Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Now i know how people in love feel(37)

Marcus and I were sat in a cosy little Mexican restaurant.

“So are you still mad at me?” I asked hopefully.

Marcus put his fajita down and brush his hands. “Yes and no, on the one hand I really want to hate you but on the other hand I just want to laugh and joke like we used to”

I nodded and kept eating.

“I do still like you CJ, but it just seems we cant trust each other” Marcus reasoned. “Its only been a couple of weeks since everything that’s happened, I’m still angry”

“I know, I know” I sipped my coke.

“You know that day, I wasn’t even gunna say anything” Marcus said wiping his mouth. “I was going to ignore what happened between you and him, but I just couldn’t”

“You did what you thought was best, you called me up on something I did wrong. I never should of kissed him” I said, but even I didn’t believe the honesty in my words.

“I know, but I got nothing out of it”

“Yeah well, neither did I to be honest” I said.

I looked down and I placed my hand on the table, drawing patterns on the table cloth with my finger.

“I knew I couldn’t stay mad at you, no matter how hard I tried, I knew as soon as I saw your big smile and big brown eyes I knew I’d never stay mad”

I cocked my head towards Marcus and smiled.

“See you did it again, that wonderful contagious smile”

I sat up this time and stared him instead this time.

“orgh I’m such a loser, I cant even stay mad at a girl who kissed my brother”

Ouch, that cut.

I started eating, but I felt Marcus leaned towards me, his palms flat on the table.

“CJ” He whispered, I lifted my head up and soon we were less than inches away from each other, his palms edging closer to mine so our fingertips touched.
His nose nudged mine and I felt his breath on my face. I gasped.
His fingers entwined with mine, as he softly kissed me, so gentle I felt like I could melt into the kiss.
He rubbed circles into my hands as he held them, slowly moving his face away from mine.

“Wha-what?” I mumbled, confused.

“I ju-just, I don’t know” Marcus rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly.

That was one thing that I genuinely adored-hell I probably loved it about him, he put on a confident, cocky, self assured bravado, but really when it came down to it he was just as human and clueless as the rest of us. He lets his instincts guide him, even if it meant it got him into trouble. He was adorable when he forgot things, or when he did things without realising and his school boy charm always made up for his mistakes.

“don’t worry about it…”

No please don’t worry about it, that was lovely.
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Number 37 for you guys, i kinda forgot i had it on my lappy as im such a klutz:L aahah anyway a special thanks to all my readers and commenters(you are brilliant) and a big thankyou to: lightinyoureyes, rivals are insane and akanevampire19. who have been really good for keeping me going!