had two girls behind her that could be Christy and Theresa (Barbie’s entourage).

“Umm excuse me, you’re kind of in my seats,” the Barbie head said, a little too nasty to my liking. “Hey Nicky,” she said flirtatiously toward Nick.

Apparently he’s…Ken?

“Hello Stacy,” Nick said, faking a smile. She glared back at me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” I tried to stay polite and I was about to get up but Nick put his hand on my arm so I stayed.

“Stacy, out of all of the other tables in this cafeteria and out of all of the other seats here, you have to kick Melissa out of hers? We were kind of talking,” he asked and I could tell he was doing his best to be nice.

She pouted and was about to protest but she just went to the other side of the rectangular table with her “posse”.

“You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve moved, I mean if she’s your girlfriend,” I mumbled. He laughed hard and I smiled out of amusement.

“No, Stacy isn’t my girlfriend, she’s just like every other girl in this school, she just wants me,” he said, cockily. This time it was my turn to laugh hard.

“I’m insulted, you know I do go to this school now”

“I guess I keep forgetting because you’re so different,” he said, cockiness gone.

I took the time to admire his eyes…they were so beautiful… We both cleared our throats at the same time and I blushed slightly…then we glanced at each other and started laughing. I sighed in relief, knowing it wouldn’t be awkward. I smiled at him but it disappeared when I looked behind him and saw the woman again, outside. She was starring at Mr. Lewis talk to a few other teachers.

“Umm I need to get some air,” I said and stood up quickly. Julianne looked at me and I gave her a look so she knew why. She nodded slowly

“I’ll come with you,” Nick said and stood up slowly. I opened my mouth slightly but I couldn’t find forming words.

“No, you cant!…you have to stay here…I have so many questions but I never actually had the nerve to ask them…are you ready?” Julianne said quickly and he nodded.

Then he reluctantly sat down. He didn’t want to stay but he did. I started to walk away. “Do you know how hard it is to get tickets for your concert?” I heard her exaggerate and Nick laughed.

I shook my head as I headed outside and I was on the side of the school, I walked a few feet so I wasn’t by any windows and I walked over to the woman as she had her eyes glued on Mr. Lewis.

“Can I help you?” I asked sincerely. She just ignored my question. “He’s so happy,” she sneered…but then her emotion changed to love.

“Who are you…how can I help you?”

“My name’s Katrina…and you cant…”

“You said he’s in trouble…who did you mean…Mr. Lewis? Nick?”

“Both…and you,” she said and I felt her beginning to fade.

“Wait! I don’t know what this means, why are you here, I know you’re not angry, why don’t you go into the light?”

“Because I cant…I have a job here…they were right…you are good at this”

“Who’s they?”

“All in due time child,” was all she said in a warm motherly tone and I felt her disappearing again. “Wait!” I begged but it was too late. She vanished…again.

I sighed and walked back inside, where I saw Stacy giggling in the seat next to Nick. I ignored it and just followed Mr. Lewis out of the cafeteria. “Mr. Lewis!” I called once we were in the hallway. He turned around with a beautiful smile plastered on his face.

“Ahh miss Heart, how are you? How is your first day going?” he asked. “I’m well and it’s going okay…I was wondering if I could talk to you…” I said and I could tell he knew it was important.

He smiled lightly and I followed him into his classroom. I shut the door and stayed in my spot as he walked over to his desk and sat on it. “I was wondering if the name Katrina meant anything,” I said right away. I felt his nervousness…his sadness…his agony.

“I’m guessing it rings a bell” I assumed.

“Just a little…”

“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have asked…it’s just that kids talk around here and I was just curious”

“It’s alright, I’ll tell you…she was loved by everyone…teachers, students…me…” he said as he picked up a picture that was on his desk. It was of Katrina.

I saw two other pictures on his desk, they were of him and Katrina. They seemed like they were so in love. She was definitely beautiful. “We were engaged…” his voice trailed off as he handed me the picture.

didn’t want to take it, but I did. It was like I was in Katrina’s place…I felt cold. “May I ask how she died?”

“It was winter…the snow was really bad and she lost control…his a lamp post…” his voice trailed off.

“How long ago was it?” I choked out.

“Not long…it was this past February…everyone here was devastated, we have a garden in the court yard that symbolizes her,” he explained

I felt light headed-ness as the room was spinning…I could feel how scared Katrina was…I could also feel her thinking about Mr. Lewis…how worried she was about him. My breathing became irregular but it wasn’t enough to be noticed by him…but I did stumble a little, gripping onto a desk to keep my balance.

“Melissa, are you alright? Do you need to go to the nurse?” he asked, jumping off the desk and coming over to me. “No, no I’m fine…thank you for telling me…and I really am sorry,” I said sincerely as I was trying to re-compose myself.

“It’s alright,” he said but his voice wasn’t into it. He was still concerned about my state of mind. The bell rang.

“I’m fine, really…I’ll see you in class tomorrow,” I said and rushed out before he could stop me as I began walking to my next class on the second floor.

Now I know how she died, who she was…but I still don’t know why she’s here. She has no reason whatsoever to stay here. She had an amazing life and she’s not angry with anyone. She can very well go into the light on her own…but she wont. I groaned internally. Why are ghosts so difficult sometimes?
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