Status: reposted

If My Heart Was a Compass Then You Would Be North

At The Beginning

“Why aren’t they opening the door?” I asked impatiently, the package in my hand growing heavy as I danced around on the porch. It was hot, and I could already feel sweat on my skin, making me all sticky. But I didn’t care. I had gotten the new power ranger for my birthday and I couldn’t wait to see my best friend. I hadn’t even opened it yet, because he had one too, and we were going to open them together and battle.

My grandmother laughed. “Britt, honey, they’re probably coming now. You’re too impatient. Nate isn’t going anywhere.”

I rolled my eyes. Me grandmother could be so dense. “Nana, this power ranger is the newest one right now. Nate’s been waiting for me to get it for like two weeks. He hasn‘t even opened his. Do you know how hard that is? Not opening this? It‘s harder than anything you‘ve ever had to do!”

She laughed and rolled her eyes as well. “You two are just so cute together.”

I made a face. Was she serious? “Nana, come on, Nate is my best friend. We’re buddies. Best buddies. We’re cool, not cute. We don’t want cooties.”

She smiled, and patted my head. “Just wait honey. Just wait.”

“Wait for what?” I asked.

She laughed. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

I made a face, hating when people told me that. I was eight, not seven. I mean seriously, I could handle so much more now. The door opened finally, and Nate stood there, and I forgot everything Nana was saying. I saw that his face lit up when he saw me, and the package I was holding. “Let’s go,” he grinned, grabbing my hand as we ran up to his room.

- - -

“Nate!” I shouted, bursting into his room.

He got up quickly in his bed, and saw me, groaning before falling back down. “Go away.”

“Stop being so lazy,” I scolded him as I walked over to his bed and jumped onto it.

“Stop being so annoying,” he mumbled back. “Why are you here so early?”

“My dad dropped me off on his way to work. Now we can spend the whole day together! Now come on sleepy head,” I grabbed his covers and shook them to wake him. “I want to go get a bagel from Dunkin Donuts.” When shaking the covers didn’t work, I tried to pull the off of him.

“It’s down the block, go yourself,” he said, waving me off, his eyes still closed as he tried to put the covers back over his head.

“But I can’t go by myself,” I pretended to be appalled. “I’m ten not twelve.” I rolled my eyes, and smacked him through his covers. “Come on! I want a bagel.”

“Why am I friends with you?” he questioned, sighing as he finally took the covers off of him and sat up, rubbing a hand through his bed head.

I grinned at him, knowing he would do what I wanted now. I had really known all along. I always got my way. It was the way of our friendship. “Because no one else likes you,” I shot him a smile. “Now move your lazy butt! The morning is going away!”

“Dunkin Donuts serves breakfast all the time,” he rolled his eyes. “I could get up in three hours, and we could still get the same things.”

“But I want it now duh,” I rolled my eyes as well, as I got off his bed, and yanked him arm -- hard.

He glowered at me as he rubbed his arm. “I hate you.”

“You love me,” I winked it him. “Now go brush. I can smell your breath all the way from here.”

He smirked. “Oh really?” He moved closer to me.

I moved back, panic on my face. “What are you doing?”

“Can you smell it now?” he asked, edging closer and closer.

He blew his morning breath in my face, and as fast as I could, I ran away.


“This is kind of scary,” I whispered to Nate as we walked towards our new school. Sixth graders, that’s what we were now. Middle school lay before us. Our whole futures were there.

Nate grinned, and linked my arm with his. “It’ll be fine Britt. We’re a couple of Ds going in together all the way. It’ll be so awesome. I want to join the basketball team, and the football team, and the soccer team, and the floor hockey team, and the—“

“And every other team there is,” I finished for him, rolling my eyes. “You mean you want to do so many things that you won’t even have time for me anymore.”

“No, come on Britt,” he said. “You know we’re best friends forever. We’re so going to be best friends till the day we die. I’ll always have time for you.”

“You better,” I took a deep breath as I looked back at the new school. “Or remember, I know where you live.”

He laughed, and started to lead the way. “Besides, you can join the soccer team with me.”

I nodded slowly. I had always liked soccer.

“And if that doesn’t work, I think you’re manly enough to make the football team,” he smirked at me.

I glared at him, smacking his arm. “You’re so funny Nathaniel Dewilders.”

“But that’s why you love me Brittany Dunbar,” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “Again with the jokes.”


“This is the coolest thing ever,” Nate said as he carried another box into my new room.

“I know,” I grinned, setting my own down on the ground. “This is going to be so awesome! We’re going to live right across from each other. Who would have thought? Now we’ll definitely be best friends for life.”

“And now we can play football,” he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “Not everything is about sports you know.”

“Right,” he laughed. “That’s why you’re always at my house tossing the football around, right?”

“I just needed you to teach me how to throw it,” I blushed.

“And now you throw it better than half the guys I know,” he smirked. “You’re just a dude.” He pushed me slightly.

I glared at him. “I am not a dude Nate Dewilders!”

He laughed. “Okay, whatever.”

“I hate you,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“No you love me, but that’s okay,” he said.

I threw one of my pillows at him, and he laughed, running out of the room.


”High school,” he groaned, laying back onto his bed.

“High school,” I repeated, falling next to him, grinning. A new step, a new beginning, a new crowd. I couldn’t wait.

He sighed. “I don’t want to go.”

“Why?” I looked at him. This was the first time I had heard of this.

“We’re going to different schools,” he reminded me. “It’s going to be so weird not having you there all the time.”

“At least there will be no one there to annoy you,” I tried to cheer him up. The truth was that that fact had bugged me too. But I tried not to think about it.

“Oh but it’s so much fun,” he rolled his eyes.

“Don’t worry dude,” I promised him. “You’re not getting rid of me so easily. Best friends for life, remember?”

“But it’ll be completely different.”

“We’re going to different schools, not different planets,” I said, praying his words wouldn’t be true. “Besides, I live right across from you. I’ll still be over your house every day. You’ll probably get sick of me.”

He laughed. “Probably not.”

“Yeah, definitely not.”

He sighed again. “So this is it, huh?”

“You sound like we’re breaking up or something,” I giggled, rolling my eyes. “Chill out man. Everything is going to be the same. Now shut up, I want to take a nap.”

He laughed, but didn’t say anything. I closed my eyes, and prayed everything would be the same. I didn’t think I would be able to bear it if it changed. And from his tense body next to mine, I could tell he was praying the same thing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes Our Love Is Like A Song is back under a new title. I think this title is so cute :] And it's going to go with something later in the story ;] I changed Adam Derby's name to Nate Dewilder. But Britt Dunbar is still Britt Dunbar, name courtesy of Britt (peaceperson) :] Other characters coming soon! Comments anyone? As always, they're greatly appreciated. :]

At The Beginning ;; Richard Marx and Donna Lewis