Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Smile at people, it'll confuse them(34)

“Nothing, summer. We were just having a chat”

“mm, about what?” Summer asked, intrigued.

“He was just asking about my leg” I lied.

“Really, You and Marcus seem distant recently.” Summer said, casually. “Has something happened?”

“Erm no of course not, Pre-wedding jitters I guess” I said, standing up. “I have to get ready, now”

“Oh yes of course” Summer glided off, her blonde hair swaying as she did so.

I sighed to myself.

I turned to my wardrobe and picked something to wear, slim fit jeans, a peter pan collared shirt and pumps.

Shimmying into the shirt, I began to think-Maybe I could trick Marcus into behaving like a couple to keep Summer’s suspicions’ at bay. Yes, that could work.

I threw my hair into a bun and pinky dabbed some concealer on, and went on the hunt for Marcus.

I hobbled through the house(My foot searing with pain) when I spotted a suited figure-ahh Marcus there you are.

I tapped him on the shoulder, and coughed.

“CJ?” Marcus said, staring down at me.

“I erm need to speak to you”

“well go on” Marcus said impatiently.

“in private, Marcus”

Marcus sighed and walked into his office, the room I had previously injured myself in.
“what, CJ?”

“Its erm about Summer, she’s realised we have fallen out”

“and…..” Marcus said with a confused expression.

“ Well she kind of knew about us, before the whole…thing” I mumbled. “..and now I think she’s cottoned on that something’s gone wrong”

“What do you want me to do CJ?”

“Well wouldn’t it be easier for all of us” I put emphasis on the ‘us’ part “If we acted like nothing had happened, like how we should act?”

I looked up from the floor at Marcus, trying to reason with him.

“I guess CJ, but it would only be because it was easier. Don’t think anything of it, okay.” Marcus said finally.

I sighed with relief and patted my legs.

“Okay, yeah well thank you Marcus” I limped off, I got to the door when I heard Marcus Laugh.

I turned around, smiling “what?”

“You just look so funny, hobbling everywhere”

“I do not” I shook my head and resumed limping.

Well that was easier than I thought.