Status: Continuing.

Bleach, Shinsei Sakura Seimei-maru

Chapter 1 Return

The sun was in the azue sky, warm cloudless, and beautiful, bird song could be heard clearly chirping in the late summer air. Soft silky blue curtian were billowing out of an open window breaking up the prestine tranquility of the morning was an alarm clock that was blarring as it had been for the last thirty minutes the one who it was intending to awaken with it's noise sleeping almost soundly thru it as if nothing not even an atom bomb could wake her. Short chin length snowy white hair fell about her chin, long pale snowy lashes laying against soft alabaster skin. Long whisps of hair falling on either side of her face. Slowly a hand reached up from under the deep blue satin sheets to fumble aimlessly for the alarmclock forgotting or not knowing that the offense thing was on the other side of the room no where near the girl who was attempting to sleep soundly thru the harsh noise. She was laying face down on the bed, when she slowly pushed up, opening her powder blue eyes to look blearly across the room where the digital display read in angry green numbers 7:15 am. Groaning she got of bed not wanting to get up, her foster family had just moved back to Tokyo yesterday, or rather her current foster parents had moved to Tokyo, believing that a change of pace would be good for her. After all no normal child saw spirits walking about the streets with a chain broken hanging from there chest. No normal child had nightmares growing up of mosnters with holes in them that looked like black voids and yet she did. She always did, she had since she was a child and after the last family that had 'adopted' her she learned that you didn't talk about it. To anyone. After all they all wanted her to see the local doctors. The shrinks that tried to analize her and wanted to lock her away, many claimed it was stress because she had no parents, that they had died in a tragic accident and her young mind had created a whole different world. No it was far simplier to keep such things to herself. People didn't understand her at all.

Gathering her school uniform she walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower before Koji her foster brother or Suzana her foster sister where up. That was rather normal for her, she always managed to get in there first which was a good thing. After all she didn't need to be fighting them for the bathroom. Finishing up in a few minutes she climbed out and walked into her room to blowdry her hair looking at the alarm clock. She still had plenty of time.

"Ne, Sakura." Suzana said as she was leaning against the door frame and took a deep breath. "I'm not going to school today I don't care, I really don't care to try to get along with any of the students here so if mom asks you I went to school alright?"

"I won't lie for you." Sakura said looking over at her and fastening the clips in her hair. Long delicate sakura charms that hung down along the long whisps on either side of her face. She slowly stood and turned to face her foster sister.

"Listen to you. You act like you're never going to need me to cover for you." Suzana said as she looked at her.
"I don't skip school." Sakura said softly looking down. "And I'll get in trouble just the same as you if not more or lieing about wither or not you where there."

Suzana laughed and shook her head. Pushing her fingers thru her raven hair. "Mmm, that is true. You're the odd one in the family after all, you aren't even related by blood just paper." Suza said as she walked into the room and stopped behind Sakura. "I'm surprised you even have a reflection in the mirror, your soo pale. I can't help but wonder if your a vampire or something."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Sakura asked looking at her sisters reflection in the mirror behind her.
"It's simple Sakura, I know you still talk your imginary friends, I know your still weird so your going to cover for me or Mommies and daddies are going to find out that Sakura is still doing those weird things like she always has been." Suza said smiling coldly. "Okay Sakura?"
"I don't have a choice, because wither or not I am they will believe you." Sakura said her hand closing into a fist and Suza nodded. "Good you understand."

Sakura closed her eyes. This was going to be a rough day.
She stood in the principals office as the students pilled in and was now being lead thru the halls to her class. She walked with the man quietly as he lead her thru and up to the room and in. The room was full of students each of them different, there was a boy with red hair and a girl with long blonde hair, and all sorts of others, but it was the blonde that held her attention. Orhime....the girl was Orhime they had been friends once when they were kids and then she had moved away. Orhime never treated her funny for talking to spirits always thinking it was neat. It wouldn't be so neat now, things like that were childish.

