Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Here's your reciept (11)

So maybe I'm not living life, like a runaway. Sending a bill from each hotel I stay at to my parents,
France, Belgium, Germany, London and Finally Scotland. Everywhere I've lived my life alone for the past few weeks, My parents haven't rung, Maggie hasn't rung and I feel that this is going to easy.
Last thing I heard, Marcus Had the same idea and fled the country.

“Madam, you're card's been denied” the women behind the counter smiled”
“That's impossible there was at least 10 grand on that card, I checked this morning”
“Well maybe daddy, caught on” she snarled
“I can help” A voice from behind a newspaper, said holding an American express.
Marcus smiled, handing the lady his card. He stood up folding his copy of The guardian, and making his way to my table.
“why aren't you using trust fund?” he said, sitting card.
“Because I spent it all” I looked at the table.
“You spent a quarter of a million, pounds?”
“No I Spent 5 grand, why do you have so much in your trust fund?” I said shocked “Well seen as you have so much, you can pay for my stay”

We were walking past another castle, my stomach full from breakfast.
“Why are you here in Edinburgh, I thought you had family here?”
“No that's Ireland, I thought that maybe I wouldn't bump into anyone here. I think its more than irony when the women you're trying to run away from, You find in Scotland and buy breakfast” he walked on the right of me, shielding me from traffic- I guess chivalry does still exist.
“Oh well I've been everywhere, all around Europe. I'm sick of flying, I want to find one place where I don't have to have a fiancée burdening me”
“well fine I'll send you back to that lovely hotel and make them refund me breakfast and leave you there to fend for yourself” he warned.
“Well okay, having you burdening me hasn't been so bad this morning, I think it's your mother that gets to me more than anybody else” I nudged him with my elbow.
“Wow another field, this is like being Yorkshire.”

"I wish I had money so you could stop buying me things” I moaned as we tucked into dinner at a restaurant.
“Well I guess it's only right I buy you dinner, when you saved me from being attacked by a horse” He thanked.
“I didn't save you, I spooked the horse”
Marcus glared at me, fighting the urge to throw a napkin at my head.
I can't believe I'm having civilized dinner with the man, who has ruined my life. It's not as awkward as I would of imagined.
“Your dinners getting cold, we have a flight booked for Berlin this afternoon you'll be hungry”
“You bought me a ticket to Berlin? Danke schön Marcus”
“De rien” Marcus looked pleased with himself.
“Thats french, and you're stupid. You meant 'bitte schön' Really you took intermediate German”
“I can sell the ticket if you would like”
“Ich liebe Marcus” I reformed myself.