We're Not Alone

Mandy Part 2

That couldn't be possible could it? The Mandy...the one that dated Joe, the one that inspired the song 'Mandy'...this couldn't be the same Mandy...but it's definitely possible. I didn't want to ask though...it wasn't my place to ask.

"I need you to talk to Joe for me, please," she begged.

"I can't do that...you need to cross over," I said and she glared at me before vanishing.

I got a really bad feeling in my stomach. I rushed back inside and to the side of the stage where I watched Joe talk into the microphone making the girls giggle uncontrollably. I looked up and saw one of the giant lights start to wiggle and I saw where it was aiming...Joe. It started to come loose.

"Joe look out!" I yelled as I ran and dove into him so we went sliding across the stage as the light came crashing down and smashed into pieces on the hard stage.

Gasps were heard and it was silent. "Melissa!" Nick yelled as Kevin yelled out Joe's name and they both rushed over to us.

Security was doing their best to keep the girls from running up on stage to all of us as Big Rob came running with Denise, Paul and Frankie. Joe and I exchanged looks and I sighed as I laid flat on my back.

"Oh my god, are you both alright?" Denise asked as Denise and Paul lifted Joe up so he was on his feet and both Nick and Kevin took my hands gently and helped me stand.

But as soon as they touched my hands, I felt weird...tingly...light headed. "Are you alright?" Joe asked me.

"Am I alright? You’re the one that almost got crushed" I said with a light laugh.

"You both had me so scared," Denise said as she hugged us both. "Thank god you’re alright though"

"Thank you," Joe said sincerely.

"Not a problem," I smiled.

The sound check ended and I went go see Julianne when all he girls were at the meet and greet with the boys behind the stage. The two of us were standing by a wall while the guys greeted on he opposite side of the room.

"So you think it was a ghost?" she asked.

"No doubt...right before it happened, this ghost Came to me saying some weird stuff like 'stay away from the boys, especially Joe'...she said her name was Mandy," I said.

"No way!" she exclaimed and I shushed her. "It couldn't be," she whispered.

"Anything’s possible. She did act like she knew them well...but there's only one way to find out," I said and we both looked at Joe.

"So you’re gonna tell him," she stated and I sighed.

"I'm gonna have to...in order for this ghost to cross over I'm going to need Joe’s help," I said.

I waited patiently as they finished up the last few girls and Nick started walking over to me as Stacy saw and she glared at me…again. I ignored it though and smiled lightly at Nick.

"I'll catch up with you in a few," Julianne whispered to me before walking away, hugging Nick and they whispered words I couldn't catch and she kept walking.

"You’re just loved by everyone aren't you," he joked and I knew he was referring to Stacy and Bridget.

"Yea," I laughed. "I don't know why they're like that, I never did anything to them," I exaggerated with a laugh.

"Just ignore them. Tonight’s about hanging with friends"

"Yea and they'll be up on stage performing for hundreds of girls," I joked lightly. "Unless...you come on stage with us," he smirked. I felt a sudden panic go through me.

"Me? No way," I said right away.

"Why? You have an amazing voice Mel, and you should let everyone know about it," he said and the way he said Mel, just made me want to do back flips and fly...which is very possible in my case.

"Nick that's not a good idea, really, I'll see all those people looking at me and I'll choke and it won't end well"

"Mel! It's okay, calm down, I wont force you do anything you don’t want to do,” he said and I let out a lot of breath and he laughed lightly.

“I also wanted to ask you if you were okay…that was kind of weird back there”

“Yea…” my voice trailed off. “I’m fine though really…” I added.

“If you say so…well I think I have to get back to the stage…I’m a perfectionist,” was all he said.

“Of course…I’ll see there in a few,” I said and he nodded and began walking away.

I saw Joe talking to Garbo. Then he looked up at me, they ended their conversation and we met in the middle of our path. “Hey…I was hoping I could talk to you real quick,” I said. “Oh, yea, come on,” he said and I followed him into the their dressing room.

"I never actually got the chance to really see if u were okay," I said, shutting the door. "Oh yea I'm fine...thanks to you...that would’ve been messy"

"Yea," I said with a half-hearted laugh. "So what did you need to talk about?" he asked, putting a grape from a small snack table in the room, into his mouth.

"Well umm...you most likely won't believe me," I murmured.

"Of course I will…why wouldn’t I?" he said sincerely.

