Dancers Mended Heart


It was 2:30 in the morning. We were driving down the road to Brian’s place. He was being the kindest guy in the world: letting us stay with him is the nicest thing he could ever do. All of our stuff was in the trunk or in the back seat. We actually didn’t have that much. A couple of duffel bags, totes, and two boxes. Plus Matt’s microphone and my cello. We couldn’t believe our mom kicked us out, we thought she loved us, I know our dad would have never have done that to us. Now we see who was the real cause for our misery and our parents divorce. This wasn’t fair. O well, if she wanted us gone, well she got it. Matt drove into the parking lot and cut the engine. Brian and Zacky were waiting by the curb; they were going to help us bring our stuff up. I smiled when I saw Brian wave to us like a maniac. He was jumping and clapping, it was honestly the funniest thing I have seen ever since I moved back here. Brian ran to my door and struggled with opening. It was unlocked he just couldn’t get a good grip because he was so excited. I bent over laughing at him, he was truly hysterical. He finally got my door opened and pretty much yanked me out of my seat.

“Gee thanks a lot, I really mean it.” I said sarcastically.

“No problem!” he yelled into my face and smiled. He walked to the trunk and lifted it up. He began pulling my stuff out and balanced them in one hand. He walked passed me sticking out his tongue and skipped up the stairs to his room. I sighed and began walking to the trunk, only to be pulled back by my waist. I hit something soft and I felt a pair of lips on the skin of my shoulder. I smiled and wrapped my arms around the neck of my Zacky. I turned around pressing against his body, and kissed his cheek. He stared at me for a little bit and brought his head down low.

“Why don’t you just come live with me?” he continued staring at his red converse. I couldn’t believe what he just suggested. I really want to. But how would Matt react to the news of me living with my boyfriend? Oh screw Matt right now, I just want Zacky. I ran my hand through his hair, it was really soft. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck and brought his head forward so it was against my forehead.

“Okay.” I whispered. He looked up and his cheeks were splashed with the color red. He’s so cute when he is nervous. A smile grew on his face and he crashed our lips together.

“Oh would you two get a room!” Matt yelled as he passed us carrying his things.

“What?” I practically whimpered.

“Nothing just trying to get used to the fact that Zacky is dating my sister, and my sister is letting Zacky kiss her!” he turned and over dramatically acted as if puking.

“Well can you get used to us living together?” I wanted to tell him quick and easy, so there was no way he could say no. It was already settled.

“Yes! More room for me! Wahoo!” he ran up the stairs screaming and hollering. Well, that couldn’t have gotten any better. That was so not what I had expected!

6 hours later.

After I finished moving in with Zacky all of us hung out over at Brian’s place. Since they were having their first gig tonight all of them were practicing. And I have to admit, they were pretty damned good! Actually they were fucking good! I wanted to watch them forever, but stupid me I felt my eyelids droop. I can’t remember the last time I slept. It was two days ago. O my god! If I don’t take a nap now I would be way too tired to go to their gig. But I didn’t just want to leave them; they were right in the middle of playing Scream! But I had to. I’ll probably hear all the same songs I heard already tonight anyway. I got up without any of them noticing me and went into the kitchen. I went through the drawers looking for a pen and paper; I finally found them and wrote a quick note, so they aren’t worried when they are finished.

Hey, sorry I left so early. I wasn’t feeling too good. But I’m over at Zacky’s so no need to worry. I’ll be fine later on; I just wanted to sleep it off.

I got a ride on a bus to Zacky’s. But I had to sit on that thing for a whole freaking hour! GRRRR!!!! I looked through the bus windows trying to remember which buildings were which and where certain streets are. We passed down one of the smaller streets of Portland and I instantly remembered what was down there. I got off on the corner down the block from the street and ran to the street sign. I slowed my running into a walk; I strolled by shops and restaurants to the dance studio who had the best offer. Maybe it would be good if I accepted in person. I came to the big double oak doors and took a big breath. What if Zacky came home really early and saw that I wasn’t there, he would call me during my acceptation. I took out my phone and silenced it. There all good, but now he’ll probably ask why I silenced it, I never do. I opened the door to my right and walked to the front office. I went to the counter and looked through the window. Nothing, no one was there. Weird. Their open right now. I looked at the sign that gave out the times and days of when they were open. Yup, their supposed to be open. I started to walk down a hallway, searching for someone to talk to. I heard pop music fill the air, and I let my body follow that sound. The music got louder with every step I took. I came to a fork in the hallway, and let my ears decide on where to turn. I turned to the left and came to a dance floor with mirrors and hand rails. Inside there were dancers stretching and some were practicing some moves. Before going in I searched for who could be their instructor. I saw a man dressed in black walk around helping people improve there moves and stretch farther. That had to be the instructor. I walked in letting my sneakers squeak across the floor. As I passed people on the floor they stopped what they were doing and gazed at me in awe. Some stood up to get out of my way, as the quickly whispered to the closet person to them. Someone turned the music off as I stood behind the instructor. The person who he was coaching stood up and backed away.

