Status: Continuing.

Bleach, Shinsei Sakura Seimei-maru

Chapter 3 The fourteenth Squad of the Shinigami...

Sakura left quickly not wanting to be taken to this Soul Society for something she didn't do. She hadn't taken anyones powers she had been born with these. Ichigo had hollered at her to wait a moment but she hadn't listened instead running off to get as far away from them as humanly possible, once out of the way she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
" what?" Sakura said nervous as she looked about. "This isn't good. Zakura Kadoguchi what am now?"
Find a safe place to rest for now. We'll figure out the rest as it comes.
Sakura nodded slowly and turned as she looked about seeing a spot to rest she moved over to there and placed her sword against her back sitting down and drawing her knees up.

She wasn't sure how long she had been resting there but when the orange head of hair appeared before her she felt fear rise up in the bit of her stomach. Standing she went to get away as the figure dressed in black with a large cleaver for a sword approached her it took her a moment to realize that his sword was not drawn.

"Hey, your a hard person to find." Ichigo said as he walked towards her and shook his head.
"Did you find her Ichigo?" A male called out walking up, he was dressed in all white sporting cross's and wearing glasses.
"Yeah Uryu." Ichigo said looking over.
The other walked up and shook his head holding out his hand. "The soul Society has some odd views on things. It's not like the only one's out there that can have unique gifts are them after all."

Sakura looked at them. "You're not out to take me back to them then?"
"No, Okhiro is not something I've ever heard a Shinigami say when they were leaving there gigai, it's not something I've ever said." Ichigo said shrugging.

Rukia frowned as she was being patched up, not good this was not good, Ichigo was siding with the girl and not at all happy with any of them at the moment. But Byakuya was right, her powers...she had to have gotten them form somewhere. But what if the girl was telling the truth and that she had been born with them? Not liking this Rukia left the soul society and once again entered the Earth going to Urahara's house and sighing.
"Ah Rukia what can I do for you?" He asked tipping his head and looking at her from beneath the rim of his green and white stripped hat.
"We've run into a Shinigami who isn't part of the thriteen court squads." Rukia said as she sat down. "I'm not refering to Ichigo, of course and she unlike him or any of us for that matter is dressed all in white and red."
"White and red you say?" Urahara said looking faintly interested.
"Any ideas?" Rukia asked.
"Shinsei." Urahara said sitting back.
"What?" Rukia asked and he laughed.
"Shinsei, half mortal half Shinigami, possing skills unique to her alone that no mortal or Shinigami can weild. Problem is they are usually hunted down and killed because if it got out that Shinigami could have kids with motals they would all be doing it."
Rukia sighed and shook her head. "So this girl has a death sentence just because she was born?"
"Yes, in the soul society her birth is a crime. And the main reason is that she can preform a console without the use of her Zanpak-to."
"Your kidding" She said shaking her head.
"I don't kid about things like this Rukia you know that." Urahara said shaking his head.
" come I've never heard of them then?"
Urahara looked at her and closed his eyes. "Because the 14 Division is the one assigned to take care of them."
"Oh." Rukia said slowly standing and paling. The fourteenth was not one that was well known they were whispered about, the boogyman in the soul society.
"Ichigo is one as well but he was spared because unitl you awoke it in him, he showed no signs of the Shinigami skill over then being able to sense spirits."
"But she was born.."
"Yes, she was born Shinigami, and they will send the fourteenth after her. In order to remove the blight on soul society, it's a shame really I would love to study her."
"Urahara!" Rukia said aghast.
"Relax, I meant ask her questions and learn more about her gifts and what she can do. That sort of thing I leave the more nasty stuff for my sucessor." He waved an paper fan in the air a moment before grinning as Rukia flinched. "So she weilds the fans of Zakura Kadoguchi huh?"
"Yeah how did you know...that they were fans or that was what she called out."
"Simple Seishiro Hitsugaya once weilded Zakura Kadoguchi, he had pale white hair and podwer blue eyes."
"That sounds like her." Rukia said softly.
"Yeah, doesn't surprise me, he's probably her fater, and if you think Hitsugaya sounds fimilar it is, Seishiro was Toushiro's older brother."

"His...older brother? Captian Hitsugaya's older brother? Rukia breathed.