Status: Continuing.

Bleach, Shinsei Sakura Seimei-maru

Chapter 2 Zakura-Kadoguchi

Ichigo was sitting down for lunch, it thankfully was a Saturday and no school however he did have Sakura with him and she lived on the other side of him.
"Let me get this straight your sword in it's normal form?"
"Is a Katana, clear bladed with a twinge of cherry blossom pink." She said smiling faintly as she moved her straw about in her drink. "The hilt is rapped in silk and the cross gaurd forms a four pointed star with a beaded chain hanging down from each point, three beads then a crystaline sakura, repeated three times. The cloth around the handle is a pale icy bluish pink in tone." Sakura answered him smiling faintly.
"Okay...and the name?" Ichigo said and she tipped her head.
"OH her name?" Sakura asked.
"Yes, my blade is Zangetsu." Ichigo said looking at her.
"Mmm. It's a strong name." Sakura said smiling brightly and Ichigo groaned.
"Zakura-Kadoguchi." Sakura said in answer to him and then leaned back lifting her drink and taking a large sip. "It's her name."
"Zakura-Kadoguchi?" Ichigo said looking at her and blinking. Her name was Sakura and her blade was Zakura?
"We are one and the same two parts of the same." Sakura said smiling and looking at him then tipped her head.
"Is Zangetsu not your partner? A part of who you are?" She asked and Ichigo paused before nodding. "Yeah.
"See, it's the same." Sakura said brightly then tipped her head. "Although Bankai was a bit hard to master at first."
"You can go Bankai?" Ichigo asked looking at her.
"Yeah, I can, it's not easy not in the least I nearly died soo many times but it was either go Bankai or get eaten by one of those icky lost souls."
"Lost souls?" Ichigo asked.

"Mm yes the ones with the mask and the blank spot in them."
"You mean hollows?" Ichigo asked.
Sakura nodded. "yes them." She said softly wanting to leave, right now she seemed like she was getting along with Ichigo but it was only because there were Shinigami close by and talking to him seemed easier then running for her life from them, since there swords could hurt her. Ichigo had warned her of that and that she would be safer staying by his side.
"So let me get this straight, you're my age and already have Bankai?"
"Yes,but so do you right?" Sakura asked him and he nodded.
"Yeah but it took me three days to get it, and it nearly killed me to do it." Ichigo said looking at her.
"Wow, that's impressive."
"Yeah and how long did it take you?" Ichigo said feeling more at ease asking the girl questions.
"Two weeks."
"I see, and how old where you?" Ichigo asked wanting to feel a bit triumphant but if she was born with this gift then...
"Oh, I think I was eight at the time...maybe nine."
Ichigo stared at her, a child prodigy, like Toshiro Hitsugaya, she had to be related to him her skills with her Zanpak-to everything it was like Captian Hitsugaya alright.
"Right...and I got it half a year ago." Ichigo said shaking his head.
"Really that's great!" She said smiling and looking at him. "You shouldn't feel bad about that, Zakura-Kadoguchi told me after I mastered it that many died trying to get it, and those who did get it took centuries. the fact it only took you three days is incredible!"
Ichigo looked at her and smiled. It was interesting being with her, she saw the good in everything.
Ichigo looked over as Rukia and Renji walked over neither one looking happy.
"We have to take her in Ichigo." Renji said looking at her as Sakura stood.
"For what reason?"
"You where born on earth, there is no way you could have those gifts." Renji said and looked at her. "So we have to take you in."
"No, I won't go." Sakura said as she stood and narrowed her eyes.
"You don't have a choice." Renji countered as Ichigo started to stand to protest.

Sakura looked at them.
"Okiro Zakura-Kadoguchi!" She cried out as cherry blossoms swirled up around her and she was no longer in the clothes she was wearing but in White and red Shinigami robes. Her kimono was pure white with cherry blossoms wrapped around the sleeves going towards her shoulders. Her hamaka was red with white flower petals going up towards her hips from her feet. Wrapping up from her left hip to right shoulder was a golden sash from which hung her sword. Reaching up she pulled it out and glared at them, the blade was a rosy hued crystal, the cross gaurd a four pointed star with beads hanging down from the points and tiny 'sakura's' every fourth space, the hilt was wrapped in silk going back, the silk alternating between icy blue and cherry blossom pink.
Ichigo watched as both Rukia and Renji pulled there swords and she would be in trouble she didn't know Renji's blade.
"You're in trouble now." Renji said as he began go to first release.
"Ten Kara oriru Zakura Kadoguchi!" Sakura answered and began to move and dance on the wind as her sword split into two fans, of intricate gold design with pale blue and pink stones in the metal work, but it was icy winds and cherry blossom petals that were stired up she danced and moved basically handing Renji and Rukia there attack back to them with little to no effort on her part. Ichigo was impressed. Her Shikai was a powerful attack and one she was obviously used to using.

Although her white and red uniform was pretty and a nice change from the always in black look. ....