Status: Finished!

Your Eyes Tell Me What I Need to Know


Hearing the the door to the apartment door open, Katrina made no move to get off the couch. She had just woken up not ten minutes ago. Dressed in a pair of Hank's basketball shorts and a maternity tank top, Katrina heard three voices. Being in her seventh month, she had finally gotten the large belly. Hearing the bag of golf clubs being dropped off of Hank's shoulder, Katrina rolled her eyes. “Put the golf clubs away or I'm going to throw them out.”

Hearing laughter, she picked up the remote and turned off the TV as she looked up and saw Hank stop by her and press his lips to hers in a short kiss. As he made his way down the hallway, she sat up a bit more and gave a smile to Marc and Sean before Marc disappeared towards the kitchen. Sean on the other hand, sat down next to her and took her hand in his before kissing her knuckles softly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hank walking back into the room.

“Kat, you should have my babies.”

Katrina couldn't help, but laugh. “Oh I should?”

“Step away, Avery,” Hank's voice made Katrina turn and look at him. “Don't come within three feet of her or I'll rip your dick off and feed it to you for dinner.”

Grinning Sean didn't drop Katrina's hand. “I'd like to see you try you big Swedish fish. She's gonna leave you for me someday.”

“Okay boys,” Katrina said as she steadied herself and got off the couch. “Thanks for the offer Sean, but one is good for now. I want to be able to play soccer as soon as he comes out, well give or take a few months.”

“Do you guys have a name picked out?” Marc asked as he walked back into the living area with a cold water bottle.

“No.” Katrina said, crossing her arms and sending a glare towards Hank.

“We did, until Kitty started being stubborn about it,” Hank said watching as she walked towards the kitchen. “I had her set on Fredrik Alvin and then all of a sudden she doesn't like it. We had this problem with Gavin Tyler.”

“That's because they don't sound like they go together. Picking a name is something that will cost money to change and I don't want to do that. I don't want to give my son a name I don't like.”

“I swear every time I come over, you have some different name for that kid and you bicker like a married couple.” Marc laughed.

“Then stop coming over.” Katrina said before looking over at Hank who had a smirk on his face.

“I think we should tell them,” Hank said walking over to her and placing his hand on her stomach. “It has been five weeks.”

“I know, but I didn't think we'd tell them until after-”

“Baby, you know as well as I do that everything is finalized. Shannon is just taking her sweet time in sending the certificate.”

“What are you two talking about?” Sean asked as he stayed seated on the couch.

“When Kitty and I went to California to visit her friend Shannon and be a part of their vow renewal, we decided that we had avoided the topic enough. We talked it over and decided that we would get married.”

“So when are you planning on tying the knot?” Sean asked. “I need to know so I can plan the bachelor party. Kat you don't mind us taking him to a strip club, right?”

“No bachelor party needed.” Katrina said as she rubbed her stomach as Hank walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, letting his hands rest on her belly.

“Oh, c'mon. Let the man go to the strip club and get wasted.”

“You only do that before you get married.” Hank said, as he leaned down and placed a kiss on Katrina's neck.

“Wait,” Marc said as he looked at them. “Are you two already married?”

Smiling, Katrina turned and buried her head into Hank's chest. Hank looked at his two friends and nodded his head.

“Holy shit.” Sean said as Marc walked over to the couple and peeled Hank's arms off of Katrina so that he could hug her.

Wrapping her arms around Marc, Katrina let him hug her as best her could with her large stomach getting in the way. When his arms dropped from around her, Katrina looked into Marc's eyes. “I didn't think that was what you wanted.”

Grabbing Marc's wrist, Katrina looked at Hank and he knew this was something the two of them needed to talk about. Alone. Walking into the bedroom that she had spent most of the early morning cleaning and organizing things to finish putting into the baby's room, Katrina dropped Marc's wrist and climbed onto the bed. Patting the bed next to her, she told Marc she wanted him to join her.

“Is this the bed where Hank was-”

“This is a brand new bed. I refused to live in a home where there are memories of him sleeping with other girls while he had my heart.”

“I didn't think you'd be this kind of girl, Kat.”

“What kind of girl? The one that gets pregnant by a man who is so in love with someone else that it wasn't even funny? Or the kind of girl that goes with what her heart knows?”

“The kind that gets married for the sake of a baby.” Marc said as he took his shoes off and climbed on the bed.

“I didn't marry Hank because of the baby,” Katrina said as she placed her hand on her stomach. “I married him because the ass hole made me fall so in love with him that I can't think of anyone else I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“And you couldn't wait until the end of next season or even after the baby was born?”

