Dancers Mended Heart

You'll Regret This

We walked down the hospital hallway hand in hand, smiling at all the old couples who whispered and pointed at us. Zacky squeezed my hand when one of the old couples smiled and looked down at their wedding rings; the woman looked up and met my gaze. She looked quickly at Zacky and then back to me. She nodded her head and closed her eyes, resting her head on her one and only true love. I want to be like her one day, resting my head on a very old Zacky, and gaze down at my wedding ring absolutely in love. We turned the corner leaving my future behind me temporally. As soon as I saw Matt’s door I let go of Zacky’s hand and half ran and half walked to his door, excited to see him.

“Matt! I’m so happy you’re awake! Guess what, I flew down the stairs today, I know I was supposed to do it with you but I was so bored. Oh Matt I’m so sorry!” I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him gently.

“Yeah and she crashed into the wall.” Zacky peeled me away from him and sat down with me on his lap. Matt stared at us for a long time; I could have made a starbucks run and come back in time just to see Matt take his eyes off of us. The silence was murderous, every second it wrapped its fingers tighter around my neck. It was also uncomfortable-Zacky’s lap was soft and comfy- although there was something else, something secret. I wanted to break the silence, but how?

“Matt…I read your letter. Thank you.” I looked down at my fingers, I was so nervous that he would scold me. He didn’t say anything. I looked up from my fingers and watched Matt as a single tear fell from his eye. I cocked my head; I have never seen him cry before, not even when we were kids. He nodded his head and looked away. Zacky pulled me into his chest and rubbed my arm.

“I just wanted to say good bye the right way, instead of just dropping. God I can’t wait to get out of here. It freaks me out, all these sick men and woman walking through the halls at night. God it creeps me out. But the doc says I can leave tomorrow, I guess I’m healing pretty damn quickly. So expect me home. I want all the guys there, a couple of beautiful girls, and 24 packs of my demon friends.” Zacky and I exchanged worried glances.

“Actually dude, we’re going out. Jimmy and Brian went down to some club and asked for a gig. And well they called them up this morning and told them we have it.” Zacky scooted me off of him and walked over to Matt with a ridiculous grin on his face. They raised their hands in the air and gave each other high fives. Hooting and hollering came from both of them, patients and doctors stopped by the open door to look in. I stood there dumbstruck by the news I just heard.

“Are you serious?” Zacky turned to me and ran to me. He picked me up and spun me around.

“I’m not lying baby!” he put me down and kissed me while he still had that stupid smile on his face. He turned back to Matt who was trying to act disgusted by our kissing but couldn’t help smiling. I was about to run over to Matt’s side to congratulate him when someone cleared their voice. All of our eyes feel onto the door frame. My mother was clinging to some man in a suit. Actually they both kind of looked nice.

“Zacky, will you please excuse us, I need to talk to my children.” Zacky nodded his head and turned to me. He kissed me good bye and jingled his keys signaling that he will be in the car. He left he room while I stared at his butt. His butt was tight. I switched my direction to the man my mom was holding on to.

“What’s up?” I sat in one of the chairs by Matt’s bed.

“You two need to move out of the house.” My mother was joking right. I felt my jaw drop when I saw she was being dead serious.

“And where in the world would we go?” Matt sat straight up glaring at the man who was probably taking our places in the house.

“Well it is a big world, you two can go live with that Zacky kid or something.” The man in the suit chimed in.

“Shut the fuck up! We don’t even know you and your moving in, kicking us out!” I snapped back at this man, he had no right to be here. My mother got up and closed the door. She walked back to her seat never taking her goo goo eyes off of her man.

“Honey, I love him, why can’t you ever let me be happy?” Oh she did not just go there!

“What do you mean Matt and I have never made you happy!?!? Matt played the guitar for you; you’ve always wanted your child to do that. He has a gig tomorrow mom! He’s making it big and now you’re saying he hasn’t tried hard enough to make his and your dreams come true? I never quit dancing, mom you always encouraged me to keep dancing. I only did this to make you proud of me! And now you’re saying your children weren’t what you wanted! So you’re kicking us out to start all over and have his children, who will more than likely become juvenile delinquents or drug addicts. Your so cruel mom, your such a monster!” I stopped to catch my breath. I exhaled while letting tears that have built up in my life because of my mother. I let them spill over. I didn’t want to look weak. I sat up straight and gave her the cold shoulder. Matt put his hand on my shoulder to make sure I was okay. I nodded my head and shoved his hand off of me.

“I want you officially moved out tomorrow.” She got up grabbing that horrible mans hand and stormed out of the room. I sighed and then got up and looked out the window. I saw Zacky’s car, knowing that he was waiting for me.

“You need to get out of here tonight, we have to pack.” I didn’t let him respond. I marched up to the desk and demanded for Matt to be let out tonight.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but we need to keep him for one more night. You can pick him up tomorrow early in the morning.” I rolled my eyes and slammed my hands down on the counter. There was no way I was letting this cheap fake breasted blonde keep my brother here again.

