Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

The perfect meal home (12)

I do not like flying.
Okay I really hate flying.
“CJ, can you stop gripping the laptop so hard” Marcus said, lifting my hands away from the laptop and setting them on my lap.
“Oh sorry, I'm not the best flyer. I think flying, well its, It's just un-natural”
The women sat next to us on the plane, shot us a dirty look as she changed 2 shades of pale.
I looked at Marcus who held the same look, but it flashed off his face as soon as I saw it and was replaced with a dashing smile.
“Stop scaring the Phobia ridden” Marcus whispered, sending a rush of excitement down my neck.
I didn't look at Marcus as I knew I was probably very red, instead I nonchalantly put my earphones in, and turned away.

“That was ridiculously disgusting” I had just eaten the worst, most terrible lasagne ever.
“Really My dinner was delicious”
“You had pringles and a sandwich, I wouldn't expect it to be all that awful” I eyed the remaining sandwich left on his fold down table.
“Take it, It's bad for the figure anyway” Marcus tossed the sandwich onto my table, after he patted his bloated stomach.
“Yes you definitley need to watch your waistline,Fatty”
He laughed at me, as I tucked into his bacon and chicken sandwich. Two teenagers, a boy and a girl hurried of to the toilets, in front of us.
“They are obviously going to the toilets together to have a responsible discussion, about the loudness of this plane.” Marcus said to me nodding.
There was a loud moan.
“The girl obviously agrees”
The air hostess, quickly hurried towards the toilets. She pressed her ear/cheek against the wall, leaving an orange foundation mark.

“Excuse me, can you please come out now” the air-hostess demanded, as I giggled into my napkin.
Another loud groan, vacated the toilet.
Marcus was laughing now.
“Sir, Madam please!”
there was just a bang against the door this time.
Soon enough Marcus and I were laughing so hard that the snobby woman sitting next to us cracked a smile.
“Okay if you don't get out now” the hostess stuttered “I'll tell the captain”
“Ooh its on” Marcus joked, clicking his fingers.
Only the air-hostess heard him and turned around, staring at Marcus with a death glare.
“Excuse me sir, do you have something to input?”
Marcus froze in his seat, his eyes very wide.
“um...” Marcus stutterers.
“Hola, Mi hermano es loco” I said in a very bad Spanish accent, as I watched Marcus look confused
The woman sighed and banged on the toilet door aggressively, her nail polish chipping at the sheer force she hammered the door.
Just as she raised her fist to knock on the door again, it swung open revealing a fat man and a newspaper.
“I would of appreciated being left alone whilst I used the rest-room, don't think that I won't be telling your supervisor that you have been harassing me” He snapped at the air hostess and went to his seat, as the woman looked at us in shock.
I looked around for the couple, they were sat infarct two rows behind us nibbling each other's ear.
The woman quickly composed herself and left for the other side of the plane.