Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

De rien (13)

The city lights shocked my eyes, as the traffic bombarded its way through the city of Berlin and I watched as families vacated the airport flooded with bags.
Marcus let out a sigh of relief as a taxi, just big enough for two people found its way to us.
“Hallo, Zum Hotel Concorde Berlin bitte” I requested as the man driving the taxi, helped put our bag's in the boot.
“Danke schon”
I sat in the back of the car whilst Marcus sat in the front, goodness knows why, I mean he barely speaks a word of German.
I just hoped this place,Marcus had booked us into had free washing machine facilities seen as I was dangerously running low on underwear.

As we passed through the city, the sky was dark and people were emerging from houses and hotels.
I can remember the first time my family took me to Germany, it was mid July and I had just finished school for the summer.

Me and my sister soared high on the swings, Rory swinging her legs more and more dangerously.
“April don't do that, You'll fall”
All my sister did was laugh as she hung her head back so the German sun bounced across her freckles.
“Oh live a little, You're only 7 once”
“Yes but you're actually 11” I scolded, daintily swinging my legs.
Just as my sister got high above the clouds, she let go off the swings and and launched herself of the swing.
I realized what my sister had done and quickly stopped swinging as Rory, coiled up in a ball. Her legs badly scarred already.
“April I told you not to do that, mum's going to be mad”
I examined my sisters wounds, but her leg was twisted in a funny shape.
“Mum! Mum! MUUMMMMM!” I yelled, louder than any bird or car. My mother stumbled out of the summer house, racing towards us.
“Rory! What happened? Are you aright? My Mum panicked.
This caused Rory to spring to her feet “Mo-om” Her knees buckled “I'm fine really”
“That's it, I'm taking you to the hospital!”
** End of flashback **

“CJ, CJ We're here” Marcus yelled shaking my shoulder
I opened my eyes, But my eyelids hung heavy.
“I'm up! I'm up” I slurred and looked around, only to see we were still traveling “You liar, Marcus Dorchester-Brown!” I hit him on the shoulder.
“Well you seemed to be having quite an exciting dream, and I wanted in on it. I just didn't wanna dream rape you” Marcus explained, rubbing his shoulder.
“Dream rape me?” I asked
“You know , where you intrude into someone Else's dream”
“I'm so lucky, that you are so considerate about peoples sub-conscious” I laughed and patted his knee.
“Better believe it”

According To the taxi-man's Sat-Nav we would be arriving at our chosen destination in approximately 2.4minutes. Pretty exact, to just be called an approximately.
“Marcus pass me the taxi fare” I demanded, holding my hand out.
“No I think I can handle it”
I sighed.
The taxi man stopped outside the grand hotel, and said:
“Sechzehn Euros”
“Quickly CJ, what did he say?” Marcus said pulling out a fifty.
“Give the man sixteen Euros”
“I knew that” He hand the taxi man the money “ De rien” and got out of the car.
“Wrong phrase and wrong language, you idiot!” I scolded Marcus as we left for the beautiful hotel.