Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

No switching on the luck.(41)

“that’s my fortune cookie, mr!” I scolded, demanding Marcus to put the cookie on the coffee table.

He still clutched the cookie, “Why, you just have that one” He said and pointed towards the other packet.

“But that’s my fortune and if you get it, it wont be mine anymore!” I argued, trying to sound rational.

Marcus laughed but nevertheless dropped the shiny foil packet, I grasped for and held it in my hand.

Marcus went back to dishing out, shaking his head at my childish response.

Marcus portioned out my Foo Yung, and chilli fried chicken with big piles of noodles. I reached for the chop sticks and grabbed my plate.

“Thank you” I said, and began to eat. Twirling the noodles around the chopsticks.

“How can you use them?” Marcus asked, playing with his chop sticks.

“Its simple, you hold them a bit apart, then hold the one top with your thumb and place…”I watched as Marcus tried to follow my instructions.

Seeing him fail, I placed his fingers around the chop sticks. Feeling his hands beneath mine.

“You see?” I said, letting go off the chop sticks.

“Oh yes, I see” He concentrated hard on the chopsticks, his teeth biting his lower lip.

I went back to my food, and picked up the remote.

“Erm hey there! How did you get the remote?” Marcus asked, noodles spun around the chop stick.

“when you left it behind to get the food, But don’t worry I found a film”

“Which one?” Marcus eyed me suspiciously.

“The blind Side”

Marcus’s chopsticks fell and he stared at me.

“No I’m not watching that, Caleb and I watched it. Cried our eyes out” Marcus said.

“Oh yes we are, I love this film”

“No we’re not” Marcus continued to argue, but he couldn’t persuade me.

I pressed play and the opening titles came on. I ate my noodles quietly but I could feel Marcus’s sulky stare on my face.

“Stop sulking Marcus. You’ll get frown lines” I said, not moving my head from the screen.

“Darling, I have extremely good genes! I will not get wrinkles”

I laughed at Marcus’s outburst, and looked towards him. His strong jaw gave way to a smile.

We finished dinner and put our plate’s on the table. I unwrapped my cookie as Marcus unwrapped his.

“There’s a big day coming up” Marcus read aloud, crunching his cookie quickly.

“Listen to your heart not your mind” I said, but brushed it off and ate my cookie.

“That’s an odd one” Marcus said, stretching out on the cough, his arms spread over the tops of the sofa, his longest finger touching the tip of my shoulder.

“mm it is, now watch the film” I said settling down, curling my legs.

I stared at the screen, I had never been one to miss the plot of a film, but I felt Marcus shift next to me, his arm now fully around my shoulder. I stared up at him and smiled.

The film progressed and I felt my eyes water, I turned to Marcus who was sniffling.

I leaned forward and got us both a napkin, I passed one to him.

“I’m not crying, it’s the chilli’s” Marcus said, wiping his eyes.

I smiled- awwwh what a softie.

I moved closer to Marcus, our shoulders almost touching. Marcus clutched me closer, and at a particularly sad part, I nuzzled my head into his broad chest.

I don’t remember falling asleep, or even finishing the film. I just remember Marcus kissing my closed eye lids, gently, as I was pressed closer too him.