"Well...it's kind of about you friend Mandy..."

"What’s wrong with Mandy? Is she alright?" he asked right away.

"I'm not sure...possibly nothing is wrong...do you think you could call her?" I asked.

Can I ask what for first? So when I call, she wont get all worked up over me being crazy," he asked and I hesitated. I sighed.

"I have a gift...I can see ghosts that haven't crossed over into the light and that are still here with us...that light that almost crushed you...it was no accident"

He starred at me for a few seconds. "You think a ghost caused it?"

"I know a ghost caused it...she said her name was Mandy and I just wanted to make sure..." my voice trailed off as I hinted to him.

"Wait. What did the ghost look like?" he questioned.

"Umm she was maybe a little taller than me, skinny, had blond hair but it almost looked brown, her eyes were blue..."

He started shaking his head as a small knowing smile appeared. "That’s not Mandy," he sighed with relief. "Mandy has brown hair and brown eyes, the girl you’re talking about is most likely Sarah...Sarah was his blond headed, blue eyed girl that was always so jealous of Mandy, she dyed her hair color, got brown contacts and even changed her name...it was pretty creepy...but I did feel bad when I heard she died"

"I think she's really upset...I just don't know what about though"

"I might know...is she here right now?"

"No...but there’s no doubt that she'll show up soon"

"Well then I know what to do...don't you worry...so you can really see ghosts?" he inquired.

"Yes I can..."

"Who else knows?"

"My mom, Julianne...Frankie knows but he just doesn't know he knows yet...you really can tell anyone Joe," I pleaded.

"Jonas honor," he said and held up three fingers. "This is so cool!" he exclaimed and I gave him a weird look.

"Oh! And Mr. Lewis knows too...that's a long story"

He started to laugh. "Well you have a lot of explaining to do," he said, shaking his finger at me.

"I'll fill you in on everything, don't worry...it'll be nice to have someone to talk to about this...my mom doesn't like it...and I'm not fully comfortable yet with Julianne"

"And you’re comfortable with me and my family?"

"Completely...it's hard to explain..."

"Are you going to tell Nick?"

"Possibly...not now though...and maybe not even soon...I want some kind of normality in my life...but when it comes to him, it's very hard..." I explained and he smirked which caused me to blush.

"Jonas brothers to their spots please," a voice on the intercom said.

"We'll talk more later," I mumbled and went to open the door but couldn't.

I spun around and there stood Sarah with a glare on her face. "Look at him...being so perfect..." she muttered angrily.

It was actually such a strong anger that I felt it...and this whole time I wasn't able to feel anything but me. "Sarah...you can't do this...unlock the door please," I said nicely.

Sometimes it worked...other times (like this one) not so much. "Why? So he can just go on living his dream, having everyone in the world like him? I don't think so" she spat.

"Sarah you can't have a grudge against someone when they really didn't do anything," I tried to reason.

"Sarah, I'm sorry about everything that went down when you were alive...I'm sorry about everything that happened...you may not know it but I did speak up for you...after you ran out of the cafeteria because of the jerks that were teasing you...I told them it wasn't cool...and that they shouldn't have done it...Mandy and I went by your house that day...but we when we got there we found out u were hit by a car on your way home...if you let us out, I'd like it if you stayed for the concert...I have a surprise for you..." he explained...and I have to say, he did it rather well for someone who just found out about this stuff.

Her mood lightened so I couldn’t feel it anymore but I saw on her face that she was considering it all. Then we heard the door unlock and we got to the side of the stage. I could hear the screaming fans...it was crazy.

"She’s still here right?" Joe whispered to me as he adjusted his ear piece.

"Yes...she's right next to me," I said and he looked to my left and starred her right in the eyes, winked and then ran off with his brothers.

Nick was on the opposite side...and I heard that it was the wrong side so him and Kevin had to switch right when they started the song on stage. He looked over at me and flashed me a huge smile so I smiled back. The concert began and I felt a little light headed from the small emotions...it wasn't full on, I guess because Nick was just a few feet away. I noticed for the first five songs Sarah had a sour puss look on her face and she wasn't very happy. How old was this girl exactly?

"Hey Sarah...loosen up a little...you’re so tense and stiff...you're at a Jonas brothers concert," I reminded her and she seemed (slightly) less tense.

