Sequel: The Game
Status: complete, but revisions are being made

The Pauper Princess

Chapter Forty-Two

Ten minutes ago I had been pinned to a wall, now I am standing outside the council room, waiting for the doors to open. The servant who had interrupted Chelan is still standing beside me, presumably to show he has accomplished his task, when one of the large wooden doors suddenly flings open. With a swift bow, the servant excuses himself and shuts the door. “Where on earth were you?” Valahn demands crossly.


“It doesn’t matter,” he interrupts, holding up a hand to me and shaking his head. “Just sit.” Without another word, I did as he said, timidly taking a seat at the corner large table between Ekohl and Jegan and across from the king. The instant I am seated Valahn dives into a detailed explanation of the afternoon’s upcoming ceremony. He talks quickly, indicating each step we will take on a rough sketch of the courtyard.

I try to pay attention, knowing this is important information, but my mind drifts back to Chelan. When he first heard distant footsteps, he had promptly slapped his hand over my mouth and listened intently to the sound. As soon as he realized the person was getting nearer, he leaned close, his breath slithering across my cheek. “Speak a word of this to anyone,” he warned, “and she’s dead.” Then, with a cruel smirk, he released me and quickly strode away.

I gasp when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. Turning in my seat, the hand slides off and I see that it is only Ekohl. He gives me this uncertain look, then mouths “listen” and indicates Valahn again. I nod and try to pay attention.

“…under the silver arch. Ekohl, you’ll be there with the king and Prince Jegan. I’ll have four men on each side of the arch as well.” Valahn is explaining how the wedding ceremony is supposed to proceed. He’s knows we are running low on time. He’s rushing, just trying to get through to the actual union. I can’t help wondering where Chelan will be during all this, and what he plans on doing. The worst he can do is tell everyone what is going on with Mehta and I, though I am not even completely sure of the extent of his knowledge.

“Are you even listening Mehta?” I flinch- visibly I’m sure- and look up at Valahn. I can tell he’s getting more livid by the minute, and I am sure he has every reason to be upset, but with all my own problems swirling around my head, I just cannot seem to concentrate.

“Forgive me, I-“

“I do not care for your apologies,” Valahn said harshly. “This is important. I thought you said she would be more focused with sleep.” The last sentence Valahn directed to Ekohl, finally taking his focus off me.

“I am sure she understands the situation perfectly fine,” Ekohl defended, putting a protective hand on my shoulder. “Her part is only to walk behind Siya to the arch. It is not as difficult as you are making it.” Valahn, already furious, now looked as if he wanted to leap across the table and strangle Ekohl. I place my hand over Ekohl’s and try to diffuse the situation.

“Please continue, Valahn. I will pay closer attention.” After a few seconds of glaring, Valahn does as I requested and launches back into his detailed plan. This time I nod every minute or so and keep my eyes trained on the map until he finishes. We now have only a few short minutes before the ceremony is set to start, so we leave the council room and dash to our respective positions.