Status: Working on it!!!

No Longer Saving Yourself


The streets were empty and silent. Too silent for Annie's liking. She pulled the small pistol out of its holster strapped to her thigh anyway, stepping carefully towards the main road. A bottle rolled behind her and she spun around, gun pointed toward the noise.

"Fuck, who are you? I could have shot you, ya know," Annie hissed to the boy, or rather man, behind her. He was tall, fairly muscular and looked about her age. Under any other circumstances she would have found him attractive. And he looked very familiar.

"Sorry!" he said, hands up and looking terrified at the pistol Annie was pointing at him.

"It's alright kid. Name's Annie," she said, putting the gun down and sticking her hand out.

"Zack," the muscular man before her said, taking her smaller hand in his. He took in her appearance; longer blond hair that was arranged in a pony tail. She was average in height and weight, and wore a worn top and jean shorts. She had holsters on her thighs and a vest with additional room for guns as well as a knife on her side. However there were only two additional guns on her.

"You alone?" she asked. He shook his head.

"I used to be in a band before this shit blew up. We've been holding up in that old hotel downtown," he explained. She nodded.

"Any of you been bitten?" Annie asked.

"Not yet. A friend of ours was. We had to change location," he answered sullenly.

"You shoot him?" Annie asked. Zack looked taken aback.

"Of course not!" he exclaimed.

"When did it happen? He's bound be be full out gone by now. Would have been better for you if you had," she said nonchalantly, continuing on down the street.

"You coming?" she asked, turning back towards Zack.

"Where you going?" he asked.

"Looking for a new car to get out of here. One I got in on got a flat and outta gas," she explained, creeping closer to the street, read to move around the corner of the building.

"You're leaving the city? Are there other cities that aren't infected?" he asked a little too loudly for Annie's liking.

"Shh!" she whispered, pushing him back as she turned the corner, ready to take out anything on the other side. Thankfully, the street seemed clear.

"Come on," she said, pulling on his shirt.

"Can we look for some food too?" he asked, following her.

"Sure. If we find an SUV or a Hummer I'll even consider taking you guys out of here. Two would be good. People, food and ammo. Sound good?" Annie asked. He nodded enthusiastically.

The two made their way down the street, checking doors. A few opened, but no keys.

"We don't want to jump it every time we move." Annie climbed out of yet another vehicle. "I don't even know why I tried. We don't want a sedan."

Halfway through, they found a car with keys in the ignition, but it was in an impossible spot. Other cars were in the way.

"Fuck," Annie muttered, hitting the hood of another car.

"Why don't we just take it on the curb?" Zack asked, trying to figure out a way to move it.

"I've got a better idea. Car dealership," Annie said, nodding at her idea.

"Know where one is?" Zack asked as they made their way back to the cross street they met on.

"Not from here," she stated.

"Me either," he said. "This was the last city we toured in before the outbreak."

"Is there a map in your hotel? We could try and use that. And you said you had people. We can split up," she said.

The two young people walked back to the hotel with Zack leading. The silence wasn't necessary, but neither individual knew what to say. Asking about the weather wasn't exactly a question you could ask in a zombie ridden land.

"Power off?" she asked when they reached the tall building.

"No. We figure they wont come in the building if they think no one is in there. We blacked out the windows in one of the rooms and use candles instead," he responded, leading her into the hotel.

After a few flights of stairs, this time lead by Annie, Zack swung a door open and sure enough, the room was lit by candles and three other individuals were inside.

"Guys, this is Annie. She's gonna get us out of this Hell hole," Zack explained. A dark haired boy jumped up excitedly.

"Fine-a-fucking-ly!" He wrapped his arms around the girl, engulfing her into a tight hug.

"I'm Jack," he said to the girl once he released her. Or rather Annie pushing him off her.

"And this is Alex and Rian," he said, pointing to the two other boys.

"Nice to meet you I guess. Got a map?" Annie asked, getting down to business.

Rian went down the hall and came back with a small map and by candle light, the five came up with a plan. The map didn't provide any exact markers to their desired location, but it gave them an idea of where to look.

"So tomorrow, we canvas the area and look for a car dealership. You guys have guns?" Annie asked.

"No," Rian responded.

"I'm running low," she said, pulling out the two other guns she had on her.

"I've got a hideout not far from here. Surprised I haven't seen you around yet. But yeah, I'll go get a few more and some extra ammo," she said, standing up, stretching slightly and cracking her back.

