Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

One drink, Two Drink. Three drink. Floor.(44)

The statuesque beauty called Poppy, glided over to us. She looked even more beautiful up close.

“Oh Marcus darling what sort of Hello was that?” She bellowed and kissed both his cheeks- HEY LADY THEY’RE MY CHEEKS.

Marcus smiled at her, she was clutching onto his shoulders laughing and joking at him.

I raged inwardly: how dare they flaunt themselves like this.

I caught Marcus’s eye in an attempt to savour some attention, he pushed ‘Poppy’ off of him.

“This is my uhm, This is CJ” He said, introducing me.

I smiled at her nicely as she turned to me.

“Oh darling Hello, I’m an old friend” She said, winking at the last part.

An old friend, oh I knew what that meant.

“So sweetie, what are you doing here?” She beamed at Marcus, holding his hands-ACTUALLY THER’RE MY HANDS.

“We’re just with Mum”

“Wonderful, I must say Hello at some point” She said, still smiling only this time she clutched at Marcus’s shoulders.

I felt like ripping her insanely beautiful head off.

“mm” Marcus said.

“Anyway darlings I better go, My manager will be going Mad.” She said, and kissed me on the cheek. Then she kissed Marcus on the cheek and whispered something in his ear.

I felt like ripping her head off, then snapping her fingers.

She sidled of, her hair blowing in the breeze.

We were left alone and Marcus smiled apologetically.

“Well she seemed nice” I said, flatly.

“Yeah she is”

I nodded, then turned on my heel.

“Lets go then…” I began walking, when Marcus caught my hand.

“Don’t be like this, Chlo”

I stopped.
“What did you just call me?”

Marcus sighed then gulped. “Chlo…”

I shrugged my shoulders “You haven’t called me that in a long time.” I said simply and resumed walking, Marcus’s hand still holding mine.

“You’re not mad?”

“Nope, about what?” I said, as we entered the country club’s room again.

“Nothing, I guess” Marcus said, and dropped my hand.

I sighed and sat down at the table, ready to resume the preparations.
Megan asked why were so long, Marcus explained they had ran into Poppy and got chatting, to this Megan told Marcus she must have dinner with her, and the family.
