Status: New luvies! : D

For Your Entertainment

How Could You Do It?

Well that was kind of awkward... I think as I walk into the kitchen to get some cereal. I walk back into the living room, bowl of Cheerios in hand.

Where the hell are Natallie and Constance?

I see something move out of the corner of my eye and look to see what it is. It's Jamie, packed up and ready to walk out. I furrow my eyebrows and try my best to keep a frown off my face.

"Oh... You're leaving?" I ask, biting my bottom lip.

“Uh… Yeah. Work just called I’m late. Sorry I have to leave you guys with clean up.” He replied. He sounded kind of...nervous, maybe?

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not much.”

“Thanks.” He says. I quickly grab his wrist and, when he fully turns around, smash my lips to his.

He pushes me away, so hard and sudden, I loose my balance and fall to the ground. My cereal bowl crashes to the ground sending shard of ceramic across the wooden floor. He glares at me, hate and another emotion filling his eyes.

"Are you crazy?!" He yells. He spits and wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

Am I that repulsive?

“Fucking queer.” He spits, and walks out the door.

When the doors slams shut, my vision gets blurry with tears.

Why...? Why did I have to do that? Why did he have to call me a queer? Fuck my stupid impulses!

"Axel, baby, what's wrong?!" Constance tackles me in a hug.

"J-Jamie..." I whimper into her shoulder.

"What? What did he do?" Confusion is clear in her tone.

"H-He had to leave but before he l-left I k-kissed him! I'm so stupid! Why did I have to do that?! What's wrong with me?!" I sob as Constance holds me tighter. "I'm nothing but a fucking q-queer!"

Constance pushes me away. "He said that to you?"

"Yeah... It's true. I'm nothing but a worthless queer!" I start bawling again. Constance doesn't;t respond. All I hear is some murmuring and a door slam. My sobs quiet down and I flinch as I feel a new pair of arms wrap around me.

"Shh... It's okay Axel. He's an idiot You're not a queer, you're a human being. He had no right to talk to you like that." Natallie cooes. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tight.

"Thanks. You're a wonderful person. I'm sorry things didn't really... well, work out between us."

"Oh, that's fine. We can still be friends though, right? You and Constance are quite a bunch to hang out with." She laughs.

"Yay! 'Nother best friend!" I yell and tackle her.

"H-Hey! S-Stop, Axel!" She yells as I tickle her sides.

Our loud laughter is interrupted by Constance saying, "What the hell are you guys doing?"

I stop tickling Natallie and look up at Constance. She's already walking into the kitchen. I hear the sink turn on and give Natallie a worried glance. We get up and head to the kitchen.

"Constance, are you all right?" Natallie asks.

"Oh, I'm all right." Just the way she says it, I know she did something bad.

"What did you do?" I question.

"Nothing that wasn't deserved." She says.

"To who?" Natallie sounds scared to hear the answer.

"Jamie." She answers nonchalantly.

"Oh my God!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air, "Are you fucking kidding me Constance? What did you do to him?"

She mumbles something under her breath and dries her hands of with some paper towels.

"What?!" Okay, so I get easily frustrated. Sue me.

"I just broke his nose, okay?!" She says it like it's nothing.

"You say that like it's nothing!"

"Because it is nothing. No one saw me."

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God." I start pacing and rub my temples with my first two fingers.

"Constance..." Natallie sounds disappointed and, out of the corner of my eye, I see Constance frown.

"He won;t call the cops, Axel. Why don't you just go back to bed?" Constance says softly.

"Fine. But if he does call the cops, I'm not helping you out of this" She rolls her eyes and nods.

I leave to go to my lovely room where my bed awaits me.

Constance's POV



"We can tell him. He said him and I could just be friends. I'm not dating him."

"I don't know..."

"He won't mind. I know it. He'd probably be happy for us."

"I don't know." I repeat. "He's got a lot of drama right now. Maybe in a couple of days.

"Okay..." She sighs.

I smile at her and kiss her lips. "Soon, Natallie, soon."

She giggles and deepens the kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long! :(
Blergh.. I don't really like this chapter. X|
Mmmm. Well...