Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Oh la laa(21)

I felt Marcus’s eyes on me all night. I felt his proudness emanate from him as his parents introduced us.

I sat down next to Marcus at the impressive dining table. He seemed to be having more fun than he thought, with an arm around my shoulders.
“Told you this wouldn’t be that bad!’’ I whispered in His ear. He turned around too quickly though and we were only millimetres apart, oh dear. Déjà vu. Somebody wolf whistled as I turned away embarrassed.

“So darling’’ this big Italian women began to say ‘’what’s your name, AJ….CJ? I nodded at the latter. ‘’you guys sure are a good looking couple!” I blushed and looked away.

“Yes they are, aren’t they? I’m so proud’’ I heard Megan say. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. I also felt Marcus rub my leg soothingly. I looked at him quizzically and he just shrugged.
“How long have you guys been together then?” Another person butted in.

“They have been together about 2 years” Davey answered, looking at us pleadingly. I just went back to my Salmon en croute.

“Aaaah so this big news, what is it? A grumpy, grey haired banker man asked. I shook in my seat as I grabbed Marcus’s hand. Davey stood up with Megan on his arm.
“Well speaking of CJ and Marcus, we have a pending wedding in the family! May I present the future Mr and Mrs Dorchester-Brown!’’
We stood up; Marcus placed a hand on waist. I looked a him, he look serene and happy unlike me who looked stressed and embarrassed. There was a round of applause and then someone shouted ‘Kiss her, Marcus!’ So he did and by golly he did.

I felt the heat in my cheeks rise once again as I sat down.

The night passed in a blur after that there was dancing, picture taking and general chatter. By the end of the night I was clutching onto Marcus’s arm because my feet were killing, or maybe it was because I could feel his muscles through his shirt.

“Ready to leave?” Megan said wrapping an arm around me and Marcus. We nodded and followed Megan and Davey to the Roll’s.

When we got home, I stepped out and walked up to my room followed by Marcus. As I reached my door I heard Marcus cough, I turned around

“Hcum well Nigh-’ I began but was interrupted by the force of Marcus’s lips on mine. My head started spinning as he held me around the waist. My stomach filling with butterflies as my fingers roamed threw his hair. I felt him smile in the kiss and felt dizzy with glee, but suddenly it stopped.

Marcus stood looking at me, smiling nervously. “You really did look beautiful tonight’’ he said, and left swiftly.
I pressed my back against the door, touching my lips.

Marcus Dorchester-Brown, what have you done to me?