We All Bleed the Same Blood

My Brother At His Worst

I slammed myself against the lockers. I was in a dead panic, unsure of how to act. I didn’t want anyone to get hurt so I had to hurry.

After struggling I finally opened my locker. I grabbed the bottle of Pepsi and slammed my locker shut, and then I ran for it.

I ran across each hallway, passing every locker. They called me up to room 207, to help my brother Cameron.

He had Autism, and he always had a Pepsi can in his hand. If he didn’t he usually has a panic attack and if it goes on long enough he will get physical.

That’s when they call me up. Being his older sister he’s more comfortable with me calming him down.

“CAMERON.” I yell as I slam the door open. The room was silent and awkward until I heard Cameron’s sniffled cry coming from the other side of a shelf.

“Trini.” He yells as he jumps up to the ground. He zooms over to me and grabs the Pepsi bottle out of my hand.

The terrified expression flees his face as he drinks the Pepsi. He leaves me and sits down in a desk close to the window.

“Thank you Trinity.” The teacher says, the resource officer standing behind her.

I give a light smile of relief as I look at Cameron. It was hard at times, but he is really just one big kid that I love.

“So I guess I’ll stay here for a few minutes the n go back to class.” I say as I sit down.

The resource officer, Mr. Smerglia shakes his head in deny. “No… We called your mom; she is going to be here momentarily. So you might as well stay because she is taking you as well.”

I sit down next to Cameron as we waited. About 10 minutes later my mom walks in.

She rushed over to Cameron and put her slender hands on his puffy face. “Are you okay baby?” She hugs him as if she wasn’t planning on letting go.

Cameron nods with a lot of force. “Yes mom.”

She talks to the teacher and resource officer for a moment before she starts walking to the door.

She looks at me and does a hand motion, beckoning me to the door. I get up and start walking with her, and Cameron follows my example.
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