“Who turned off the music and what are you guys looking at?” the instructor turned to me and stared at me. I smiled.
“Are you the one who sent me that offer?” I blinked and then he smiled at me.

“Yup, you are accepting?” He asked in disbelief. I nodded my head and looked at the others surrounding us.

“Yes I am, am I too late?”

“Well, you are for this class. You can start fresh in a month in a new class. But you have to do something in this studio before you can be on a dance team. You can help me teach this class, starting next Monday? Good, you would need to wear a leotard or tights and a tank top if you plan on teaching them dance.” He took a breath and before he could say anything more I cut in.

“I will do anything, I just want to dance, you probably know my name already but please call me Leena.” I smiled as I looked around at the others. He nodded his head and shooed me off.

“I expect you here on Monday Leena, k? No excuses. And I’m Scott by the way.” He called to me as I walked out the door. I smiled to myself as I walked out into the sunlight. I skipped to the nearest bus stop and waited for my ride home.

I stood on a stage in front of thousands of people. I twirled and leaped into the air, and crashing back onto the floor. I danced away having my heart as my dance partner, I smiled at the shower of roses around me, I bowed to the audience, waving and blowing kisses. Then the lights went out. A single red beam shone in the back of the stage, a man dressed in black stood in the middle of it. He was swaying back and forth as if he were a willow tree stuck in a hurricane. He rolled his head as if he were drunk and moved his hands in his jacket. He brought his hands back out and pointed a gun at me. He lifted his head so that I could see his face. It was Zacky. He pulled the trigger and shot me. It didn’t hurt, no blood spilled, and I didn’t scream or cry. I just stood there staring at him. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. He shot me again, and then again. All three of the bullets caused no pain at all. He threw the gun down at his feet and went back to his willowy position. He swung his head down and dragged his feet towards me slowly. I wanted to run away from him, he was scaring me. He grabbed onto my arms and pulled me to him so he wouldn’t have to walk my way anymore. He looked down at me and his face was covered in blood. It dripped down from his temple, nose, mouth, and crown. His eyes were black and he smelled horrible. I tried moving away from him but I still couldn’t move. He cocked his head and crashed his lips onto mine. He opened his and begged for my entrance. I stood there still frozen, afraid to kiss him. He started to kiss me softly now, he moved from my lips to my neck, he didn’t smell as bad now. He stopped kissing me and looked behind me, I followed his gaze. The audience stared at us in horror; some ran out of the room. I looked back at him. He didn’t have anymore blood, his eyes were green again, and he smelled wonderful. This was my Zacky. I flung my arms around him and kissed him softly. He pulled away from me after a while and gave me a single rose, tied to the rose was a ring. A beautiful diamond ring. I stared at him confused as he got down on one knee.

“Wakey wakey….c’Mon Aileen you got to get ready!” I rolled over flinging my arm to block out his noise. I wasn’t ready to get up, I wanted to dream some more. He shook my shoulders, and then he shook them harder. I rolled over until I was facing his direction. I sat up, opened one eye at a time and glared at Zacky. He ruffled my hair and laughed as he closed the door giving me my privacy. I got up from his bed mumbling curses at him. Wow I was grumpy right now; well I usually am when I wake up. I walked to the bathroom stubbing my pinkie toe on the door frame. I bent down in pain rubbing my foot. Stupid door frame, it just had to be in my way. Grrrr. I took a quick shower and wrapped my self in a black fluffy towel. I peeked outside the bathroom door to see if he was in the room. Nope it was clear. I breathed a sigh of relief and strolled over to the dresser. I picked out dark wash boot cut jeans and an electric blue halter top. I pulled on some metallic silver flats and slipped everything on. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I swept my bangs to the side and sprayed my hair so my ringlets showed better and my hair wasn’t as frizzy. I brushed my teeth and applied silver and blue eye shadow. I put mascara on and sprayed perfume on my wrist and my chest. There I look good. I went over to my earring box and pulled out big silver hoops. I went in front of the mirror. I looked good….really good. I smiled satisfied and skipped out of the room. I grabbed my jacket on the coat rack and went to the kitchen, everyone was there.

“Hey there sleepy head! Have nice dreams?” Jimmy tugged on my hair as I passed him.

“Yup and they were all about you!” I ruffled Jimmy hair as he grinned.


