Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

you’re a saint, you’re a queen.(39)

I was at the airport.

“Please don’t go, I miss you so much!” I sobbed into Rorys, shoulder.

“ahah sweetie I have to go”

“FINE! Take me with you!” I asked hopefully, but it was an impossibility, I had major wedding talk-3 months isn’t a long time.

“baby sis, you’re wedding is in 3 months! I’ll be back before long, I promise!” Rory beamed at me, clutching my fingers with her. She kissed my cheek and looked above my head and waved at the family, before hugging me one final time, she left.

I watched as Rory scurried off, her Louis V, her hand luggage bouncing as she bound.

I turned around, expecting to see my family but instead stood a solitary Marcus.

He held his arms open and welcomed me into them, which I took.

I nuzzled into him, smelling his musky scent. He rubbed my back soothingly.

I looked up at him, my brown eyes catching his blues and smiled.

We stepped apart and coughed, I stared at my wedges. The bitter Christmas air was clearing up and February seemed a lot brighter.

“So how are you?” Marcus asked, cheekily.

“I’m fine, I’ll just miss her. You?” We started walking, towards the exit.

“I’m good.”

“Where did they go?” I asked, looking at Marcus.

“Ermmm Davy had some meeting to hurry off to, Mum and your mum went off for lunch and Summer had to pick Marcella up from the Nannies” He concluded.

“Oh right, Erm Marcus can I ask you a question” I asked, as we reached his black suv.

“yeah sure” He started the car and turned on the radio, quietly.

“What do you do?” I played with the tassels on my bag. “You know, you always wear a suit and we both are home schooled. So what do you do?”

“I do Davys grunt work, get his office mate’s coffee, photo-copy things and generally just type up agendas” he nodded, looking slightly ashamed. “I’m not the golden boy you see, The rock and roll life of a businessman never really appealed to me”

“Oh really, what did?”

“I want to be an illustrator, or a teacher. Something that doesn’t involve me sitting in an office for hours on end, never seeing my family or sunlight” He stopped at the lights and turned at me and smiled.

“Sounds good, and what Davy won’t let you do that?”

Marcus scoffed. “ No of course not, I tried to talk to them about it but they didn’t really jump on board with the plan and now Caleb gets all the fancy trips and important meetings” I could hear the jealously in his voice of his younger brothers accomplishments.

“sounds harsh.” I said, tapping him on the hand.

“It is” He nodded again. “So what do you do? Or like doing?” Marcus addressed me.

Our contestation lasted for all the journey home. We talked about skiing, school and our parents. We realised that we had a lot in common and that we could have a good time.

All this made me realise that maybe being with Marcus wouldn’t be so bad.