Status: Just started. Comments?

Have Some Composure


“…do you Patrick Martin Stump take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and to hold, till death do you part?” said the priest.

“I do,” Patrick said smiling at me.

“…And do you Adalia Blackstone take this man to be you lawful wedded husband to love and to hold till death do you part?”

“I do,” I said smiling at Patrick.

“…I now pronounce you man and wife,”

Patrick lifted the vial and kissed me as everyone clapped and cheered their heads off. As the years have past Patrick and I are still together. We have three children Jeph (6), Kathryn (4) and Junior (3). We live in a small two-story house and have two dogs. I bet we’ll be together till the day we die, I hope.


My eyes opened as I sat up in bed. When I looked over I saw Patrick sleeping next to me. I had a dream of what happened six years ago.

“You feeling alright?” Patrick said whilst he was half asleep and half awake.

“Yeah I am,” I said as Patrick went back to sleep.

The next day I got Jeph and Kate ready for school and walked them walk down the road as I was putting Junior’s jumper on.

“Now you have a god day at school and I’ll pick you up tonight,” I said kissing him on the cheek and walking him run after Jeph and Kathryn.

Coming back to New York and marrying Patrick was the best decision I had ever made and nothing and no one will ever change my decision.

The End
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thats it people
the end