“Nope.” I walked over to Zacky and kissed his cheek before getting a glass of water. I sipped slowly watching everyone one; they were all staring at me. “What?” I asked annoyed. They turned there heads ashamed.

“Nothing you just look…” Johnny finally spoke to me! Wow! I cringed at the word though ‘hot’ I hated it when guys referred to girls as ‘hot’. It’s so disrespectful! We would rather be called beautiful or pretty. Is that so hard to say? One word, why can’t guys just say that? I poured the rest of my water in the sink and leaned against the counter with the rest of them.

“So when are we leaving?” I asked at the same time the door bell rang. Jimmy rushed to the door and swung it open.

“Dana baby!” I heard Jimmy cry. Everything was silent until I heard moaning.

“Alright you two cut it out!” Matt yelled at them. Jimmy came walking back with the prettiest girl in the world. She looked at me and her mouth dropped.

“Are you Aileen Sanders?” she asked.


“OMG! I love your shows! I wish I could dance like you do!” she rushed over to me and stuck out her hand.

“Thank you, are you Dana?” I said shaking her hand.

“Yes, sorry about flipping out, I was just excited. I’m Jimmy’s girlfriend.”

“Oh, I’m Zacky’s…I finally have someone to hang out with!”

“I know, just hanging out with guys can get pretty uncomfortable and boring.” We linked arms knowing already that we would be best friends. We walked outside together and rode in the same car. Turns out she is an orphan, loves dancing and singing, and loves to shop. This is my new best friend. We talked the whole way sometimes budding into other people’s conversations. It was fun talking to her and she was really pretty. She had long black pin straight hair, jagged bangs, and bright blue eyes. She was super pale and really thin. Anyone could have mistaken her for being Asian, but she was actually French. She moved here when she was ten, you could still here her accent here and there. I instantly loved her. She was so cool! We made fun of the guys because they were so nervous. They kept fidgeting and rocking back and forth. They started to calm down a little, until the club came into sight. They gave each other nervous glances and pounded each others fists. Everyone was silent, including Dana and me. We pulled behind the club quickly and silently. A man came rushing out to us and helped unload the guy’s equipment. He pushed all of us inside as he huffed and shuffled his feet behind ours. Once we were inside a blast of pop music filled my ears. The man left us as the guys started to set up, Dana and I decided to help them, we were almost done when a red faced balding man came to us.

“What are you two doing back here? These men will pay you later tonight when you’re finished doing whatever you want them to do to you. Now get out of the backstage area!” he pushed us to the door when my hand was grabbed by Zacky’s.

“Hey, she’s my girlfriend and she was just helping us, and don’t you ever talk to her that way again.” His voice was deep and menacing as he pulled me to his chest. The man put his hands up in defense.

“Sorry miss. But they need to go; you guys are going to be on in two minutes.” Zacky nodded his head in agreement. He turned me around and gave me a soft kiss. He turned me around and pushed me off with Dana. Dana and I walked out onto the dance floor waiting for them to come on. We started to sway our hips to the beat and raised our hands dancing. We danced together causing guys to stare. A couple of guys came to dance next to us. I didn’t notice until Zacky called me to the stage.

“Aileen, come here.” Zacky spoke into the microphone. I stopped dancing immediately and made my way through the crowds. I finally got to him and took his hand.

“Yes, what is it?” I asked as he turned off the microphone.

“There are spotters out there, and they know you know us. So if anyone comes to you with a card take it and talk to them for a while, k?” he bent down and kissed me sweetly. I returned the kiss and walked back through the crowd to Dana. We danced for a little while before having the music turned off.

“Ladies and gentlemen please give a warm welcome to our newest band tonight….Avenged Sevenfold!” Dana and I screamed until our throats hurt, the first chords to Afterlife filled the room as the curtain rose. The rest came in and they rocked hard core. They really did look professional. They made the girls in the room swoon and giggle. Everyone danced or jumped to the music, I however couldn’t keep my eyes off of Zacky. He looked so comfortable up there, he loved what he was doing and it seemed he would be stuck in Hell playing his guitar. Dana and I had smiles pasted on our faces the whole night. When they were done and ran out of songs they said their thank yous and ran off the stage. Dana and I started walking to the backstage door when we were stopped by two men.

“Excuse me miss, are you family or close friends of Avenged sevenfold?” the man peered down at us. He was very lanky and looked hollow. He had brown cropped hair and overall he looked like a skeleton.

“Um, yes we’re girlfriends of two of them.” I motioned to Dana.

“Good, good. Here give them this and tell them to call me by Sunday night if they accept.” He handed us a card and walked away. We looked at the card ‘Virgin Records’. O my god! Virgin Records is big!!! We looked at each other in disbelief, then we raced each other to the guys.