Dancers Mended Heart

Scarlett Envelope

I made everyone go home. The house was so messy; I didn’t even want to step on the floor bare foot. Plus my mom was coming home today, and I wanted the house to be all nice and sparkling clean. I walked over to the linen closet and pulled out the vacuum. First, I picked up all the crap off the floor that could go on shelves or on the tables. I plugged the vacuum in and let it roar to life. I was amazed at how much power suction this baby had. I ended up vacuuming the whole house, which was really big. After I was done I started to clean the windows, I couldn’t tell if they were clean or not, because the sun’s glare was hurting my eyes. I finished fast and headed to the kitchen. And it was a disaster. I swept the floor so I could walk on it without getting gross out. I washed the dishes next and put those away, and then I cleaned the counters. I actually thought the kitchen was going to be the hardest but I finished in like 15 mins. I ended the two hours of cleaning with dusting. The house smelled so good! And it looked good too!

I flew onto the couch exhausted, I should have listened to Zacky, and I’m so tired now. But I can’t be tired! I love the morning; I got to think of something to do. I walked all around the house several times trying to find something that would distract me from my boredom. I finally went inside my room and to my desk. I could draw some fairies. I sat down and pulled out paper from my drawer. Then a yellow envelope caught my eye. I pulled it out; there was no address on it. I slid my finger into the seal and ripped it open. Inside was a letter written as if someone were drunk, horrible hand writing? I looked to see if anyone signed it, but no one did.

I didn’t have enough money, Leena. I couldn’t come to you and ask for it. You would be so worried. So whatever happened to me I deserved it. I destroyed my life, and I’m sorry for taking myself away from you, I really am. If there was some way I could change this I would in a heartbeat. Tell the guys I miss them so much, and I’m sorry for ruining their careers. As for you Leena, keep dancing. I’ll be watching from above, I want to see you do your best and don’t stop. Tell Zacky I’m sorry for treating him like I did. Leena, he really does love you, and I can’t stop that either. But I know you love him too, let him know that, I don’t know what he would do if you were to crush him. Tell mommy I love her, and I’ll tell dad you love him, k? That sounds like a deal doesn’t it? Leena, I love you so much. You are the greatest sister anyone could ever have. I’ve protected you and warned you, now I wanna see how that unfolds. Remember you’re not alone; you still have Mom, Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny. And I’ll be watching you.

Matt knew he was going to be shot. I held the letter to my heart; a single tear fell from my eye. What is he, crazy? He didn’t tell anyone!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I took several deep breathes and placed it back in my drawer. I walked out of my room and slid down the railing to the stairs. I was still alone in the house. I stood there with my hands on my hips really bored. I fill my cheeks with air and squished them together with my hands. I turned to go into the garage; I can’t believe I haven’t been in here since I came back. The garage was filled with guitars, basses, a microphone, and drums. And there were amps. Thank god for that! I ran into the room that had my cello in it. I grabbed it and my bow and ran back to the garage. I found a plug that fit and plugged it into the amp. I sat in a chair as I gently placed my bow on the strings. I went downward slightly; good it was still in tune. I played a song I wrote last year, but I wanted to change it a bit. I pressed down harder onto the strings and came up to my chin. Beautiful. I kept pressing harder and harder, sometimes I played one cord at a time, and sometimes I pricked the cords. In other words it was hard core! I got really into it and stood up; hanging my head down low I moved my hands and fingers faster. The air was electrifying, tension started to build, waiting to see what I did next. I went at full blast, the amp was so loud and deep, I could feel the vibration in my neck. I finally slowed down abruptly, and began playing like I used to. Sweet and simple. I ended the song with a simple phase one chord, one that fist graders could play. I got up and unplugged it from the amp. I leaned my cello on the wall and walked back into the house.

“I didn’t know you could play like that.” My mother’s voice came from inside the kitchen. I walked in to her as she handed me a bag from Burger King. I opened it up revealing a whopper. I frowned; my mom knows I’m a vegetarian. Matt is the one who is in love with whoppers. She is so worried. I smiled putting down the bag.

“I’m not that hungry mom.” I glanced at the clock, 7:38 pm.

“What? Why not? You’ve been home all by yourself today, you cleaned, and it doesn’t look or smell like you had anything to eat.” She pushed the bag closer to me. But I pushed it back.

“Mom, I’m still a vegetarian. Matt is the one who likes whoppers.” I smiled apologetically, I felt bad that she wasted money on me. She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips.

“Oh its okay, I’ll just give it to Matt. Their letting me spend another night with him, I’m just so worried about him. I just want him to be okay.” She turned to her jacket hanging on the chair. She picked it up and put it on, taking out her keys as she walked out the front door. Once again I was alone.

I stood on the top of the stairs. I wanted to do this since I was really little, and it was the best time too. No one was here, so I didn’t have to embarrass myself. I reached up and tied my blue blanket around my neck, and flapped it behind me. I backed up to the wall and took a deep breath. I ran at full speed until I was at the first step. I pushed myself off of the stairs and flew over the rest. It seemed like slow motion, I looked around me, seeing the pictures hanging on the walls. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the front door open. That is when I crashed. I fell into the hallway wall in front of the man that walked in. I burst out laughing my head off. I rolled over clutching my stomach, while shaking violently. I had tears streaming down my cheeks; I was in so much pain. But I had so much fun flying through the air. The man rushed to my side and sat me up.

“Are you crazy Aileen?” I looked up and laughed at Zacky’s expression. He was snow white, and he looked so scared. I laughed and pointed at him, and once again I rolled over clutching my stomach. He stood up lifting me up with him. I cuddled into his chest, letting his warmth surround me. He brought me to the couch and sat down with me still in his lap. I looked up at him and glared.

“You ruined my flight stream.” I put on a fake angry face and crossed my arms.

“Oh I did, didn’t I? Well that’s to bad, if you would have gone any farther you would have gone through the wall and into the kitchen, well then next time I won’t make sure your okay.” He returned my glare and we had a showdown. He started to wiggle his ears, trying to make me laugh. But I suppressed it. He lifted up one said of his lips and blew a kiss at me. I pressed my lips together, and shook my head telling him it wouldn’t work. Then to finally make me laugh he leaned in as if to give me a kiss. I held my breath, but he brought his eyes close to mine. He pressed his eyelashes to mine and started to flutter them. He was giving me a butterfly kiss. I laughed and returned it. He stopped and kissed my cheek sweetly.

“That was sweet, I didn’t know you could be so cute!” I pinched his cheek leaving it pink. He smiled and playfully pushed me off him. I fell on the floor with a thud. I looked up at him glaring. I through my palms on the floor and got up dramatically. I stood in front of him while he laughed. When he pointed at my hair he closed his eyes and threw his head back, still laughing. I pounced on him throwing the blue blanket over both our heads. He stopped laughing and put his hands on my hips. I leaned down to his lips teasing him. I was about to kiss him, but then thought why not? I only let out a soft breath on his lips and got off of him. He sat their upset. He didn’t like it when I teased him; I remember that about him now.

“Come on your brother wants to see you.” He got up and pulled me close to him. He stood there staring at me for a couple seconds. He lifted his hands and touched my face. He ran his fingers through my hair and brought my head close to his. He kissed my nose and then untied the blanket around my neck. He grabbed my hand smiling and towed me to his car. Oh I see how it is, this means war, if he wants to tease then he’s gonna get it.