Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

I was likeeeeeee( 40)

When we got back to the house, I headed straight for my room.

I sat down on my plush bed and kicked my wedges off, I stared at my Juicy Couture watch-4.32.

The journey had taken longer than expected and my stomach grumbled.

I walked out of my room and on to the landing. I shouted “Marcus, you wanna order some food?”

I heard footsteps and looked down to see Marcus's head staring up at me “Yeah, sure. Chinese?”

“Yup”I went back into my room and shimmied out of my camel coloured skinny jeans and into some grey sweats, I changed my blazer and embellished shirt to a football jersey. I slipped my slippers on and bounded downstairs to see Marcus out of his usual Suit and Tie combo, and instead dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

I smiled up at him and he returned it.

“I got you, that thing you highlighted on the menu...”Marcus said,smirking at me.

“Yeah that's fine” I smiled at him again, his eyes catching mine.

I walked into the living room and sat comfortably on the squishy plush sofas, rearranging the cushions as I sat.

Marcus plonked himself next to me, remote in hand. I stared at him.

“What?” He asked, his eyes glued to the TV.

“Remote please.” I demanded.

Marcus scoffed. “Nuh-uh, I am not sitting through any more of that jersey shore”

“and why not?”

“Because I hate it and I want to watch something else”He said, matter-of-factly.

“Buuuuut Marcus, I want to watch Jersey Shore!” I whined.

This caused him to turn to me and look at me patheticly before saying “Sorry, dear”

I scoffed.
“fine.” I scowled at me and he laughed.

“oh stop scowling, let's just watch a movie” He said before the bell rang, signalling the food had arrived.

Marcus casually dropped the remote, and stood up to get the door. I snatched the remote from where it sat and scrolled through the many movie channels.

I came across “The Blind Side” and smiled, I loved this film.

Marcus came in,holding the bags of Chinese food, I stood up and got one of the many boxes.

“Jheeze there's two of us, not a small army”
♠ ♠ ♠
for a reader who could do with a cheer up, dont worry ill try and update again!