Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

Whoa and I thought Marcus was Hawtt (7)

When I awoke the next morning I actually felt much better which is strange, seen as I completely embarrassed myself in front of Marcus. But other than that I felt completely refreshed. I turned onto my side, the maid had refreshed the flowers and opened the curtains to reveal the 30 acres of land outside the house.
“CJ, darliiing” Megan shouted “Can you come down here please”
I sighed and stepped onto the cold floor, where did my socks go? I walked down the stairs to see Megan flicking through magazines, fully dressed in a Chanel suit.
“Oh good your here, I thought it would be best if we started to talk about the humding, I mean wedding” she patted the seat next to her on the 3 seater, I plopped myself next to her. “I've been looking through these brochures and hopefully have found a few things you'll like”

Whoa, is she crazy? Surely the wedding can't be for another year or five. Oh my god I can't breathe, oh my god she's still talking and pointing. Deep breaths, Oh my what is she saying? Compose yourself, its not that big of a deal, I mean you are only married at 15.
“so we were thinking teal for the bridesmaids” she babbled
No, I've seen the wedding planner thank you very much .
“yeah lovely” I responded.
Maybe we should throw in an Olivia newton John song in there somewhere.

“...And maybe it should be outdoors,it will be in the summer” she questioned.
Will it?
“yeah that would be also lovely”
“yes I thought so” she nodded in agreement.
This is happening, definitely happening.

“Oh and you should definitely wear white, not purple. People the wrong impression” she pointed to a Donna Karen dress in one of the magazines,
“Oh well....sure”
Just be positive, as long as it's not poofy.
“oh and there's a lovely dress, with a lovely big skirt on it”
“well I don't think that's really me” I protested
yeah you wedding stealing.... freak!
“Don't be daft”

...And so it went on for hours and hours, talking about color scheme's, dinner settings and locations. So much so I thought I was going to throttle my future mother in law. But finally it ended at 11.00 at night, after talking for 12 hours.
I practically crawled up to my room before I got stopped on the stairs.
“CJ can I talk to you”
I groaned, think it was Marcus I turned around. Only it wasn't Marcus it was Caleb, Mighty fine Caleb.

Caleb and I were sat in the kitchen clutching a mug of cocoa in our palms.
“I know we haven't really talked since you moved here” Caleb muttered.
He is gorgeous, I mean he's got that mysterious edge and.. wait he's talking again
“you didn't listen did you?” I shook my head. “I was just saying that I think it's really unfair what my parents are doing, you don't deserve to be put in this situation”
I smiled “yeah but I don't think it's fair for Marcus or me”
he nodded at me.
“I suppose, you know Marcus barely remembers you?”
should he remember me?
“really what? I thought we hadn't met ever?”
As soon as I said that I felt extremely stupid. Of course I remember, they were both really weird.
“Oh I remember Marcus ate my plasticine dog” I laughed at my own stupidity.
“yeah he was ill for weeks, he actually turned purple/bluey/brown”
I bit my lip at him, to contain my laughter.
I'm such a flirt, stop you are an engaged teenager!
“well it's been a long day, I should go to bed now. Thanks for your support” I patted him on the shoulder as I went upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
* sorry for any spelling mistakes or badly typed sections
enjoy the read and feedback is welcome (so are friend requests)