Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Oh go cry me a river, Lady(52)

“Maggie, what are you doing?”

“I’m watching Isaac, repeatedly drop his bunny of his lap and pick it up”


“Its therapeutic and keeping him occupied”

“Oh the joys of being a parent, huh?” I said, giggling into the phone.

“Indeed, you should come round and see us”

“I will if you want, I could use you it” I sighed.

“Then come round, why what happened?”

“Ugh its such a long story, I’ll be round in an hour”

“Okay, sweetie, bring the food!”

I hung up, and lied on my bed.

How dare Marcus expect that I didn’t want to come with them, I mean I didn’t but I would have still had liked the option.

I’m not going to let poppy *shudder, upset me anymore, today I’ve had enough.

I gathered my stuff for Maggies and bunged them all into a nautical over night bag. I grabbed my burberry trench and through it over my jeans and cowboy shirt, I also slipped on my lace up leather wedges and picked up my keys and headed out the door.

I sat in my car, is was still a bit chilly so I blasted the heating and turned my Whiz Kalifah album on.

I was sat in traffic for about an hour, and I still had to pick up the food. This is what you get for travelling during rush hour.

I sighed and groaned as I crawled towards the Mexican which was about 2 minutes from Maggie’s.

I picked up the food and went to Maggie’s, I could hear Isaac wailing when I let myself in.

“Issy, it’s only a paper cut” Maggie murmured sweetly into Isaac’s ear.

“Oh what’s up little man?” I said, Issy scrambled out of his mums arms and bounded towards me. I scooped him up and sat him on my hip.

“He was drawing and he cut himself”

Issy stuck his pet lip out and I nuzzled into his little neck. “You’ll be fine”

I carried him into the kitchen and sat at Maggie’s kitchen table, Issy sat on my lap.

Maggie put the kettle on.

“So, what happened today?” Maggie said turning away from me as she made the coffees.

“My dress got ruined” I said, sadly.

Maggie dropped the spoon that she was using to stir.

“WHAT?!?” Maggie yelled, turning around, wide eyed.

“I have a final fitting and Poppy came in, holding a cherry drink, tripped and splashed it all over me..”

Maggie let out a noise of anger. “Okay at first I thought you had just been jealous and picking things out about her, but now! Now she ruined your dress, I see exactly where you are coming from”

Maggie returned to the coffees.

“I know, I’m so upset, that was THE dress!”

I sighed, as Marcus fiddled with my necklaces.

“I know, Is there no way to fix the dress?”

“I suppose there is but that would probably cost just about the same, trying to get all those colourings out”

Maggie and I chatted seamlessly.


Mum arrived at the restaurant eventually and we were sat casually eating pasta.

Poppy kept looking at me, her caramel eyes seductively glinting in the candle light.

Poppy was sat next to me and every so often, her leg would casually sweep mine under the table.

“So, getting married that’s a big step” Poppy’s mum said.

“Yes I guess it is, but it just feels right”

“Really? I thought you felt right with Poppy? You two were always so cute” Poppy’s mum beamed at me, charmingly.

“Some things just don’t work out, Judy” My mum said firmly.

Poppy’s mum laughed and put a hand to her heart.

“Oh Megan, I’m only playing, I think this JD girl seems perfectly nice from what I hear”

“Its CJ” I said, defensively.

“Oh of course, anyway I don’t want to cause anymore trouble “ Poppy’s mum carried on with her and mums conversation.

“Meet me in the bathroom, I have something to show you” Poppy whispered in my ear.

I gulped.

♠ ♠ ♠
Heyheyhey Robyn here, as usual drop me a comment if you have anything to say!
and also i have like no friends on mibba, so drop me a request if you fancy:)
Alsooooo i wanna mix the story up a bit, so personal message me if you have any ideas that you thing would be good for the story! Much love!!!