“What do you mean? He is well enough to come home early! If they aren’t letting him stay for a whole week then why can’t he come home a fucking day earlier?!” I tried to keep my voice from shouting, but it over powered my voice box. I lifted my eyebrow challenging her.

“I, I uh…we-w, um, we just can’t let him home today, I’m sorry but you can leave now.” What a bitch! I opened my mouth to shoot something back but a voice filled mine.

“Get him out of that room and off your patient list, he is coming home…right now.” I turned to face Zacky, although wishing I hadn’t. His eyes were full of anger and hate, his body and muscles tensed up, his veins in his arms poked out. He grabbed me from my waist and pulled me away so that he was standing slightly in front of me. The girl from behind the counter looked terrified, she immediately paged his doctor.

“His doctor will be right with you.” She covered her fear with an office like voice and shooed us away. Zacky grabbed my hand and pulled me into Matt’s room. He looked up from the magazine he was reading and looked confused.

“Why are you back Zacky.” He put down the magazine waited for his answer.

“I wasn’t even turning the corner when I heard Aileen yell. So I came back here to see what was wrong.” I felt my cheeks flare up, how many people heard what I said?

“Yeah she gets pretty loud when she angry.” Matt said while laughing.

Zacky looked at me, “Remind me to never get you mad then.” I rolled my eyes and poked his ribs.

“Your coming home tonight, so get up.” I instructed Matt.

“Ha! What home!” he scoffed back.

“What’s he talking about?” Zacky asked concerned. I held my breath; I almost forgot he was standing next to me.

“Our mom is kicking us out to make room for the love of her life, so we need to stay wi-…oh crap where are we going to stay?!” Matt lied back down and rubbed his temples. I looked over at Zacky whose mouth was dropped. I reached up to his chin and closed his mouth. He had a frown on his face when I was done. I tickled under his chin to make him smile, he looked better when he smiled. But it didn’t work; he grabbed my hand and held it to his mouth. He kissed it and dropped at to my side.

“You could stay with Brian, he’s on his own now, he just got a new apartment, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Matt sat straight up and snapped his fingers. He came over to us and dug through Zacky’s pockets. He flipped out his phone and started to call someone. We all sat down, waiting for Matt’s conversation to be over with. It took a long time. I began to grow thirsty so I checked my pockets to see if I have any cash. Whoa I was lucky. I pulled out thirty bucks and got up. Zacky’s hand was still in mine, he tightened his grasp when I started to walk away. I stopped and looked at him. He cocked his head to the side and I mouthed ‘water’ to him. He nodded and let me go.

I walked once again down the long green hallway, trying not to stare at all the sick people walking or being pushed by me. I kept my eyes straight ahead. I rounded the corner and saw the vending machine. I quickened my pace. I was getting closer step by step, when a small voice stopped me.

“Hi lovebird.” I tuned around and saw the same father I saw in the hospital church; surely that voice didn’t come from him, did it? I looked down and met with the eyes of his daughter, she was in a wheel chair. She looked so sad and in pain, I smiled at her to make her feel better. Her whole face seemed to brighten up. She was holding a pure white bunny rabbit that matched her hospital gown. I leaned down to her height.

“Aw, what happened to you?” I took hold of her bunny’s ear and petted it.

“A scary man broke into out house last night and shot me.” My eyes widened at how she can act so calm when she was shot!

“Oh you poor thing!” I put my hand on her head and ruffled her head.

“I’m so sorry miss, she saw you and your boyfriend, I think, walk down this way and she really wanted to see you.” Her father apologized for how the news shocked me.

“Oh, no it’s alright. She is little and still learning. So I don’t mind at all.” The man smiled and nodded his head goodbye, he turned the wheel chair.

“By lovebird!” the little girl reached her hand around the back of the seat and waved to me. I waved back and sighed. Poor girl, she didn’t deserve that. I continued walking to the vending machine. I put a dollar in and got water. I put another dollar in and got a monster for Zacky and one for Matt. I walked away humming Ruska by Apocalyptica when it hit. I dreamed that, that little girl was going to be shot. My dream came true? Oh crap! What a horrible dream to come true! I should have woken up, but why did I dream of that? I continued walking to Matt’s room with my head bowed down in concentration and frustration. I thought I heard my name once or twice, but I thought it was imagination.

“Aileen!” I looked up and I was standing in front of Matt and Zacky.

“Did you see her?” I gave them their monsters and put my arm in Zacky’s.

“Who?” They both asked together.

“The little girl who called Zacky and I lovebirds.” I looked up at Zacky who was staring straight ahead, not caring. “Well she was shot, and she is in a wheelchair now.” They both stopped walking and looked at me. “Your lucky you can still walk Matt.” He nodded his head agreeing with me.

“Brian said we can stay with him.” Matt changed the subject to get our minds off of shootings and guns.