Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing


“WAKE UP!” Megan shouted, storming into my room and ripping open the curtains.

I groaned. “I’m up” I lifted my head up off the pillow and, sat shakily.

“The weddings in under a week and we still haven’t got rspvs from all your friends..” Megan declared, eyeing my wildly.

“…that’s because I’ve only invited Maggie..” I murmured.

Megan looked down at me, a concerned expression on her face. “Why’s that?”

I looked down at the throw in my hands, playing with the bits of thread. “Well it’s a bit embarrassing, you know getting married at 16”

Megan looked startled and walked up to me. “Oh CJ there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I’m sure your friends would have been delighted to come to a wedding”

I shook my head. “They wouldn’t get it, I’m sorry my friends just aren’t like us”

“Well if you’re sure, I mean its not too late?”

“Nope I’m sure, I don’t want them there” I nodded, defiantly.

Megan ticked off something in her notepad. “Well other than that the things that needed sorting are your wedding shoes..”

I nodded again at her list of requirements and demands.

“Please try and cheer up, I know this is daunting..” Megan pleaded, her frame disappearing behind the door.

I laid back on my bed, my eyes looking up at the ceiling.

“Really you’re having no friends at the wedding?” A voice asked from the doorway.

“Yes Summer, I don’t want them there” I said, lying, I’d love for them to be there.

“Don’t lie to me, I know you, CJ” Summer said honestly, coming in and sitting next to me, Marcella in her arms.

“ Well okay, maybe you’re right” I sat up, looking at Marcella.

“Then why don’t you invite them?”

“They wouldn’t get it, they’d think it was a joke or something” I said, grasping for one of Marcella’s fingers.

“I doubt that, CJ”

“No they would, I mean come on, they live completely normal lives, this would be so bizarre”

“Then just tell them you met and fell in love, surely that’s a concept they understand” Summer reasoned.

“I guess, but its too late now anyway”

Summer stood and walked towards the door. “It’s never too late, CJ” and with that she walked out.

I shook my head, strange.