"Okay we're gonna slow it down slightly...this next song was written for a loved one of ours hat had passed away...but tonight I want to dedicate it to an old friend of mine, Sarah Wilson," Joe said and I saw how sorrowful Sarah was looking as thy all started to play Eternity.

Once they finished, the crowd went crazy. "Rest in peace Sarah," Joe said into the mic.

"I’m sorry...what I've done was wrong," she whispered. "It's alright...you have to go into the light now though," I said gently.

But then she looked up and smiled as the guys started to play Underdog. "Not yet...you have to do something for me first"

"What is it?"

"Go on stage and sing...I may not be able to do that but you sure can...and Nick would love it," she said excitedly. "What? No Sarah I..." I started to say but got interrupted when I lost control in my legs and stumbled backward slightly and down a few steps so we were under the stage.

She giggled a little as I struggled to gain back control. "Sarah this isn't funny," I said. "Knock em’ dead," she said with a small laugh as a head set was placed on my head with the small mic by my mouth and I couldn't get it off.

"Sarah," I snapped as she just waved at me when the platform started to rise. I began to panic.

Someday they'll see how beautiful she really is
I know that last will be the first
The tables gonna turn cause...

I was on the second level of the stage now and everyone started talking, cheering...I don't even know what they were cheering because I was trying to process it all. The guys exchanged looks but then looked behind them so they saw me and smiled brightly. As Kevin was still playing the notes on the guitar, Nick came running up to me.

"Nick you have to get me out of here," I pleaded. "You can't now. They already saw you, you got to sing," he said and he was a little too excited for this.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage for her first time ever, Melissa Heart!" Joe announced and the crowd went wild.

No one here knows me, they would cheer for anything these boys said. As Nick took one of my hands, he led me down to the first level. "Lets help her out alright?!" Joe yelled and started singing again as everyone joined him.

That everyone sees her
But nobody knows her

He stopped though, waiting for me to join in. Nick gave me a reassuring glance as he continued playing. I rolled my eyes at both of them and started singing as everyone got somewhat quiet.

She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she fakes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world

Everyone was cheering now. I laughed lightly at all of their enthusiasm (thanking God I couldn't feel it-cause that wouldn't be good). Nick started singing.

Maybe she'll be in a movie
Maybe she'll be in a song
Better pay her some attention
Before she's gone

Joe began to sing as he brought me to the middle of the stage and slung his arm around his shoulders.

She's an underdog
She means the world to me

He took his arm back and gave me a nod and a big smile so I started singing the chorus with all three of them.

Everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she makes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world

Everyone sees her
But nobody knows her
She screams in her pillow
For a better tomorrow
She hates it
But she makes it
Watch out for that girl
One day she may change the world

The song ended and the crowd was going crazy. "Melissa Heart everybody!" Nick announced and it got louder as I smiled and bowed. Then I ran off the stage to the side.

"Melissa I didn't know u were going up on stage, you were great!" Denise cooed. "I wasn't supposed to but I got stuck on the platform and it just started rising," I explained.

"Well you were amazing. You should consider doing this for a living," Paul said and hey both walked away. Sarah appeared. I was about to yell at her but she stopped me.

"I see it..." was all she said before she looked back at me.

“Can you just let Joe know that I was necessarily jealous of Mandy…I was just jealous of everyone in general…everyone was just so much more likeable than I was…I never did anything to any of them but they just chose me to be the outcast…so I thought that maybe if I changed my look then things could be different…but people just ended up thinking I was Mandy’s stalker which I had no intention of doing…but yea, that’s high school for you,” she said and I just gave her a sympathetic smile.

Then she looked back up in a direction. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured. “And will you also tell Joe I said thank you?”

“I will,” I assured her and watched her fade in the small distance.

Then I got the feeling, I always got when a ghost went into the light…the feeling of relief and cleanliness…like something bad was washed away…the evil spirit was gone and the good spirit was in the light…or some weird metaphor like that…the feeling of just being me. I enjoyed that feeling so much. I looked over onto the stage and noticed Joe looked strange…he looked at me and asked me with his eyes…he could feel what I was feeling. I just nodded and mouthed the words ‘she’s gone’ and he nodded before getting back to the concert. Then I looked at Nick as he was taking a quick sip of his water and I saw he was looking at me too and he was smiling so I smiled back.

I’ll tell him…eventually…maybe
♠ ♠ ♠
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it helps with the brain flow