"Class this is Hitsugaya Sakura, she will be joining us from this point forwards. Please make her feel welcome." The teacher said intorducing her and she walked over to the seat indicated next to a boy by the name of Kurosaki Ichigo.
Sakura sat down and felt her heart skip a beat or two. The boys spiritual pressure was competeing with hers she could feel him sense him on almost every level, and yet he was least she thought he was alive. Sakura glanced at Ichigo out of the corner of her eye and when the lunch bell finnally rang she left the room quickly needing to get as far away from Ichigo and his spiritual pressure as humanly possible. Dissappearing in the middle of class would not have been a good thing and that was what she had been about to do. Dissappear and get as far away as possible.

"Hey." a boys voice drew her attention from looking out ove the city and she turned to face Ichigo as he walked towards her.
"Stay there." Sakura called back to him frightened, she didn't want him coming any closer she didn't know if she'd be able to keep breathing if he did.
"What are you doing here? Why did they send you?" He called back walking fowards. "And why wasn't I told anything?"
"What...what are you talking about?" Sakura asked as she pressed her back against the fence that kept students from falling off.
"Since when do we play stupid? Which squad captian are you with? What's going on that you'd be sent here?" Ichigo damamded of her again and Sakura shook her head feeling her heart skip a beat.
"I don't know what your talking about!" Sakura responded then fell backwards feeling the fence seemingly dissappear but in truth she had phased once again out of her human frame and into her spiritual one.
"Hey!" Ichigo shouted then she was being caught in a set of strong arms and he was holding her, only then did she realize she ahd been screaming.
"Calm down Sakura." Ichigo said showing that he had recalled her name from earlier.
"Easy for you to say.." Sakura said clinging to the black kimono that he was wearing now. Her smaller fingers holding tight. "Your world just didn't try to dump you out of it."
"You...honestly have no idea about any of this do you?" Ichigo said as he looked at her then down at the ground and shook his head. "Your a Shinigami."
"A shini-whatie?" No, no I'm not I'm not 'death-god.' " Sakura protested and Ichigo sighed bringing her back to the roof top.
"Sure you are, your related to Toshiro Hitsugaya right?" Ichigo said as he set them both down on the school roof.
"I..don't know I don't know who my family is." Sakura said and blinked when Byakuya appeared.
"Let her go Kurosaki, we have been tracking her and she needs to be brought before the soul society."
"For what?" Ichigo said and Byakuya answered.
"Stealing the powers of a Shinigami." He said and Sakura went wide-eyed.
"I'm no thief." She protested looking at him. "I've always been able to do this, since the moment I was born. I didn't take this from anyone!"
"That is yet to be determined." Byakuya said and Ichigo shook his head.
"Sorry but she stays with me while you figure this out. I won't take no for an answer." Ichigo said pointing his large sword which reminded Sakura of a really large butchers knife at the other man who narrowed his eyes.
"Very well Ichigo but that means you are responsible for this girl, if she runs you will be charged with the crime." Byakuya said turning.
"Not going to be a problem, because she's not going to run." Ichigo said and Sakura sighed.
"I was unaware that it was a crime to be born." Sakura gripped glaring at the other.
"It's not."Byakuya answered loooking back at her. "But the question of your being a Shinigami must be answered."
"My parents were Taki and Seishiro Hitsugaya. I don't know anything other then that." Sakura said looking at him.
"Seishiro Hitsugaya?" Byakuya said looking at her then turned. "I see."
"He see's what?" Sakura said softly and Ichigo shook his head as Byakuya dissappeared and he once again put his body on. Ichigo looked at her then sighed.
"You might want to find your gigai..."
"What's that?" Sakura asked as the cherry blossoms swirled around her frame and she was once again in her school uniform.
"Never...mind." He said shaking his head and sighing. "Come on we need to get back to class."
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first Chapter for Sakura Hitsugaya. She's a fun character Her shinigami state is really much different then her human....but the story needs to go further to see it more.