"You can't go out now," Alex said. "It's almost dark."

"I can take care of myself kid. I got here on my own didn't I?" Annie winked.

"I'm coming with you," Zack insisted, standing up too.

"I do better on my own." Annie took back the guns, putting them back in their holsters.

"I'll be back soon," she added, walking towards the door.

"You're not going out there alone. Especially if you're our only way out of here," Zack said, blocking her way out.

"Fine." Annie knew his concern and gave in.

"Here," she said, handing him one of her guns.

"Do exactly as I say though, pretty boy," Annie said, walking out the door he was now holding open for her.

"So you think I'm pretty, eh?" Zack asked following her. Annie rolled her eyes.

"You're not the most hideous person to have around," she offered..

Walking out of the hotel was as successful as going in. By now, the moon had risen and the light was beginning to touch the street. Annie didn't need to see to find her hideout. It was a former postal center, and one of the most secure places she had stayed in the past year. Using locks from a bicycle shop, she had managed to secure the building while she wasn't around. It didn't keep her from walking through it as though zombies could be inside.

Climbing over the counter, Annie pulled Zack down into a crouching position.

"Did you hear that?" she asked quietly, looking around.

"No. I think you're getting paranoid," he whispered. She smacked him and he chuckled.

A noise came from the ceiling. Annie was right.

"It's just a rat," Zack said when their heard a squeak.

"If it's been feeding on infected flesh, it could be dangerous. Let's get the fuck out of here."

They walked quickly to the backroom, and pulled a tarp off of one of the mail carts.

"Take the food; I've got the rest," Annie said, handing Zack one of the boxed and pulling a shotgun over her head. The other guns went into the open holsters and ammo filled her pockets. She pulled a smaller backpack on and lead him towards their entry point.

"Where'd you get this food?" Zack asked, looking through some of the items.

"People send food through the mail. And there is always a break room. Don't want anyone going postal," Annie joked. She was beginning to loosen up. Human contact and conversation wasn't exactly number one on her activities the last few months.

Zack laughed in response, elbowing her slightly. He was glad to have social interaction with someone other than his friends.

They made it halfway back to the hotel until they started hearing impending victims; those changed by the T virus.

"Fuck," Zack muttered. "What now?"

"In here," Annie said, pulling him into the doorway of the closest building.

"You got food at the hotel?" she asked.

"Enough for now." Annie nodded at his response.

"Leave the rest of it here. We can always come back for it." Zack opened the door slowly and shoved the box inside.

"Okay. You know how to use one of these?" Annie asked, handing him a gun.

"I guess," Zack said, looking over the metal.

"They aren't people. Just think of that. And aim for the head," she said, leading him back down the street to the hotel.

Suddenly, five reanimated victims came into view.They were slow; low threat. But then more were appearing.

"Shit," Annie muttered.

"This way," she hissed, running towards the hotel with Zack as more came toward them.

"Fuck!" Annie jumped over a turned over lamp post and stumbling a little once her feet hit the ground.

"Come on," Zack shouted, pulling her back up. One got too close and Zack quickly shot it through the jugular. His expression didn't falter, surprising Annie. He may have not known how to use a gun, but Zack was a quick learner.

"Thanks," she said, realizing him coming was a good idea. And she hated that she needed his help, whether she liked it or not.

They raced towards the hotel, as they began to get closer, Annie stopped, pulling Zack back.

"There isn't anywhere for us to hide. We'll lead them right to the others and then we'll all be trapped. How fast can you run?" she questioned. Zack grinned.

"Where are we running to?" he challenged.

"Any ideas?" she asked, taking off down the street to avoid the zombies now upon them.

"We need to find something to distract them or a way to enclose them," he panted, keeping up with her.

"Library? We can get up on the roof and go back towards the hotel on top of the buildings." Zack nodded and they took off towards the hotel they passed on the way to Annie's hiding spot.

"I really hope there aren't any inside," Annie said, heaving the door open with Zack.

Nestling one of the tables against the door, they looked toward the elevator, finally taking a breath.

"Cover me," she said, sneaking over and pressing the surprisingly still lighted button. The doors opened while both young people held their breath.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'd totally want Zack on my side during a zombie attack.

1) He could help me fend off the bloodsuckers.

2) He'd look sexy doing it!