Dancers Mended Heart

Surprise Surprise

Dana and I sat alone in Zacky’s and my house. The guys went out celebrating for their good news; they finally caught the attention of a very big record deal! We would have gone with them but no doubt they are drinking, and I didn’t want to be stuck driving a whole bunch of drunken rockers across town, which would be hell.

“I can’t believe someone wants to record them!” Dana was still talking about the guy’s big break, even though it happened around 5 hours ago!

“Yeah I can’t believe it either! I mean I’ve only know them closely for 3 months, but I’m so happy for them, and they sounded amazing tonight!” I shifted on the couch excited, I was so proud of them.

“Yup, can I tell you something you promise not to tell the guys?” she asked with her head bowed. I peered at her trying to guess if it were bad or good. She looked up at me and pushed her hair back from her face.

“Yes, I won’t tell anyone.” I put my hand on her shoulder making sure she knew I wasn’t lying.

She took a deep breath and put her hand in her pocket. I craned my neck to see what she was getting. She pulled her hand out slowly and clamped onto it making her knuckles white. She looked up at me seriously and put the object on her left ring finger. My eyes just about popped out of my head, she had an engagement ring…on her finger.

“Ji-mmy proposed…to…you?” I gasped grabbing her finger to examine her ring. It was much, but really pretty. A simple band with crusted diamonds around it.

“Yes…but you can’t tell anyone! Jimmy is so scared that the guys won’t like the idea of him marrying me, the guys think I’m slutty.” She got up and turned on the stereo, probably to calm her down.

“What?! First of all you are far from being a slut! The guys have no clue what they are thinking, their just jealous that they haven’t found someone like Jimmy has. Don’t let them ruin your chance of marrying a fantastic guy, it’s not up to them.”

“Thanks, wanna know something? I haven’t seen Zacky this happy since the first time he had sex!” we both laughed, I can see Zacky being happy after his first. Thinking about Zacky made me worry.

“When do you think they’ll be back?”

“I’m not sure, do you think we should give them a call?”

I nodded my head to answer her question. I pulled out my phone and dialed Matt’s number; he was probably the most sober right now. I waited for the 5 ring and then I hung up, he wasn’t going to answer. I looked over at Dana and motioned her to call the guys too. I dialed Zacky’s number and waited silently, out of the corner of my eye I saw Dana shake her head and hang up. I was about to hang up until I heard the volume of music being turned down on the other line.

“Hey gorgeous, I’m on my way home so don’t worry I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” I could already smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Are you driving? Are you drunk?”

“Yes and I only had one drink, I had to drive these lazy asses home.” The way his tone went from panicked to assuring made me calm down a bit. He’s too good.

“Um, okay I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Alright, go to bed, it’s too late for you to stay up. I love you.” I rolled my eyes, he’s so controlling but it’s cute.

“K, I love you too.” I heard a click as I sighed.

I hung up and looked over at Dana. She was sitting on the floor staring at her ring, smiling. I walked up stairs and got changed into a black summer silky night gown that went just above my knees. It was a spaghetti strap that was tight on my chest but flowed loosely to my knees. I brushed my hair which made it poufy but you could still see my curls and big waves. I walked over to the bathroom pulling my hair back so I could wash my face, I washed all my make-up off, helping my skin breathe a little better. I put lotion on all over my body and skipped down the stairs to where Dana was sitting. I turned the corner seeing that she wasn’t there, I heard her talking to someone by the door, and in return I heard a male voice. It was probably Zacky taking her home.

“Bye Aileen! I’ll come and take you to the mall this weekend!” I walked into the living room where the front door was catching Zacky’s gaze upon my face.

“Okay that sounds good, bye Dana.” I said giving her a small hug.

Zacky opened the door allowing Dana to walk out first; he gave me a quick glance and followed her out the door. I was alone once again in a house I barely knew. I crossed my arms and whirled around walking back upstairs. I skipped into mine and Zacky’s bedroom and sat on the bed turning on the small bedside lamp. I took a deep breath and got up bored. I walked to the window overlooking the city. I stood there humming Ruska by Apocalyptica while closing my eyes and swaying my hips. I crossed my arms again for comfort, I hated being alone. I don’t know how long I’ve been standing in front of the window, but I hummed the whole song 4 times over and over again.

I was going to start my 5th time at the song when a pair of hands rested on my shoulders. He kissed my back slowly dragging his lips to my soft spot. He stayed there for a little bit, as ran his hands down my arms. I leaned into him as he gently traced my figure with the backs of his hands. He pushed my head to the side with his to kiss my neck. I reached up to his ear and started to peck at it. His black hair smelled so good. I brought my arms around his neck while my back was pressed into his stomach. He turned his head to look at me. He stared at me while I gave quick glances to his lips as he slowly moved in. We pressed our lips together gently. He was growing more aggressive with every parting of our lips; I pulled back a little not wanting it to go to far even though I wanted to. He slowed down a bit while turning me around to face him. I pulled on his shirt wanting him to take it off, he did instantly. He pushed into me making my back press up against the cold glass of the window. The sudden chill on my back made me shudder, Zacky liked that. He brought his hand down to the small of my back and pressed me into him more, not that there was a trace of air between us already, but it felt nice. I breathed into his neck undoing his belt, I wanted him tonight. He moaned a little while wrapping his hand with the bottom of my nightgown. He lifted me onto the wall a little enough to pick me up and allow me to wrap my legs around him. He walked us over to the bed, his lips never leaving mine. He laid me down and got on top of me. He kissed me more while I yanked off his pants and boxers, he was completely naked now. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. He cocked his head and squinted his eyes, silently asking to see if I were sure. I gave him a small smile while I put his hand at the bottom off my dress. He lifted it excited, I giggled at his silliness. He slipped off my underwear and hovered above me, gazing at my body. He looked into my eyes as he slowly spread my legs open. I brought his head down fast so he could kiss me. I lifted the covers above our heads so we were underneath, I gasped when he came into me.