Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

I left my heart in tokyo(45)

“Now on today’s agenda, CJ, we’ll be having fittings” Megan said, it was a week after what had happened and I had been subtly giving Marcus the cold shoulder about the ‘old friend incident’.

“So this means all the girls will be here to have their Bridesmaid dresses fitted” Megan said expectantly, I stared at her wide eyed.


“CJ you daft sod, this means RORYS here!” Megan beamed at me.

I smiled back and nodded.

“I can feel the excitement radiating out of her” Davy said, from behind his newspaper at the breakfast table.

“Oh shush, I’m just overwhelmed.” I said, standing up “Where is she then?”

“Well she’s at a hotel at the moment, she got in yesterday but was too tired to drive here” Megan said, cutting up a piece of grapefruit. “ so we’re meeting Maggie and her at Divino’s”

I sighed and got up. I liked it here I just hated all the wedding stuff.

I went upstairs and stared at my vast wardrobe, oh I love it.

I found an A-line orange skirt, with buttons all the way up. I slipped It on after putting my underwear, I slipped on a navy vest top, and stood staring at the draws holding all my jewellery. Before I knew it I felt arms wrap around my waist.

I sniffed a familiar, musky scent.

Marcus pressed his cheek against mine and sighed, his hands wrapped around my midriff, my back against his front.

“Why are you mad with me” He murmured against my cheek.

I shrugged. “I’m not”

Marcus laughed throatily, and whispered “Don’t lie, what’s up?”

“You’ll…You’ll…no really its nothing” I tried to wiggle out Marcus’s cuddle but he held tight

He kissed my kiss “Its about Poppy isn’t it?”

I coughed and spluttered “No, o-of course not!”

“You really shouldn’t worry about her, she just likes to cause trouble”

“Is that why you didn’t tell me about your old friend?” I asked, stiffening up.

“No I just didn’t expect to see her again..” Marcus said.

“Oh I see..” this time I managed to fully get out of his grasp turned around so I was face to face with him “So you two never actually dated?” I asked.

“No of course not” He said, I sighed a breath of relief. “Nah we just hooked up a few times”

My eyes went wide and I stared at Marcus.

“..It wasn’t supposed to come out like that…”

I coughed. “I get it” I turned towards my wardrobe staring at the sweater section.

“Really she’s nothing to me” Marcus said, he came behind me and wrapped me in a big bear hug.

“You obviously still mean something to her..”

“yeah but honestly she was nothing but a good….”Marcus stopped mid-sentence.

I breathed out of my nose. “A good what, Marcus?”

“Nothing but a good friend”

I wiggled out of his bear hug. I looked at him, he looked so genuine.

“Please, CJ”

He stepped closer and kissed my nose.

My face softened.

He kissed my cheeks.

He rested his lips upon mine and kissed them slowly, gently holding my hips.

I pulled away and pressed my head against his chest and groaned.

“I’m sorry for being such a moody cow” I said.

“Aha don’t worry” He wrapped his arms around me and we stood like that for a while.