Tell Me What You See (Beyond these scars)

Who's this British Boy in My Bathroom?

The smooth pavement rumbled softly under my wheels as I sped down the highway. The boxes in the back seat shook with fury from bump after bump in the long road. Sleeves and garments of various colors spilled over the top as they continued to get shook loose. I continued until a large green sign came into view displaying that I was about to enter PENNER, PENNSILVANIA. The rattling from the back seized as I brought the speed down to city limits. Leaning up I pulled a sheet of paper from the dash and read the directions aloud.

“Right on 4th , Left on Turpentine” I looked up at the road turning the corners of the college ruled area until I found my destination.

Pulling into the first driveway on the right corner a smile spread across my fleshy pink lips. I was home, at least the closest thing to it. The engine of my Mustang died as I pulled the key and headed for the door leaving the boxes for him to get later. As I stepped onto the welcome mat my fingers grazed the top edge of the door feeling for a key. Once my fingers brushed the cold metal it was seconds before I pushed my way into the beautiful two story.

The house was vacant with people but fully occupied with trash from beer cans to old bags of chips. I took a look of disgust as the smells caught up with the revolting image.

“Jeremy” my slightly annoyed voice rang through the house.

I sighed, it was always like him to either run late or completely forget everything, especially when he had important company. I pulled the phone from my pocket to check the time, 3:30 PM, I was a bit off so I couldn’t be that mad considering I was early.

Somewhere deep down in that second a trigger blew sending me into a cleaning mood.
I stepped over blankets and pillows that made mountains in the large living room until I came to the kitchen. My eyes went wide seeing the various messes that cluttered the otherwise gorgeous dining room. Grease stains where someone attempted bacon and eggs, crumbs from a sandwich that seemed to have fallen apart and spills that the lazy man who lived here would be too lazy to clean. Under the sink, that seemed to be the only decent looking place, I found trash bags and gloves behind a labyrinth of pipes. I immediately went to work on the downstairs. By the time hurricane Jane came through everything was spotless.

Once again I looked at my clock, 5:45 PM, I couldn’t believe it took me that long to clean just the lower level or that Jeremy wasn’t back yet. A stench filled the air and I automatically sniffed my shirt. The smell has attached itself onto me. Swiftly I headed to my car and pulled out a small assortment of clothes just for tonight. A black V-neck, a pair of royal blue shorts and some frilly undergarments that the dorm rats across the street were oh so curious to see.

I walked up the stairs and into the first right door where the bathroom was. The lights flicked on and I was surprised to see that it was decently cleaned. It was big with a long vanity and mirror to match. The shower was also pretty big in itself with comfortable standing room for about six. I hung my clothes on the hook behind the door letting my filthy ones slide off and onto the cold white tile. I kicked those to the corner as hot water ran and steam filled up to the high ceiling.

A tingle ran up from my heels to my head as the scolding water caressed every curve of my body. The cool air of the bathroom churned with the simmering steam, it was nice. I jumped as I heard the front door slam and footsteps booming downstairs. Footsteps echoed coming up the stairs giving me no time to finish. The door creaked open then shut as the faucet began to run. My eyes rolled, I hated when he just barged in like that with no regards for privacy. My hands pulled at both water knobs slowing the showers fountain to a drip.

“Hand me a towel” You could hear the shear annoyance in my voice.

I turned and exposed one arm concealing myself behind the dark blue shower curtain. A fuzzy white towel was shoved into my hand as I quickly pulled it back. Dabbing at my wet hair I finally let the thick black and caramel mop sop and stick to my shoulders. I tightly wrapped the towel around me. Out of all the towels he could have given me I got the smallest one that hit my upper thighs and lower chest revealing way too much cleavage. I sighed and pulled back the curtain.

My eyes went wide and a hot red blush ensued as my feet hit the carpeted bath mat. I looked up to see a man, one other than my brother. He was tall and lanky but lean with visible muscling. Light brown hair ,shaggy and straightened, framed his pale face. My heart raced as he looked me up and down just as surprised.

“Haven’t seen you before” he spoke sheepishly in a deep and eloquent voice that seemed to be drenched in a heavy British accent.

“And your definitely not Jeremy” I desperately tried to cover myself up a bit more.

He continued to look me over making intense red marks throughout my cheeks.

“Who the fuck are you?!” I nearly screamed stepping forward a bit too fast.

Footsteps pounded up the stairs once more as I slowly slipped backwards and back into the bathtub. I squinted and squirmed in pain as Jeremy broke through the bathroom door.

“Jane, you ok?” he started to make his way over.

“No, everyone just get the hell out!” I pointed towards the door.

Once they both quickly shuffled out I rested back into the bathtub, my head pressed against the wall and my legs dangling over the side. This was not a good start.
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this is going to be a fun one to write