Dancers Mended Heart

Home Sweet Home

I pressed my head against the window of the plane, and took a deep breath. I was on my way to Portland, Oregon. I was moving back with my mom. My father apparently didn’t want me anymore or didn’t want to see the sun the next morning. My daddy took his own life. I remember lying in bed after dinner.

My father was on the phone with someone and it sounded like they were arguing. He kept saying he didn’t have the money or whatever; he hung up and climbed the stairs. I heard the shower go on and the curtain slide open and close. Everything was quite for a good hour. I heard him walk around in the tub. I started to grow tired. I thought I closed my eyelids. But it wasn’t my own darkness that drowned my room. The lights went out. I screamed knowing what he did. He electrocuted himself. I got up and ran out of my room as I passed the bathroom I could smell the smoke and I could hear the sparks. I ran into the kitchen and picked up the phone. I ran outside colliding with someone. It was jack. He Daddy’s drug dealer. He caught me and screamed at me asking where my father was. I kicked and cried to get away from him. He was scum; he made my daddy do this. He threw me on the ground and ran inside. I crawled to the curb and dialed 911. I sobbed when they asked what the emergency was. I stopped long enough to tell them. They told me to stay where I was and call someone to get my mind off of it. They hung up and I watched Jack walk out of the house. He was quite and pale. He saw me and looked up to the bathroom window. He shook his head and told me to call my brother. I did as I was told. He sat down next to me and put the gun into my hands. I just stared at it. I looked at his face; he had a single tear come down. I was so young. Barely 20. It wasn’t fair to take his life. I shook my head and handed him the gun. We stared at each other until we heard sirens. He got up and walked away. He just walked away, just like that. Away from his problem, away from his mess, from my dad. He was so sick. I started to cry. I dialed Matt’s number. I waited as my brother picked up. He did and I started sobbing again. I felt bad for him, I couldn’t even understand what I was saying, and it was coming out of my mouth.

I shifted in my seat, I was terrified of heights. Hopefully matt was already there at the airport waiting for me with my mom. The speaker beeped really loud signaling there was an announcement. I jumped when the beep happened; a little kid turned in his seat and stuck his tongue out at me. I think I kicked his eat. The dude on the speaker said we will be landing in five minutes. I had no carry-on stuff. So I just sat back watching the fat tourists reach across each other to get their stuff. I looked out the window the same time the wheels touched the runway. I closed my eyes. The seat belt signal went off and I got out of my seat and rushed off the plane. I walked down the corridor pulling out my iPod turning on Apocalyptica. I don’t think they would be here for a while. I turned it up loud and watched a group of Russian soccer players go through security. I laughed when one was put into the clear holding block. I was heading to one of the waiting chairs when something flew on my back. It fell off and I turned around. Matt was standing there smiling at me. I screamed and flung my arms around him almost knocking him down. He hugged me back and spun me around.

“Hey leave some hugs for me!” I turned around and saw Zacky pouting. I ran and jumped on him squeezing the life out of him. I got off and turned to Matt and smiled.

“C’mon lets go home.” He pulled me with him as we pushed passed people in the Portland airport.

“You have no clue how much I have missed you Leena.” Matt opened the door for me and loud music found its way to my ears. I walked in and three other pair of eyes were on me. I remembered them all. Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian. I did a small wave as Zacky and Matt walked in. “Guys, if you don’t remember this is Aileen, my sister.” All of them nodded. And Johnny raised his eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes remembering how rude he is.

“Where’s mommy?” I asked matt.

“She’s working; she’ll be home late tonight. But come on I need to show you your room.” I followed him up the stairs leaving everyone else behind.

Everything was already there. I shipped all my stuff down here. My instruments and clothes, books, cds, bedding, and my pictures were all here. My old furniture was still in place. I looked around looking at all the cracks and old stickers on my walls left from my childhood.

“Um…all the guys know, they were with me the night you called so its okay. They won’t talk about it, or I’ll kick their asses.” He laughed at this and so did I.