“Being in California with my old teammates and people who impacted my life in one way or another made me really emotional. I know Hank wanted to go golfing with the rest of the guys on the second week we were there, but I told him no. At first I didn't really mean it, but then again I did. Not once did he complain that I made him stay with me. And everything he's been doing for me and helping with has made everything so much easier. After Shannon's wedding, we were taking a walk on the beach as the sun was setting. It was beautiful Marc. He asked me if I would ever consider marriage with him. I told him yes. And then he ran and wrote something in the sand and when I got there I saw what he wrote. Will You Marry Me?. I told him yes and we talked about it and we decided before we came home that we would be married.”

“So Shannon got to be there while me and Sam were out here?”

“No, she wasn't there and neither was her husband. It was me and Hank and witnesses that were provided. After the baby is born and what not, we plan to have a bigger wedding out here with his family and all our friends.”

“Are you sure that this is really what you want?” Marc asked, his blue eyes looking into hers. “I'm sure that if you don't want this, there is someway to end it.”

“For the first time since all the drama and what not, I can honestly say that I'm really happy. I love being married to him and he's already trying to get me to agree for more kids.”

“You haven't even had this one yet,” Marc argued. “I just can't believe you got married to him.”

“You like Hank, you like me. You know that we love each other even with everything that happened with us. Sometimes it just takes the right person in the right setting to make you realize that you have what you want and then I guess I didn't want to have the chance where it would slip away from me.”

Marc understood where she was coming from, but he still wished that they would have waited until the baby was born at least until they made such a life altering decision. “As long as you're happy, then that's all that matters.”

“I am,” Katrina said before covering her mouth as she let out a yawn. “I'm also always tired.”

“Take a nap,” Marc said watching as she slowly moved down on the bed to get comfortable. Leaning over her, he placed a kiss on her forehead before getting off the bed. “I hope that you know what you're doing Kat.”

Closing the door, Marc walked back into the living room area where Sean and Hank were. He told them that she was asleep before sitting on the couch. Hank walked back there after a few minutes to check on her. Seeing Checkers curled next to her, he smiled before going back out to the the guys, he smiled before grabbing the blanket from the end of the bed and covering her with it before leaving her to get some sleep.

Three hours later Katrina woke up. Hearing Hank's phone go off from his bedside table, she moved over to grab it. Looking at it, there was no name, just a number. The same number that had called three different times last week. Thinking about what Marc had been talking about she knew that she needed to bring this to Hank's attention. Katrina emerged from their bedroom with her hair tossed up in a messy bun. Not seeing Marc or Sean in the living room, she made her was into the kitchen. “Where are the guys?”

“They went home about half an hour ago. You get some sleep?” Hank asked from his spot as he was making a sandwich.

“Yeah,” Katrina said. “He started kicking my ribs again. I think we need to talk.”

“About?” Hank asked, turning to look at her.

“You. Me. The baby.”


“No, Hank. I just need you to listen to me and understand where I'm coming from.”


“Last night when you were in the shower your phone rang. I let it go because I was trying to fall asleep, but when it started again I was going to turn it off, but when I looked at the name I was hurt by what I saw. One of the girls that you were sleeping with is calling you?”

“She calls when she gets lonely,” Hank explained. “I don't answer anymore and I erase all messages from her. I am going to have her number blocked. Do you doubt me, Kitty? After everything lately?”

“I love you and I know you love me and that has nothing to do with this. But we are married and I don't want to see those numbers of those girls. It was bad enough when I wasn't pregnant and we weren't married and I'm not trying to sound like a jealous bitch, but-”

“But nothing. There are only three things in my life. You, our son and hockey. Nothing else comes close. I won't mess this up. I did that too many times already.”

“So there is nothing I need to know about?”

“Only that I love you more than anything else,” Hank smiled before placing a soft kiss on her lips. “And that I think he needs a Swedish name.”

“Only when I hear one that I like.”

Hank laughed as he kissed her again before getting his sandwich. “Do you want something to eat?”

“Yeah,” Katrina said with a small smile. “Can you make me some grilled cheese?”

“If that's what you want.”

“I do,” Katrina said as there was a knock on the door. “I guess I'll have to get that.”

“Yes it does.” Hank said before leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. When he went to move away, Katrina kept him there for just a few moments longer.

“I love you.” She told him as she looked into his blue eyes. Kissing him one more time, she smiled before walking over to the apartment door.

“What cheese do you want?” Hank called out.

“American and pickles on the side!” Katrina called out to him as she opened the door.

Looking at the person in front of her, she looked into their eyes which seemed very familiar to her. “Can I help you?”

“I'm looking for Henrik. Is he here?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Any guesses as to who is at the door? I hope you like it. Let me know how it was!

I posted a Ryan Miller one-shot and would love to know what you think. Check it Out