Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

What a b-witch (2)

2nd chapter.

I woke up the next morning, feeling groggy.
“oh god my head” I moaned as I rubbed my temples.
“oh finally your up, your mom rang 6 times” Maggie said chucking me the phone.
“how many times its mum just like soccer is football” Maggie rolled her eyes “I don't want to speak to that B.....witch”
Maggie's 18 month old son, Isaac came waddling in, just as I was about to say a 'naughty word'.
“well you should ring her, she's worried” Maggie said chasing after Isaac.
“look I know what she is making you do is wrong” she stopped as I tried to interrupted her but failed “but if Isaac ever ran off and left me without knowing where he was, I sure as hell wouldn't able to cope”
“no that's the difference between you and my mum, you actually love your child she just looks at me as a profitable fly that away.” I sighed, Maggie nodded and looked out of the window.
“Well unfortunatley for you, it's looks as though your mother has figured where your hiding and sent the forces, well its more like force. Sexy force in a suit that just smiled at me, the boy not the suit...oh” rambled Maggie whilst twirling her hair and biting her lip.
“What are you on about” I looked out the window “oh... that's just um well that's Marcus, my um well I suppose assigned fiancée” I quickly ducked under the window. “Maggie stop looking out the window” I hissed
“I'll get the door” Maggie walked towards the door before I could put up any form of protest. I slumped against the wall groaning as I heard Maggie and Marcus exchange greetings.

“Marcus what are you doing here?” looking at Marcus, he clearly hadn't been home seeing as he was still wearing last night's dinner suit.
“Now, now CJ there's no need to be rude...” Maggie said and giggled, Marcus shot her an appreciative look that made Maggie bat her eyelids in response.
“Sorry, Marcus follow me” I lead the way to the kitchen leaving Maggie stood in the hallway like a love struck teenager.
“I didn't come here to have a blazing argument, to be honest I don't really no why I came” he muttered taking of his suit jacket and draping it over the kitchen stool, before sitting down.
“Tea?” I asked, he nodded.
“Earl grey would be great”
I turned around switching the kettle to boil, feeling as British as ever- in the time of a crisis we turn to tea.

We sat opposite each other our mugs of tea enclosed in our palms. I couldn't look at him, too much of last night replayed in my head.
“if im being perfectly honest I'd thought you'd be the last person who would visit me this morning, really.” I took a sip of the tea as Marcus nodded in agreement. “I don't even know how you found me...”
Marcus looked at me “your friend, Maggie...? well she may have answered one of my calls this morning”
soon after his statement, Maggie came in wearing her 'only for special occasion's' fabulous but slightly inappropriate body-con dress.
“wow Maggie you look....wonderful” I said suspiciously as she slinked around the kitchen, draping herself over the sofa revealing a large puke stain on the side of the dress, I looked over at Marcus who was clearly happy at Maggie's choice of outfit but had also seen the stain.
“oh this old thing” she claimed modestly.
“yes you look lovely” Marcus said in his British accent which was sure to drive Maggie wild “shame about the stain”
Maggie's eyes went wide as she scanned the dress, I suppressed a laugh as I watched her dismay as she came across the unfortunate mark. She made an inhuman squeaking sound and hurried out the room.
“oh Maggs! Come back” I couldn't control my laughter and so it rang out through each word. I looked back towards Marcus who seemed to have cheered up due to Maggie's little show.

“what are we going to do?” Marcus said, making me recover from Maggie's dress incident sooner than intended.
“I don't know... we should probably go home”
“yeah because we are going to be such welcome guest's and if we did wouldn't we just contradicting ourselves”
“you're right but then what should we do? If we cant go back we're just going to end up regretting it. At least if we went back we could tell them how we feel, even if ends up in another shouting match.” I argued.
“im just worried that they will see it as an opportunity to guilt trip us into going through with hummding” he creased his forehead as he mentioned the humding.
“and if we stay here there under the illusion that although we made a fuss, we are still going through with the humding” I said “hummding is wedding right?”
“yeah..well get your coat then” he sighed defeated
“actually I have to get changed, I'll leave you down here for a couple of minutes.”

I climbed the stairs up to Maggie's room and found her folding the dress into the was basket. She looked up at me and turned beet red.
“I'm sorry about laughing at you Maggie but I need to borrow some clothes” I said rifling through her wardrobe.
“it's OK I shouldn't have tried to flirt, you can borrow that” she pointed to the leggings and t-shirt I was holding. Luckily I had left my boots at Maggie's so I picked them up and went into the bathroom, I emerged clean dressed and smelling like toothpaste. I began to pick up my clothes from last night.
“Maggie where is my Marc Jacobs dress?” I panicked, Oh my god where is it, I need it. “Urppphhh”
“Oi Pudding the dress is here” Maggie said holding the dress up.
“right well im off back to the lair that is Marcus's parents house, thanks for letting me crash” we both stood up and hugged before I kissed Isaac on the cheek and descended down the stairs.

Marcus met me at the bottom looking very uncomfortable.
“Maggie im borrowing your Hoodie, bye”
“okay bye CJ, bye Marcus good luck.”
I shut the door behind myself and Marcus as we walked down the street, it felt weird that someone who I was arranged to unwillingly spend the rest of with was the only person I could really relate to, there was definitely some form of inbalance in the world.
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** apologies for any mis-spelt words or Badly typed sections, enjoy the read