Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

CJrawr Has just updated her twitter for the 599th time (6)

I've been little over 5 days, in my 'new home' which is an hour away from old house and 45 minutes away from my sister's house. I've walked every square: Cm , Inch and probably mile of this house. finding nothing that could remotely interest me. Outside feels like Rows and rows of show home's, which are filled with people from Grazia magazine and Football teams, I swear I saw Cheryl Cole flaunting around the place.

But after I've updated my twitter 600 times and sent emails to everyone from my old life there's pretty much nothing to do, I haven't seen or spoken to Marcus since I came to stay, I actually think he may have moved out. I heard Megan shouting on the phone to my parents. Davy hasn't been out of his office and Gail has been in a sour mood with me since she met Maggie. That's everyone in the house that I could start some sort of repor with but It's just so impossible what with everyone so Isolated from one another.

I sighed an lied back on my bed facing the ceiling, looking at the clock it was half past 4 in the morning and the house was silent except for someone moving around downstairs, probably Davy getting yet another double espresso in the kitchen. But instead of sitting there wondering if it was Davy, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and walked down the steps, my slipper socks sliding on the laminate flooring. But it wasn't Davy in the kitchen pottering about it was Marcus searching the fridge... awkward.

At first I made a bee-line for back up the stairs, but Marcus closed the fridge door revealing me in mid creeping stance.
“CJ? What are you doing up?”
I slowly turned around coming face to face with Marcus for the first time in 6 days.
“Oh....I just came.. down for a...” I searched around the kitchen for something to look for.
“A drink?” Marcus offered passing me his orange juice.
“Sure, I mean yes”
I took the drink and stood awkwardly in the hall draining the cup, before putting it in the dishwasher.
“So where have you been the past few days?” Marcus wondered.
“In the house, Haven't been out much you?” I turned the kettle on and reached for the box of caffeine free Peppermint tea.
“I hear you, I haven't left the den.”
“The den?” I asked.
“Well you know that massive extension on the side of the house” I nodded. “Well the tiny room next to that is the den, I got the raw end of the deal” He laughed and got himself some tea. “My brother got the massive extension for his den and I got the box room and one go in the front seat of dad's range-rover in 4 wheel drive”
I laughed “I actually forgot you had a brother, I know you've got a big sister”
“Yeah well Caleb, isn't very sociable. We are definitely opposite end of the spectrum”
“Don't 'spose he's getting married as well?”
Wow did I really just say that? I'm terrible at this, I shouldn't speak in public, or in front Marcus. Oh this is very awkward, stir the tea, look at the tea.
Marcus coughed “Uckum well actually no...bit unfair isn't it”
“Not fair at all My sister Rory, she got married of her accord we should be able to do that” Marcus's eye's went wide as he heard the statement “I don't mean that we should get married, I mean in the future, separately we should of. Yeah well you know what I mean” I could feel my ears growing red. “I'm going go now, yeah so...” I left the kitchen with my whole face burning red, sliding across the hall. I went straight to bed after that.
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* sorry for any spelling mistakes or badly typed sections
enjoy the read and feedback is welcome (so are friend requests)