Dancers Mended Heart


I woke up sore and bruised. Fabulous. And how the hell do you think I’m going to explain this to the guys? God I’m so going to be butchered! But hey, I’m not regretting what happened last night. I wouldn’t mind doing that every night. Mmmmm, having sex with Zacky every night….yummy. It was fun, but I hurt so badly! Well I did hear that it does hurt when it’s your first. I took a deep breath while moving my legs out from under Neath Zacky. We were tangled in a way that no professional untangler would be able untangle. A sharp pain shot up from my knees to my belly button. I moaned a little, tired of moving so slowly just to get out of bed. I rolled my eyes when Zacky’s grip grew tighter around my torso. I moved slowly and quietly, so not to wake up my sleeping rocker. But being me I was getting a little inpatient. I pushed Zacky so he rolled off the bed with a thud, on accident, I swear.

“OW! What the hell!” He screamed from the ground. I quickly sat up and reached to the ground for my robe. Once I got a hold of it I put it around my body tightly. I flipped my hair out from under the robe and got up in pure pain. I started walking to the door, but stopped when I felt a pair of eyes on my back. I turned around and met Zacky’s eyes. He smirked when I blushed and cocked his head to the side slightly.

“Do you need something?” I asked turning all the way around facing him. He smiled and bowed his head laughing. I narrowed my eyes at him in curiosity.

“Oh, baby….I already got what I wanted last night.” He snickered to himself, but how could he? That hurt me, how could he act like I was a trophy? He continued to laugh while I was crumbling into the river of my overpowered emotions, I wanted to cry. I was wrong; he wasn’t different than all of those forceful assholes I once dated.

“I’m not a prize, or a toy. I’m a person and you should treat me like one. I’m not something you just use and throw away, or use whenever you get in the ‘mood’. You’re being disrespectful and it isn’t fair. What you just said wasn’t cool, that hurt. You honestly make me feel like a slut. And you once made me feel like that before. And I’m not going to waste my time being in a relationship, which only involves a man and his hormones and him thinking it is alright to treat a girl like she is just on this planet to give him the satisfaction that he can give himself in the bathroom!” I grabbed some clothes out of my suitcase and walked into the bathroom. I hadn’t unpacked yet so it was easier to move out. I’m not going to live here anymore with him. Once again he blew it. Just great and I loved him too! He always acted like this before I moved to New York, I warned him, but nope! WHY? WHY? WHY? Why do I always pick the most disrespectful guys and love him to death? I finished getting ready and picked up my cell phone. Last night before Dana left she said if I had any reason for why I wanted to live with her she would accept it. And I wanted to live with her. No more boys, until I’m ready. I texted her telling her I was moving in and she said she’ll make up the bed in the other room. I was about to text her back, but was stopped.

“What are you talking about Aileen? I would never treat you like that!” he pounded on the door in anger when I wouldn’t answer.

“You just did, you hypocrite!” I screamed back at him when I opened the door. He stood in my way with his arms on the door frame, keeping me from going anywhere. He must have put on his boxers when I was in the bathroom. I ducked under his arms to run to my bag. But he grabbed me and pulled me into him.

“Aileen please, can we just talk?” he whispered in my ear to calm me down.

“NO! Let me go!” I kicked and screamed but he only tightened his grip.

“Please, I don’t want to fight.” His voice was calm, but was drowning in venom. I didn’t want to cry, but I did anyways. I shook my head while my tears streamed my face.

“Let me go, please.” My words were partnered with my tears, I could barley choke them out. My voice was small and scared. I knew what he was capable of; I didn’t want to get hurt. He let me go slowly, not wanting to. He turned me around and kissed my tears sweetly off my cheeks. I heard a car honk from the drive way. He stopped making me feel better and sighed.

“I don’t want to loose you.” He covered his face as he sat on the bed. I wanted to say so much to him, but couldn’t move my mouth. What I did instead was the most regretful thing in the world. He looked up at me with his red eyes. I looked at him coldly and just shrugged my shoulders. I whipped around and grabbed my bags. I ran down the stairs and out to Danas car. I got in looking up at the bedroom I just came out of. I warned him, and gave him so many chances. He blew it. I took a big shaky breath as Zacky closed the blinds, while I let my tears roll over the brim of my eyes.