“Okay. Um are they always here?” I fiddled with my fingers afraid of the answer.

“Ha! They practically live here! We have band practice everyday around this time. So I don’t know how your going to here yourself playing your cello.” He pointed to my cello and smirked.

“Oh I’ll find a way.”

“Oh I know you will.”

“Um… Matt?” Brian stood behind matt as he whispered. I walked over to a box leaving them to talk. I pulled out my leotard and ballet slippers. I set them on my bed along with my awards and trophies from dance competitions. I took out my jewelry as I heard their whispers rise up and down. I took out my pictures and put them against my bed post. I finally got tired of the whispers and pulled out my IPod turning up Apocalyptica. I was listening to Helden when my ear plug thingy was ripped from my head.

“Hey!” I turned around to protest.

“Get ready we’re going out tonight for some fun.” Brian smiled from the doorway and I looked down at my cello.

“Um I don’t think I want to go. Besides this might be my only chance to play what I want to hear.” I gestured towards my cello and smirked. He got what I was saying and nodded.

“Your right for once.” Matt smiled as he walked away from my glare. Brian was also grinning as he turned and left. I walked to my cello and dragged it downstairs. I stood it up in another room away from the guys and placed the bow on the strings. I moved it downwards and cringed. I tuned it so that it sounded beautiful. I played a couple notes. Very simple but very pretty. A figure blocked the doorway. I looked up to see Zacky.

“hey.” He said with a wave.


“so what’ch you doin?” he pulled up a chair and sat in front of me.

“playing obviously.”

“hey don’t be sarcastic.” I stuck out a tongue to what he said, it was so true.

“it wasn’t that mean.”

“I know, but hey when’s you next performance?” he took my cello and tried to play it, but it honestly hurt my ears.
“In Seattle actually.” I took the bow away from him and poked him. He laughed like a little kid, which made me laugh. I looked over at the door from which more laughter came from. Brian and Jimmy were standing there laughing at Zacky. We rolled our eyes and we both got up. We walked to the door annoyed. Zacky pushed Jimmy out of the way which led to a wrestling match. Brian and I stood there watching them. I got bored after a good minute of laughing and tried to get past Brian. But we were smashed together due to the wrestling match. I had to press up against him a slide past him. This sucked cuz I was only wearing a tank top and shorts. It was really hot a humid here. I pressed against him, to get out, but was only pinned to his chest. I blushed and muttered sorry. But he only smiled. We both tried to breathe but the only thing we could do was touch. We were gasping for air when I felt his abs tense. O my god. They felt so good. He wrapped his arms around me and spun into the hallway, as we crashed into the floor and on top of each other.

“there….were out.” He got up and helped me up too.

“thank you.” He smiled and walked down the hallway. I brushed myself up and left Zacky and Jimmy to their fighting. I strolled into the kitchen to find Matt and Johnny talking. Brian was on the couch strumming his guitar and I was looking for something to eat.

“Alright lets go.” Matt shouted for everyone to hear. Everyone gathered into the small kitchen as Brian grabbed his car keys off the counter he brushed passed me again. He paused and inhaled and sighed quietly. He reached across from me and grabbed his keys. I looked at his neck, it was covered in tattoos. I glanced up to find everyone staring at us. Brian shot back up.

“come on.” He told everyone but me, since I wasn’t going.

“don’t burn the house down.” Matt told me as he passed me. I heard them yell as they closed the door. I waited for them to start the engine. Once I heard the engine I rushed to my cello. I took the bow and placed it on the strings. I went up and down slowly and elegantly. Until I shredded. I ripped it as if it were a guitar. I thought it was the most prettiest sound in the world. I played everything as loud and as hard as I could. It was amazing.

“Brian lets go!” I heard Zacky scream into the house. I stopped immediately. Listening for footsteps. I heard them bound one by one down the stairs. I hung my head low as he passed the open door. He ran not even looking in.
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comments are welcomed!!!!!!!!!!!