Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

If I hadn't... (15)

“Oh my God, Its them, Marcus it's them, what do we do?” I Panicked, but Marcus clamped his hand over my mouth.
“Be quiet” He whispered in my ear, I nodded and he moved his hand away from my mouth.
I stood up and pointed to the en-suite bathroom.
Marcus and I tip-toed towards the bathroom.
“CJ I'm not messing around, you come out here right now!”
I shook my head, Grabbed Marcus's hand and marched towards the bathroom. When we were inside the bath room I locked the door and sighed.
“What are they doing?” I hissed.
“I don't know I was in there with you!” He hissed back at me.
“Yeah I remember! I just thought that maybe you....” I trailed off, Marcus looked at me expectantly.
“No wise-guy, I don't know why there here. I just know that I think if we stay really quiet, they might go away”
We both sat there in silence, I think it was a bit awkward from the nearly kiss thing and the fact that our parents were outside didn't help.

“Marcus will you please talk!” I demanded.
“ I was just gunna ask you the same thing” He whispered “I thought it would be really awkward, cos you know how we nearly kissed..”
“yeah, what was that?”
“I wanted to kiss you, and I had an opportunity” He said, making me feel a little bit violated. “No I didn't mean it like I wanted to use you, I just thought that you looked really....Kissable”
Oh he's such a flirt.
“Mm, Thanks” we stared at each other “But” I shook my head “It probably shouldn't happen again, you know if we wanna get out of this marriage.”
“Yeah, that's what I was thinking” Marcus said, rubbing the nape of his neck. “Or we could make-out to pass the time”
“ You wish I was that easy”
We were sat in silence again.
“I can do a 2000 piece puzzle, but damn I can't do you!” He slammed his fist against the tile.
“You're kidding aren't you?” I said “You can barely do a 50 piece puzzle”

There was still banging at the door, even after Marcus had decided to sit in the bath an hour after we decided to hide.
“Oh my god, persistent aren't they?” Marcus complained, wrapping yet another dressing-gown around him.
“Yes, I'm starting to think meandering down the drain-pipe is a good idea”
“Because meandering down a drain pipe is always a good idea? What about the disgustington's next door, they'd would be sure to harbour us!” Marcus stood up.
“ Actually they might, they'll probably still be out there frolicking” I joked, but this made Marcus cringe.
We creeped out of the bathroom, well I did: Marcus had to be Squeezed through the door due to all the Bath robes.
“Take them off Marcus!” I tugged on his sleeve.
“Oh now you're trying to undress me”
“Come on we don't have time, why did you think putting on 7 robes, was a good idea?” I hissed, pulling of the third robe. “Now come on, we don't have time.” I pulled Marcus (who was still dressed in two robes) Onto the balcony.

“Pssts, PSSTS you two next door!” Marcus shouted. “PSST”
“ What?” The woman hissed.
“We need a place to hide!” I Begged.
“and?” The women, was stood up now.
“ Well can we hide at yours?”
“Fine, I'll open the hotel door!”
“No we can't go outside, our parents are there and lets just say there not happiest with us” Marcus explained. “But we can come over the balcony..”
“What? No”
“please you see our parents tried to get us to marry each other” Marcus began so I clamped my hand over his mouth. “Marcus indescression please!” I snapped.
“Fine you little weirdos! But I swear either of you fall I'm not getting the blame!”

We both nodded vigorously “Now you go first Marcus and help me up..” I pleaded.
“OK, but.. OK fine!” Marcus began hoisted his leg over, I patted him on the back.
I was starting to worry, if this was the safest idea we've ever had, I mean Marcus was strong but, hovering across a balcony , I dunno. “Marcus are you okay?” There was no reply just a few more footsteps. Suddenly as Marcus's foot hovered over next door balcony, there was shouting from below two distinct females voices.
“MARCUS DORCHESTER-BROWN! YOU..., YOU GET...,. YOU GET UP TO THE BALCONY SAFELY! YOU HEAR ME?” Megan shouted from below, I laughed but this threw Marcus off is foot swung of the ledge, I gasped “MARCUS” everyone shouted in sync.
There was more hesitation from Marcus as his hand slipped from one of the railings “MARCUS IF YOU DIE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU!” I hissed at him.
“I'm fine I ju—st” Marcus's foot completely slipped and he tried to regain it but his hand and he was hanging on by one foot and one hand.
“CJ the bar, it's slippy I cant hold on” Marcus sighed
“No Marcus don't be stupid, of course you can” I reached for his hand underneath the glass of the balcony “Just grab my hand”
“CJ my arm, it hurts.”
“No love it doesn't, you're fine I promise” I tried to re-assure him but he was looking more and more tired.
“CJ! I'm a 14 stone rugby player, and only one arm is holding me up”
“please Marcus” He tried to lift his dangling arm up but just as he thought he got his grip both arms slipped.
Marcus fell.