Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

So this is what has become (10)

“So you're telling me, there's another sexy Dorchester-Brown out there for me” Maggie said, focusing on the entirely wrong subject.
“Yes that's why I came here at half past five in the morning, to inform you of that” I hit her on the arm.
I was in Maggie's kitchen, groaning in frustration.
“OK OK, this doesn't have to be that bad” she stood up, drained her cup and pulled me up. “All you have to do is decide what is best for you”
“this morning you are full pretty pointless advice”I pushed her down onto the couch behind us, and followed suit.

As we sat, slouched on Maggie's sofa. There was a horrible tense atmosphere in the room.
“I'm supposed to be worrying about prom, or whether to go to marlin's party next weekend not, that I am being made to marry a boy” I slumped forward onto Maggie's knee, as she stroked my hair.
“You thought that was going to be easy, you've always just hoped that everything would be easy because you don't like to make a fuss But sometimes you have to make a fuss”
“I know, I've tried. But sometimes things are too difficult, like this situation. I mean I could run away right now, away from everything: You, Isaac, My parents and of course Marcus.”
“why don't you then” Maggie concluded.
“Because I don't have the heart” I dabbed the corner of my eyes “If I left, what would I leave?”
“Don't think about other people, if leaving got you out of this then you should go”
“Yeah I should, any girl that would of been put in my situation would have climbed out there window in the middle of the night, just to have there own free-will” I muttered, shaking my head. “So Maybe I should stop being a coward”

Maggie lifted my head up and hugged me, her face was stained with tears.
“Yes you should, you stupid idiot” she cried, pulling me closer.
“So I'm leaving” I sobered up and looked at my surroundings.
we both looked at the bag in the corner, the one I had taken with me.

“I'm going to miss you, miss you saving me, holding when I cry and most of all I'm going to miss not seeing you” I cried into Maggie's shoulder.
“Me to”
“I'd never have thought that at 16, I'd be a runaway”
“I know, but you should go before people start to stir”
we hugged and that was that, the door shut and my feet walked further than I could of imagined.