Dancers Mended Heart

Much More, Please

Zacky dragged me into the house slamming the door behind me. Everyone looked up from what they were doing and stared at us. Zacky was breathing really heavy; he was looking at everyone, whipping his head around as if he were crazy. His fingers tightened around my wrist. I winced at the pain shooting up my arm.

“Zacky let go.” Matt threatened Zacky as he slowly got up from the couch. Zacky shook his head. Johnny and Jimmy also stood up as they balled their fists.

“Zacky your hurting me.” I whispered trying to pry his fingers away. He looked from Matt to Johnny to Jimmy and finally to me. He stared at me and then looked back at Brian. Brian cocked his head and glared. Zacky spun his head back to me and pushed me into the wall. His body crushed mine as his lips forced mine apart. He never use to kiss me like this. His were always sweet and powerful but never harmful. I heard yells and I felt Zacky kind of jump. Our lips only grew distance when Brian pulled him off me. He turned and punched his nose; I saw a flash of red. Zacky came to kiss me again but I held out my hands and pushed him away. I ran to my room jumping over Brian. I locked my door and flew to the box with my bedding. I started to take things out when I heard Matt’s voice rise and Zacky’s in defense; Zacky was going to get it. I stopped what I was doing a glanced at the clock, 2:30 in the morning. I was so tired. I crawled onto my bed and shut my eyes.


I raked my fingers through my clothes deciding what to wear for the first day of school. I should have thought about this last night, god I’m so stupid. I finally decided on a plain tight candy apple red shirt, and my dark wash mini skirt. I put on lotion so my legs were hydrated and a pair of zebra striped flats with a small plastic red heart on the sides. I pulled my hair up in a low sided ponytail. I swept my bangs to the side so it looked like I had a long sexy day at work. I applied make up and brushed my teeth. I was about to pick up my bag when someone knocked on the door. I ran to open it. Matt stood outside smiling.

“Ready yet? Cuz you take forever.” I rolled my eyes as I walked back to get my bag.

“I don’t take that long thank you very much.” I stuck up my nose and pushed him aside while I closed my door. We walked downstairs to find everyone there, except Zacky. He wasn’t allowed over when I was home. So I never got to see him again. I smiled as I picked up a banana. That’s right I went shopping! I peeled it slowly and stopped when I put it in my mouth. The guys were giggling.

“You guys are pervs.” I rolled my eyes and threw the peel away. We walked out of the house and into Brian’s car. I sat in the back between Johnny and Jimmy. None of us spoke to each other. Brian and Matt were the ones who talked the most on our way to school. We passed a lot of students who were walking, and as we did Jimmy flipped them off. We pulled into the parking lot next to some jocks. They all stared at us and the car in disgust. I was the last one out of the car when a football landed at my feet.

“Pass it over here sweetheart.” I looked over to the one who gave me that name. He was kind of cute. He walked over a little bit waiting for the ball. I bent down careful not to show anything and picked it up. I wrapped my fingers around it teasing them.

“Come on….we’re waiting.” The boy said again. I through my arm back and flung it over my head. It came back crashing into his shoulder, leading him to hold his shoulder in pain. He looked back dumbstruck. One of his buddies came running up to him screaming, “Dude! Did a chick just throw that?” the guy bounced up and down as the guy in pain looked at me in disbelief. I turned back to Matt, who had the same expression. Everyone did. I blushed as I passed them all.

“My dad taught me that.” Matt nodded and walked with me to the tables where we got our schedules. Once we got ours we sat to see who we had classes with. I had one class with Matt, two with Jimmy, once with Johnny, and two with Brian. All of them said sweet because none of us had gym ‘till another two years. We said bye when the bell rang and we walked to our classes. My first one was with Jimmy. He showed me where my classes were, and he let me sit by him. The room was noisy and the teacher wasn’t here yet. All of a sudden I heard a commotion. Everyone was saying my name over and over again. Then I was embraced by students who I use to go to school with. I smiled as they pulled me out of my seat to hug them. I did, and I remembered all of them too. They asked me why I moved back and how I was doing. I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t even hear myself it was so noisy.

“So are you gonna talk?” the boy who I hit with a football asked me louder than everyone else to make the room quieter.

“Hi Aiden.” I got up and hugged him, he use to be one of my best friends.

“So why are you back?” he leaned in wanting to know.

“Uuummmm…….my dad died in a car accident.” I lied, which made Jimmy look at me surprised. I never lie. Everyone gasped and gave their condolences.

“So are you still dancing?” Aiden kept wanting to know.

“Yup, and I’m never stopping.” I smiled as the teacher walked in along with Zacky. I think he saw me and Jimmy, but I’m not sure. He sat in the back not listening. He pulled out his phone and started txting. I wanted to know who he was talking to when I felt my butt vibrate. I slid in my chair as I pulled my phone out. Oh so now he wants to talk.

I’m sorry.

I put my phone away, I knew he was, but right now wasn’t the best place to talk about it. I looked back at him. He was leaning against the wall looking up at the ceiling.