Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Drunken words speak sober minds.(26)

Christmas Eve is the longest eve in the world. Even more so when you are forced to go to Christmas party held by your crazy future mother-in-law.

“Darling, darling how are you” Megan slurred, pushing my shoulder and faced away from me.

Megan had been downing martinis like shots for the past two hours.

I moved into the desolate kitchen, sitting on the counter.

“Have they gone?” I heard a voice from inside the pantry, whisper causing me to jump.

“Who is it?”

“Me! Caleb!” Caleb slowly opened the door and sneaked out, dusting his suit off as he did so.

“Why were you hiding in the pantry?” I asked him.

“Well I was stood in here at first, and then hundreds of middle aged women started crowding around me…”He said blinking “They kept asking me if I has a girlfriend and if I wanted to meet there daughters! Then there were numerous marriage proposals!” Caleb gasped at me.

“Well I think we could all use some booze” I said, patting the shaking Caleb before me.
I returned the kitchen with two glasses of champagne

“Why do they think because I don’t have a girlfriend I want to marry there daughters!” Caleb took his champagne from me and downed it in one.

“Because you’re an Eligible bachelor! And old women love blondes?” I said cheekily, sipping on my champers.

“I think we could use something a bit stronger. I’m cracking up, I swear I keep hearing girl’s phone numbers” Caleb muttered looking in a cupboard.

“Regular day then, I bet?”

“Ah I wish! Whoo I found it” Caleb pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels “Now it’s a real party!”

“You mean a posh boys party” I said reaching for some glasses.

“Maybe, get some ice you ungrateful lady” Caleb scowled at me, as he poured us doubles.

“So not been fed to the dogs yet?” Caleb said, sipping on his JD.

“Nope luckily I just blended in” I muttered nursing the drink.

“So you and Marcus have been kind of weird lately? Fallen out?”

“I don’t think so, just different schedules, I guess” I muttered.

“I see, it’s been tough hasn’t it!” He laughed “Anyway its Christmas lets get drunk, talk trash and pass out!”


After that the night passed in a blur, the clock was 2:10 when I looked up.

“So so I don’t know I mean I don’t know….”Caleb slurred stirring his millionth drink of the night.

“Caleb you’re drunk!” I prodded him in the chest.

“I am not, JC! I mean JD! No, no that’s not right” He slurred. ”Maybe we should go to bed now!”

“See, you don’t even know my name! You love me and you don’t even know my name!” I laughed.

“ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I do love you CJ! Whayyy I said it right!” By this point we were walking upstairs.

“I don’t think Marcus loves me” I slurred standing by my door.

“Who could not love you CJ!” He said “You’re gorgeous and funny and you can balance spoons on your nose!”

I giggled and prodded him in the stomach.

“Well now I can see why so many people want you to marry their daughter!”

“I suppose” he sighed as we drunkenly slouched against my door.

“I think Marcus missed out tonight” Caleb concluded “I have never had so much fun at one of these parties.”

“I know but I think he had more fun playing the golden boy with his mummy!” I chuckled.
“Well we didn’t need him” Caleb patted me on my leg.

I turned to him and caught his deep green stare. “Ye…uhm yeah” I felt myself lean towards Caleb’s musky cologne.
He leaned forward so our noses touched. Soon enough I felt his lips against mine, taking it all in.

Oh my god what am I doing.

I pulled away quickly “I’m sorry” I said standing up.

“No, no I’m sorry.”

“You should go, Caleb”

“I am” Caleb and I went our separate ways.

Standing on the inside of my door I sighed. I always get myself into trouble.
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i love it when people comment it motivates me:L again sorry for any bad spelling or grammar:/