Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Remind me never to work for megan (5)

“what is this in your refrigerator, its like ...” Maggie pulled the tub of caviar substitute from the fridge.
“oh that's the brains of Megan's last maid, she forgot to put the crease in Davy's trousers”
Maggie's eyes went wide, before she reading the label.
“oh you're grown up, really how much does this cost?
“well its in Megan's fridge, so probably more than baby food” I took the tub off of Maggie and put it back in the fridge. “speaking off where is Isaac?”
“oh yeah, I think I left him on the bus, this is more like it” she said pulling out some ice-cream. “he's at his dad's you silly bugger”

I sat down on the stool, swinging round. Maggie sat opposite me hoarding all the ice-cream.
“So how's things with you, Marcus and the Humding”
“To be honest I don't know, I haven't spoken to anyone in days, Megan come's in drops my food of. It was only this morning that I spoke to her” I played my spoon.
“you might be being a bit harsh to poor old sexy Marcus” she giggled into her ice-cream.
“hey if he wanted to talk, I would talk. But there is a tad awkward you know we've kinda been thrown into this whirl-pool”
“sounds dangerous” I nodded. “well I better be going Isaac will be balling his eyes out, his dad will have probably given him 'cuddly clown' again” Maggie said picking her coat up off the back of her chair.
“Oh dear, well yeah bye”
we both gave each other hug before Maggie clicked open the car door and sped around the block.
“Darling Don't worry” she shouted before she drove off.

I sighed and slumped back against the wall, the maid came out wondering why the door was open.
“CJ has your friend left so soon” Gail said through gritted teeth.
“such a shame isn't it ?” I laughed and quickly headed back through the open door, up to my room.
Since I was there this morning it had been cleaned with fresh flowers in the vase by the windowsill. Megan really had a sweet life here: a husband, who left her his fortune. Several massive houses and about 8 billion maids to adjust, sort and clean everything in those houses. I mean you probably have to be mad to think this is the type of life anybody would pass up. It was easy this life, the whole prospect of not having to run your own life but still,live under the false illusion that the sandwiches your husband takes to work you made, or the way the beds are made has all been done by you after you put a load of washing on. Its just convenient for people like Megan and My mum, it feels like your life is perfectly packaged and all it takes is money and enough hired help to serve as one small army. No this isn't what I want, this is what my mother wants.
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** sorry for any spelling mistakes or badly typed sections
enjoy the read and feedback is welcome (so are friend requests)