Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

The grass is always greener on the other side, or so it seems. .(24)

When I woke up the next morning, I could here screams of excitement downstairs. Hearing the commotion I put on my slippers to find Marcus, Caleb and Davey all pointing and screaming at the flakes of snow falling from the sky.

“I'm dreaming of a white christmassssssss!” Davey sang in a Fred Astair voice, grabbing his wife and dancing round the hallway. Caleb and Marcus sat on the huge window seat staring at the sky like two little boys.

“Wow you guys really like snow…” I said, causing Caleb and Marcus to whip there heads around.

“Yes, don’t you!?!?” Caleb asked in a desperate manner.

“No, not really, cant stand the bloody stuff!” I said.

“Yes well I only like it if I can fly down the slopes in Aspen” Megan said, removing her husbands grasp and gaining some composure. “We have lunch with the wedding planner today, Cj. Me, you, Summer and you could invite Maggie?” She asked.

“Uh um yes, okay. What time?” I blinked at her.

“well lets say half past eleven at the rose garden?” she nodded and went on her way.

I took in a sharp intake of breath. Wedding planning. For my wedding. Oh god.

“You okay?” I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist.

“Yes and you shouldn’t be doing that, what if someone see’s?! I scolded.

Marcus held onto me “well, who cares” He said.

“I care” I said stepping away from him and going up stairs.

Summers words still hung in my head ‘Caleb loves you and always has..’

How can this be. I mean yes he’s always been lovely to me. He has always doted on me.

Speaking of the devil “CJ, dear have you seen my shoes?” Caleb shouted, crashing into my room.

“What shoes, but it doesn’t matter I haven’t seen any of your shoes” I finished, causing him to let out a frustrated groan . “What do you need them for?”

“I have a meeting in Alaska” he said in a ‘duh, shouldn’t you know’ kind of way.

“Oh obvs. Just find another pair and move on” I said to him, shaking my head.

“Well someone’s In just a delightful mood, first hating the beautiful snow, now being mean
to me!”

“ do one Caleb, before you miss you’re train!” I scolded.

“Charming……”Caleb snorted and walking out.

I turned away from the door.
Caleb shou-couldn’t love me.
If he did this would make the whole wedding a polava.
I will not embarrass everyone I love because of one boys ‘feelings’.
I wouldn’t stand for it.

Besides Megan would kill us……both.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its not Xmas anymore but i wrote this a while ago i just never posted it for some reason, so everybody imagine the festivities, okay. :P

Its been a while, end of Feb already anyway thought id update seen as i have been slacking!

i know my spellings horrendous.