Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Dont remind me-oh please dont remind me(31)

I sat in the crowded coffee house, swirling the cream around on top of my coffee. In the noisy room, I heard something crash through the door.

I groaned and turned around to see Maggie in all her tall glory, searching around the room, Little Isaac stood next to her, hands on his hips.

I put my hand up, desperate for no-one to realise it was me who was causing the trouble
“Ah there you are, come on Issy!” She walked over to me, with a large grin plastered all over her face.

Isaac climbed onto my knee, and sloppily kissed me on my cheek “Ello, aunty CJ”

Maggie adjusted herself on her seat, and stared at me with her big brown eyes.

“You missy have some explaining to do” She said, waggling her finger at me.

I groaned and rested my head into Isaacs neck. “I know…”I murmured, slowly lifting my head.

“Two men, One marriage and like a trillion pounds at stake-what a pickle” She stated matter-of-factly. “I think I need a drink first”

Maggie stood up and went to order.

I turned to Isaac, who looked me dead in the eye and said “Silly aunty CJ”

I laughed at his funny remark and squeezed his chubby cheeks.

Maggie returned with her coffee and a carton of juice for Isaac.

“So what happened, CJ? I thought you were happy with Marcus?” She stirred her coffee.

“I was, well I thought I was ! But when I’m with Caleb, my head goes funny and all I want to do is wrap my arms around him!”

“But you cant be with Caleb, CJ” Maggie sighed, and passed Isaac his drink.

“ I know, I really messed up with Marcus as well” I shook my head, at myself.

“Oh that’s a surprise, I thought kissing his brother would really strengthen your relationship”

I groaned again “I see your point, but I never meant to kiss Caleb it just happened!”

“I know, but you really hurt Marcus.” She reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

“I know and that’s the last thing I ever wanted to do! I don’t deserve either of them”

“CJ, you don’t get a choice. You have Marcus not Caleb-whatever feelings you have for Caleb have to go” she said to me, squeezing my hand again.

I looked at the ground, she was right.

“I know Magg’s, You’re right”

“I know I am, you have to make it better with Marcus, Hun”

“How exactly can I do that, Maggie?” I jiggled Isaac on my knee.

“well you could start with sorry..”

I sighed. “ I will do”

“I see Maggie to the rescue again…..”