Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

It helps that I adore you (8)

*read memo por-favor*

**I was in a room, over looking a beautiful lake. I stood in front of a floor length mirror in a satin ivory gown, a woman was fussing and placing pins in my hair. I wasn't alone in this room, 12 other girls were dressed in scarlet red dresses. One came up to me, but I couldn't see her face, she placed a red rose on the bodice of the dress.

I turned around, to come face-to-face with a church full of people. I had my arm through a man's as we glided rhythmically to the sound of the chimes. Megan had a tissue pressed to her eye, as I found my way to the alter. My father kissed me on my cheek and passed me to a man in a suit. Could it be Marcus? No too broad to be Marcus and his hair was blond. I met the man's eyes, bright green. It was Caleb.

“...and do you take Caleb Willis Dorchester-Brown to be you're lawful wedded husband?”
“I do” I felt tears in my eyes, as I firmly placed the ring on his finger.**

I shot up from my bed, my dream had been so vivid. I had married, in dreamland my future husbands Brother.
Now that's not right.
I sighed and laid back onto my bed, looking at the clock 4.56 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, looking for my slippers. Finding them I walked downstairs to get a drink, I was stood on the last step of the stairs when I heard two male voice's.

“Marcus you do realize you are being so unbearably ignorant about this?” I heard Caleb say.
“well I'm sorry I'm not jumping for joy about this situation, you probably would seen as you are in love with her” Marcus slammed a cup down in frustration.
You should stop listening, give the some privacy.
“don't make it about that, it was year's ago”
*cue happy giddy sensation *
“well clearly you still have feelings for her, or else you wouldn't be acting like a little bitch”
if Marcus wasn't ridiculously tall, I'd so kick his ass!
“says you, if you for moment thought how little this was affecting you and how much was affecting CJ. You would realize that you are being such a dick”
Caleb I adore you
I was smiling to myself when I heard someone open the kitchen door. I quickly reached for the pantry door and stepped inside.
Wow its a bit chilly in here
“I'm the dick? Well I'm not the one who is in love with my brothers fiancee” Marcus spat at Caleb.
Whoa was not expecting that
“You don't know what you're talking about, I'm not in love with her. I don't want to see another girl hurt by your uncaring jerkiness attitude. We are all sick of picking up the pieces” Caleb Lent on the pantry door, as he shouted at his brother.
“you're just jealous that I can talk to women, most people think you're gay you know”
“Whoa did you get stupider over night or have you're supposed insults always been that bad” Caleb said.
There were footsteps marching down the stairs.
“What is all this noise, you are going to wake up CJ?” Megan shouted at her sons.
“No they won't she's not in bed” Davy informed.
“Maybe she went for a run” Marcus said.
“No she's not I know where she is”
oh crap
“she's in the pantry” Caleb opened the door to reveal, me searching for something.
“Oh that's where the umm peas are kept...” I said turning around.
“okay my darlings, instead asking lots of questions I'm just going to tell that if you don't go to bed right now I will make you all eat baby food, NOW GO” Megan demanded.
we all shuffled up the stairs and quickly headed to our rooms.
♠ ♠ ♠
* sorry for any spelling mistakes or badly typed sections
enjoy the read and feedback is welcome (so are friend requests)