Status: Working Progress

On the Surface I Have the Perfect Life, But My Life Isn't Surfacing

I'm not sure that this situation, could be any more akward(9)

well that could have been very awkward, if I had said something stupid- no wait I did. I embarrassed myself in front of two pretty gorgeous guy's, one of which is apparently in love with me. Well actually it's probably more awkward for Marcus and Caleb. Since Megan sent us all up stairs (like a bunch of five year olds) I have been staring at the ceiling, going over and over the situation in my and if there even was a situation. I mean it is possible that is it just banter between two brothers, I mean me and my sister always used to make fun of each other. Yeah so it's just banter, harmless banter and slowly I fell asleep.

What if it's not banter?
A little over an hour after I shut my eyes to fall asleep, my mind was up and about.
I can't sleep with all this going on
It felt like a bomb had gone off, and I could tell be the prominent crease I was getting between the brow this had been going on for a while. I don't know why things were like this for me, For all my friends parent's they were just normal. They had the life I envied, The mum that made casseroles for dinner or the father figure that changed light bulbs. Instead I got stuck with Salmon en croute and a father that changed companies.

I sighed in frustration, at the current events.
The house had resumed its ghostly silence, and it felt more weird than ever. Looking out of the window there was nothing to be seen, maybe a jogger or a dog walker- But most people had taken refuge in a Sunday morning lie-in. Only I knew that in 7 minutes, at 5am Davy would be pacing the floorboards in a Hugo Boss suit.

It was still dark outside, the spring not fully in motion yet, I decided maybe it was time for me to start taking action. This marriage seemed to be going ahead, but I'd be dammed if I was going to stand at the alter and say I do to Marcus, when I could or could not be in love with his brother, maybe. But my parents weren't going to let me just choose one or the other, this was not a return if unsatisfactory situation. Nope this plan was going to have to be organised with execution, It could involve flow charts and lists. But most of all it involved a trip to my guidance counsellor- Miss Maggie.